Images and videos of AUTO from Pixar's 2008 film WALL-E .
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Early AUTO Design, as he appears in the Deleted Scenes
WALL-E [ ]
AUTO's appearance in "BURN-E" .
AUTO's introduction in "WALL-E" .
AUTO remembers protocol A113.
AUTO wakes up the captain.
AUTO with Captain B. McCrea.
AUTO watching the captain drinking coffee.
AUTO tries to turn on EVE.
AUTO and Captain B. McCrea meet WALL-E, believing he is a part of the ship.
WALL-E gives a book to Captain B. McCrea and AUTO.
AUTO sees Captain B. McCrea reading a book.
AUTO opens the book for Captain B. McCrea.
AUTO with Captain B. McCrea and WALL-E.
AUTO blocks the elevator.
Captain B. McCrea stops AUTO.
AUTO shows the Captain why it can't let them go home.
"Sir, orders are "do not return to Earth."
"Must follow my directive."
AUTO revealing his true nature and blaring off an alarm at Captain B. McCrea.
"Give me the plant." WALL-E refuses to give AUTO the plant.
AUTO pulls out their electricity taser.
AUTO’s villainous breakdown as they angrily electrocute WALL-E.
AUTO looks on as an injured WALL-E falls down the trash chute.
AUTO about to turn off EVE.
"All communications are terminated."
"You are confined to quarters." AUTO rises to power and locks the Captain in his room.
"Not possible." AUTO being tricked by the Captain into thinking he has the plant.
"No." AUTO baffled by the Captain's claims.
AUTO punches Captain B. McCrea.
"ENOUGH. " AUTO’s second breakdown as it furiously spins its wheel, turning the Axiom lopsided.
AUTO crushes WALL-E under the Holo-Detector.
As AUTO watches WALL-E get crushed, Captain B. McCrea stands up and walks for the first time.
AUTO pulls out their taser for its final duel with Captain B. McCrea.
Captain B. McCrea overpowers AUTO.
No… " AUTO's
demise as Captain B. McCrea sets him to Manual mode.
Videos [ ]
Wall-e Captain Rising
AUTO's demise.