20 Votes in Poll
20 Votes in Poll
Raul Menendez
Candyman has got to be the most boring and uninspired horror villain of all time. A tall handsome black dude wearing a fur coat and khakis? Oooo, I'm getting goosebumps just typing this. Every time he talked, his voiced echoed as if he were a voice in someone's head. And he just kept throwing out a bunch of cliché horror one-liners about exquisite pain and becoming immortal. I don't know, it just didn't do anything for me.
28 Votes in Poll
15 Votes in Poll
Opila Bird
21 Votes in Poll
Tony Todd
1. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer
2. Marquis de Gramont
3. James Patrick March
4. Vaas Montenegro
5. Joseph Seed
6. Kai Anderson
7. Trevor Philips
8. Agent Smith
9. The Analyst
10. Jack Krauser
11. The Beldam
12. Lucas Baker
13. Hannibal Lecter
14. Pyramid Head
15. Light Yagami
16. Deckard Shaw
17. Dandy Mott
18. The Joker
19. Tyler Durden
20. Tate Langdon
21. Raul Menedaz
23. Margaret Booth
24. Jason Voorhees
25. Colonel Ives
26. Leatherface
27. Claude Frollo
28. Abomination
29. Tippy Tinkletrousers
30. Kang the Conqueror
31. Chucky
32. Patrick Batemen
33. Dexter Morgan
14 Votes in Poll
16 Votes in Poll
The Dead Rising series' psychopaths are an eccentric bunch, consisting of disturbed and sadistic individuals. However, there are some of them that can make you feel quite guilty about killing them, one of which is Slappy. Slappy is an eighteen-year-old mascot of a fast food chain of the same name who you encounter in Dead Rising 2. Chuck comes across the teenager as he weeps over the dead body of another mascot, a girl who Slappy had a crush on. The two of them were going to go on a date before the zombie outbreak began, and seeing as Chuck is blamed for starting it, Slappy tries to take revenge for his dead love by attacking him. Although you kill him in self-defense, the fact that Slappy is just a teen who loses his mind due to grief doesn't make you feel good about doing him in, especially since in his death cutscene, he curls up to his girlfriend's corpse and dies, telling her they will both be fixed in the great "toy box in heaven." Their love story is like Romeo and Juliet... if it were set in the zombie apocalypse and the two main characters were corporate mascots with oversized heads.
20 Votes in Poll
Light's motivation was never to make the world better. He is a narcissist who is motivated by being adored by the masses. The main hint for this is that he declines the Shinigami Eyes because he doesn't want to sacrifice his own lifespan to eliminate "bad people" - he wants to live a long life and be able to enjoy his endgame of being a supreme godlike figure in the world. Light kills plenty of innocents. By the end of the series, he is not even basing his decisions off of criminality but rather practicing his own personal form of eugenics by killing anyone he disagrees with. There's no reason to believe that Light has a line either - he would very likely kill any innocent person who got in his way or disagreed with his subjective version of "justice". Killing "criminals" does not actually reduce crime. Because crime is symptom of other issues like mental illness, poverty, lack of opportunities, etc - Light is effectively putting band-aids on bleeding wounds, but he's also causing just as many more bleeding wounds - consider what life is like for the orphans he has left without parents, or the impact of the police force focusing so many resources on finding Kira rather than actually fighting crime, or how about the fact that he is promoting a culture of fear and terror? Light is not redeemable in any way, and there's no valid reason to consider him a hero unless you have an extremely naive view of ethics and morality. I still enjoy the character, but that's mostly because the writers did a phenomenal job of making him a narcissistic sociopathic twerp who is easy to hate on.
As a spirit, his existence is eternal, thus he cannot be killed or destroyed.
22 Votes in Poll