I don't know who the hell most of these people except for Stu so I went with him.
My bad boy crush Adam. <3
Death and Big Jack Horner.
@Shredder 18 Thx. :)
He's my bad boy crush honestly. His voice, his looks (with or without the mask), his stupidity, I can't explain it he's just a babe to me. <3 And the fact that he's implied to be overweight just makes him more attractive to me. I want him to hug me, hold me in his arms and cuddle me like a big teddy bear.
Nice to see the Jim Carrey version getting the love he deserves.
Death. A perfect blend of terrifying and sexy imo.
Well out of that list, The Evil Entity. He's just this ultimate embodiment of evil, but ever? Eh...Bill Cipher. Please don't hate me people. I know that's generic.
Hard to say because it's just his one appearance. I'd like to wait and see more of him. Love his design though.
Ok first thing, 1) what's the villain in the last pic on the first row? 2) Terminator and Kurgan are not horror villains.
I have not.
Yes. So far. He embodies everything I want in a villain. He's funny, threatening, has a cool design, and he's an interesting character.
Well, he's my second favorite movie villain of all time. I should have been more specific. My first favorite movie villain is Jack Nicholson's Joker. My favorite villain in all of fictional media is probably Bill Cipher.
2nd favorite villain of all time.
This show helped me with my depression after i had the worst breakup. It still does.
Adam is my ultimate bad boy crush. There I said it.
How would you feel it's overrated if you haven't seen it?
Jack Nicholson. I like how his backstory of falling into a vat of chemicals was kept, I like his connection to Batman's past, and he has the best kills with my fav being the electric buzzer.
Mysterio was plenty good. Jake Gyllenhaal killed it in his performance and I'm not even normally a fan of Non-Action villains.
I mean Jason comes back to life after having drowned. Michael Myers has unexplained immortality (or at the very least it changes depending on the continuity I don't keep track). I just feel like the slasher genre is so over the top in general.