Lois is a murderer, she killed and old man just becouse she could and she killed a lot of other people. She tried to rape people she almost rape Justin Bieber and she raped other people she possibly used drugs while pregnant with Chris and Stewie. Lois bullied Mag and when Meg was in a weak mental state Lois put pills that could have killed her next to Meg. She let everyday Peter abuse her family while she could have divorced him, she stole Meg underage boyfriend. She almost drown Stewie in the toilet. She kidnap a co worker and gave peanut to his other allergic co worker becouse she wanted to be the custumer of the week of a coffee shop. She has forced Peter to have sex,killed a jaywalker,allegedly forced peter to have childrens,She gave alcohol Peter so he could play piano better, she even drugged Stewie alongside Peter, she killed a waitress,hired Glenn to harrass Connie,humiliated Joyce in pubblic,she almost killed Stewie a lot of times with her bad parenting,had peter assault a random woman in her house,she abbandoned Meg while she was a just a baby to the firefighters department door and she tried to do the same thing again with his childrens. She hid Stewie body after running him over with the car. She drilled peter and his friends in the attic living them without food or water. She neglect her family. She pulled the plug on Peter. She cheated on Peter multiple times. She almost let Joe die when he reminded her of Meg. in a eppisode she stole a lot of things. She showed her p*rn film to the church full of people and maybe minors. The old woman she killed. And many other crimes. But she is a hero? Ok.