22 Votes in Poll
Allison Janney* sorry for the typo everyone
22 Votes in Poll
Tai Lung and Shen is obviously one of best written animated villains, as for both Kai and Chameleon they still pretty great foes even their backstories may not be powerful as Tai Lung and Shen
I would say Francis because at least he represents Tim and Boss Baby's antithesis yes he maybe obnoxious and a main villain from lackluster movie but the movie really portrayed that he's a strategic foe which makes him a better villain than other villains from lackluster films such as Chelsea, Hendricks, Makunga and Prince Charming
Dr. Armstrong makes no sense as a villain
I still pick Guy Gagne true his twist reveal may came out of nowhere but he doesn't reveal to anyone except Turbo himself because he knows that Turbo was inspiring him this whole time and he thanked his popularity so that everyone can watching him win and trying to beat Turbo while he was on a race
For me it's Yokai/Professor Callaghan
They seemed a perfect crime couple for Illumination way better than Maxime & Valentina
30 Votes in Poll
42 Votes in Poll
Hmm not really it's just people didn't really see how poorly-written they were, and I feel you should watch Jambareeqi's DWA villains ranking video he's got a good point there
@Wut the fella Nah dude, he's lame ass generic alien. Boi got defeated by powerless Susan so easily
Eh. He's not that good honestly the movie forced him to be a sympathetic character but it doesn't work at all why would I forgive someone who just tricked his own friend to become an outlaw, tried to frame his friend but he himself still wasn't learn anything from the prison and he literally attempt to destroy his own hometown by using a golden eggs
57 Votes in Poll
Here are some villains that I considered patehtic and very lame I should include the twins from Trolls, Captain Smek from Home, Humpty and Charming from Shrekverse (But these villains are objectively worse imo).
73 Votes in Poll
Well I guess all except Makunga
Prince Charming had a good motivation to avenge his mother's death but sadly he didn't really execute his plan better, the third movie butchered his character and all other characters as well
Here's my thoughts
Death and Jack Horner are amazing, Marmalade is alright but still pays well as a true heist antagonist
Chelsea and the twins are downright wasted potential and terrible
Mrs Tweedy
Finally someone recognizes Red Death, I think Tighten and that dragon are my favorites