28 Votes in Poll
28 Votes in Poll
Well I'm not sure if who framed Roger rabbit is canon to Looney toons (but if it is then Judge Doom would obviously be a game changer)
Oppressing chickens with rules I gess
The dark queen picture 💀
Honestly as cool of a villain he is
Fuck him.
Honestly I'm not sure both of these twist villains are terrible
@Shredder18 so you didn't put any rapists on your birthday cake? I can understand that
For a split second I thought all of those characters were Pure Evil (still nice cake)
Jackson storm is a neutral character
68 Votes in Poll
Any villain is better than Kylo
Dont insult humpty dumpty
Why is mah boi gallaxhar here he's cool
I love how absolutely nobody voted Monty
What does this have to do with the smile entity
Smile entity
Stu's a silly guy
Ones a damn child with braces the others a genius who can make crazy inventions in one minute that would take us 8 years to even get close to making no further explanation needed