Adolf Schatz is a minor antagonist from Faces of War, allies campaign and a minor protagonist from Faces of War, german campaign. He was a german submachine gunner and soldier of the Reich.
Adolf Schatz was a submachine gunner in the German Wehrmacht. On August 19, 1944, he went to Saint-Lambert with some other soldiers in a truck, but the vehicle suddenly stopped and did not start again. In the almost completely destroyed small town there was a ruined church, in which there were injured Canadian soldiers and only three men, Christian Gallaher, Trevor Roberts and Francis Jackson, protected them. Schatz and another soldier started on foot in the direction of the church, while the remaining three soldiers remained behind to guard the truck. Gallaher and the two Canadian soldiers hid because they believed the Germans would not enter the church but would repair the truck and move on. However, Adolf and the soldier stopped in front of the church because they felt something was wrong and took out their weapons, and when they saw one of the Canadian soldiers they started shooting. Christian knew that the Germans would not show mercy to the wounded if they were found in the church, so he came out of his hiding place and started shooting at the Germans with a Bren bullet launcher. Adolf was wounded and fell to the ground bloody, and upon hearing the shots, the soldiers guarding the truck rushed to the church, but Gallaher killed them all. Schatz was thought to be dead as well, but in fact he was still alive but unconscious. On January 16, 1945, he returned to the Ardennes offensive and took part in the attack on Louvain and the capture of Height 152. His fate after the war is unknown.
Little is known about Adolf Schatz's personality, but it is likely that he was a cruel, merciless and evil person, as he would have been able to kill dying, wounded and suffering soldiers.