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The unnamed Abusive Husband is a minor antagonist in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run. He is a Nobleman and son a wealthy financial commissioner who frequently abused his ex-wife; of Wekapipo's younger sister before their marriage was annulled.
The Nobleman was a violent and sadistic man who had no real love for his former wife, describing her to a beaten down Wekapipo as a "boring lay" that he only gained pleasure from by beating while they were intimate. He was extremely selfish, having no remorse for his actions other than the social consequences of having his marriage on the verge of being annulled when Wekapipo informed their priest of his sisters abuse. In an official duel to settle whether the marriage would be he was eager to kill Wekapipo.
In 1883 the Nobleman got married to Wekapipo's younger sister in Naples per the latters urging thinking it would make his sister happy. However during the six months they were married the Nobleman frequently beat and sexually abused his wife to the point she went blind in her left eye. When Wekapipo discovered the state of his sister he went to their priest to gain permission to annul the marriage, the Nobleman hearing of this, attacked Wekapipo, angered that his reputation and social standing would be ruined in the eyes of his father and friends. After insulting and degrading his soon to be ex-wife to Wekapipo, he challenged him to a duel to the death to determine whether the marriage would be annulled. The next day the two fought with their countries native weapons; the Steel Balls though he is swiftly skilled by Wekapipo.
Powers and Abilities[]
The Abusive Nobleman possesses skill with the Steel Ball and by proxy the 'Spin', The Native Weapons within the Kingdom of Naples, though he is not as proficient as someone with extensive training.