Why is fanfics not allowed on this Wikipedia website
Why is fanfics not allowed on this Wikipedia website
@DoctorOnion87 Sure
He is literally Stronger and Faster then Tai Lung
@Notsussybaka900 You didn't reply to what i said about Cartoon Cat beating this fodder cat,This means your running out of arguments so you grasp on to something i said 10 hours ago if you cant debate anymore then just accept your defeat and move on
Ok this is very off topic so umm Im just gonna change the subject, Cartoon Cat outscales Tai Lung and is far more Superior when it comes to Strength,Speed, Durability and Experience
There reason why he gets experience is cuz he is a ancient evil
And he is far more agile
I am offended you just said that
@Notsussybaka900 Statements = Feats
@Notsussybaka900 So we are still doing that crap again?
@Notsussybaka900 Well he still beats Tai Lung so end of discussion
Cartoon Cat wins Beyond Negative Diff
Oh god dang it one sec
https://www.youtube.com/tv#/watch?v=7W94ya8hJqs&list=RD7W94ya8hJqs listen it was too hard to send the scans heres the video containing the scans
@Notsussybaka900 HE ISN'T FEATLESS
@Notsussybaka900 Alright in post or something idk just give me moment
I didn't bro listen I will send you the scans if I can
Well even if we're gonna "highball" or anything
City level is higher than building
Okay then CC feats
He can destroy the Long Horse tunnel which connects all the universes of the verse or 12 th body which contains the verse
He can manipulate his description and is therefore omnipotent
(sorry i accidentally said omnipresent when hes actually omnipotent)
He is the fastest creature of TH and exceeds Long Horse who has infinite Speed so he exceeds the concept of time and speed or Upside down man who is omnipresent + travels in universes and teleportation
Durability/ Endurance :
He can survive all of Trevor's entities even those that can manipulate reality and physical concepts
Transcends all kinds of cosmology
Exceeds all dimensionality because its true form is chaos the absence of all structures + it transcends the 4th wall and can change its dimensionality (Ex: become 2d when it goes in the screens)
Cartoon Cat can break the fourth wall and travel through reality and Cartoons
Cartoon Cat is Trevor Henderson's most powerful cretures and he can defeat them all,It means that Cartoon Cat can defeat World eater which can devour planets,Void Nugget which can create black holes and erase people from reality or 12 th body which can alter reality their powers do not affect him or Golden Pyramid which is Bill Cypher himself
Cartoon Cat has a true form already that it is 1 -B in base it must be much more powerful in his true form
@Notsussybaka900 Debatable