30 Votes in Poll
Apart from Mysterio, Green Goblin and High Evolutionary are great "love to hate" villains too.
Michael Myers would definitely survive due to being mute.
MCU!Thanos has been argued to the main protagonist of Avengers: Infinity War.
Dick Hardly. Legit, that sounds like a pornstar's stage name.
Out of these 3, Poor Unfortunate Souls.
In general, Hellfire.
Overrated as fuck, just like the entire FNaF franchise. I like Matthew Lillard's performance as him in the movie but that's literally it.
I like Matthew Lillard's performance as him, but I couldn't care less for the games.
One could actually argue that Peek's fate is worse because of the fact that we viewers have no idea what exactly happened to him; at least Victor was (maybe) put out of his misery once the police found him. Your imagination fills in the blanks with Peek, and it is not pretty.
Either way, Victor and Peek are both great examples of a villain having no real redeeming qualities, while at the same time receiving a fate so objectively horrifying that you can't help but feel sorry for them. At least in my opinion. I used to think otherwise, but now as an adult...
30 Votes in Poll
Since when did Bill become a YouTuber?
Probably Negan from The Walking Dead. I think he's a cool villain with some standards, but he should never have gotten a redemption arc in my opinion, he deserved to rot in that cell beneath Alexandria for the rest of his days. He's even worse than Bryce Walker; he brutally murdered, raped, enslaved and tortured countless people for his own sick thrills, including children.
He's gonna be a dad soon, too. Happy birthday Dante.
@Romeo and Robot I'm not against John or Tiffany. They were both justified IMO.
An actual opinion. I sided with John Doe in the finale's Vigilante route the entire time.
Vigilante Joker did nothing wrong.
Doom literally has an entire trope involving robot decoys to trick his foes named after him.
Lex straight-up left Mercy to die after she saved his life. He doesn't deserve her.
Excluding the above examples, I also really liked Vandal Savage's redemption arc in the Justice League cartoon. After committing mass murder and attempted world domination for countless millennia, he spent 30,000 years in complete isolation after wiping out all life on Earth via gravity imbalance, regretting his actions while unable to fix his mistakes because he can't go back in time to any period where he still exists. Then Superman was accidentally sent to Savage's time by Toyman, and since the former was already "dead", he was thankfully able to fix the past. Savage's last words before fading out of existence forever are "thank you, my friend."
23 Votes in Poll
How so?