Personally I don’t think Carl is remorseful in the slightest. Because he only expresses remorse when Eddie justifiably (and surprisingly satisfyingly) put Carl in a position where he is made to suffer for his cruelty of both himself and Eddie and Anne’s son Dylan. Albeit dumping him in the middle of a huge desert where he is days away from land. Which due to the weather conditions and lack of resources, Carl knows he will very likely die in a horrific way in the form of thirst/starvation. And Carl begging for forgiveness is him simply trying to convince Eddie (foolishly believing that Eddie wouldn’t abandon despite Venom having taken over Eddie saying he would kill Carl if he saw him again). So I think Carl isn’t remorseful for his actions, simply wants to be saved by Eddie from suffering a horrible death and is just a selfish person who happily hurts his own son just because he blames him for Jamie’s death. Despite the fact Carl and Jamie were the ones that wanted a family and had sex to do so. Overall Carl’s a miserable person who got what he had coming to him.
Honestly the only redeeming thing about Carl is his love for Jamie. And her death is no excuse for what he did to Eddie, Dylan or anyone else he abused throughout his arc. Personally if I was Jamie, I would be disgusted and overall disappointed in Carl for his actions and want nothing to do with him.