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The one who is least likely to murder me.
@Davidtome146 Zundapp is not “way” more evil than Axlrod since they’re both PE. “Way more evil” presumes the difference is significant.
Choose spite because paranoia can be understandable in some cases, while being too spiteful doesn’t.
2 of them are poorly written, 1 is to a least extent, 1 is disturbing. I’ll pick Stu over Gwi-nam because I have some familiarity with the former.
Anxiety is not a villain, but she’s sure a better character than Lightyear Zurg.
I checked and it seems like I guessed correctly.
I guess a life sentence. Either imprisonment of doing public services forever to fix the mess he caused.
I suppose it’s Dick Dastardly from Wacky Races.
This is basically relatable vs funny.
As for Jax, we’ll have to wait to see how he develops.
We know that he isn’t Completely Evil, but whether he’ll redeem or not has yet to be seen.
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And just being the grandfather of the Big Bad doesn’t make him the Bigger Bad. With this logic Soichiro and Sachiko Yagami are Greater-scope villains of Death Note.
Are this kind of polls even allowed?
I don’t know who Preme is, and I don’t think the other options are talked that much.
If the henchman was working for them they do have some responsibility over their crimes, although this is case-by-case.
No, because resorting to murder, even if the victim deserves it, won’t fix the problems.
D-16 was consumed by vengeance and he likely would have become even more eager to murder if allowed to kill Sentinel.
Well, more likeable (usually) yes. But I wouldn’t say it necessarily would make them more sympathetic, a PE who is not an Hate Sink fighting against a PE/HS crossover would be less repulsive but still PE.
Zündapp sure would win. I mean, who could ever get close to defeat him?
I think this has already been discussed in the past, but he himself affirm he shouldn’t hunt Puss since he’s not dead yet.