I do also think Infinite is a good villain (despite his backstory being a bit weak). Although I have no clue how he could be considered hot. He has a cool design, sure, but certainly no attributes I would call attractive.
Venom was the whole reason I watched Sony’s weird Spider-Manless Spider-Man films, and now he is dead. I will never forgive them for this. Until they inevitably bring him back in some convoluted way.
Smile entity
I feel one around Voldemort/Tom Riddle could be cool.
This is going to bug me all day! It sounds so familiar. It’s right on the tip of my tongue.
Amongst the most bada*s villains ever.
Screenslaver is the worst offender in my opinion. I just love the design of the Screenslaver persona so much, along with how intimidating the early scenes of it are, such as when it starts speaking through the talk show host. Those were so well done that it was disappointing when it was just the woman called “Evil Endeavor”. There was so much potential wasted.
I love irredeemable fantasy villains!
I love the symbiotes in general. They’re just such a cool idea. Ultron is also cool, though I feel the MCU did him dirty. He has killed the Avengers in several timelines, then he gets reduced to a single movie.
If this indeed is Afton, then it’s a great villain. Love the idea of Afton being too angry to die. If it’s the Mimic, then, while I like the idea of the Mimic, I don’t like the idea of him replacing Afton as the main villain.
If it’s Michael in his prime, which basically means his appearance in any entry except Ends, then Michael is winning without a doubt. It is just one Death Angel after all. If it was plural, that would be another story.
Despite being terrified of sharks for no logical reason, I do agree that they are made villains too often.
I have got to say, Sarris from Galaxy Quest had a really good one.
Power Rangers has a plentiful well of bad villain names, such as Chunky Chicken and Babe Ruthless
I feel like they did Ultron dirty in the MCU.
Valak (Conjuring)
Kyuss (Dungeons & Dragons)
I have never seen Gravity Falls, but I know for a fact he doesn’t feel remorse or guilt, so no, not a tragic villain.
I quite like everything about the Overlord (including Crystalized. Never really understood why people hate that season.)
I voted for Yokai because 1. Only one I know, and 2. I really like the character’s design. It’s quite cool.