Aegon II's personal coat of arms (ASOIAF).
Aegon II with his direct family of the Green party.
Aegon II being crowned king.
Aegon and his sister-wife Helaena, who was plump like their half-sister Rhaenyra and their father Viserys I in the novels.
King Aegon II with Queen Helaena and their mother Queen Alicent.
Aegon and Sunfyre fighting Rhaenys Targaryen and Meleys.
Aegon and Sunfyre heavily injured.
Aegon after reuniting with Sunfyre, fighting Baela Targaryen and Moondancer.
Aegon and Sunfyre in Dragonstone.
Aegon watching Rhaenyra's execution.
Aegon executes the Shepherd by burning.
Aegon II on the Iron Throne.
Crippled Aegon at the foot of the Iron Throne.
Aegon II's personal coat of arms (House of the Dragon).
Adult Aegon in House of the Dragon.
Aegon's first appearance as an infant
Aegon tended to by wetnurses
Aegon observes Jaecerys bonding with Vermax in a bored fashion
Aegon about to prank his younger brother Aemond
Aegon before his mother scolds him for pranking Aemond
Aegon at the training yard
Aegon tries and fails to beat Cole
Aegon assaults Jace with Cole's consent
Aegon discusses his betrothal to Helaena
Aegon is harshly handled by his grandfather
Aegon is questioned by his father
Aegon lazily sleeps in response to his mother's fury over him sexually assaulting Dyana
Aegon after being severely scolded over sexually assaulting Diana
Aegon observes the petition unfolding
Aegon after Daemon publicly beheads Vaemond for insulting Rhaenyra
Aegon looks at his brother after their uncle beheads Vaemond Velaryon
Aegon quietly listens to the dinner prayer
Aegon eyes his brother after their nephew dances with their sister
Aegon supports his brother's toast to their nephews
Aegon is found by Ser Erryk and Arryk under his grandfather's orders
Aegon is halted by his brother and Criston Cole under his mother's orders
Aegon fails to plead to his brother to be allowed to go into exile to be unburdened of his duties
Aegon is restrained by his more martially skilled brother Aemond
Aegon is told by his mother to refuse his grandfather's order to kill his half-sister Rhaenyra
Aegon is blessed by the High Septon in his coronation
Aegon heads towards his coronation
Aegon beings to rejoice in his own coronation
Aegon enters the throne room.
Aegon sits on the Iron Throne.
Aegon requests the whereabouts of his son Jaehaerys from his sister and wife Helaena for the small council
Aegon reassures his sister of their family's safety against the enemy from Vhagar's presence in King's Landing
Aegon observes his son's playful nature in the small council
Aegon suggests an attack on the Riverlands with the combined might of Sunfyre and Vhagar and the blockade's destruction
Aegon holds court as King
Aegon is urged to hire a more forceful Hand of the King to avoid being as seen as his grandfather's puppet like his father
Aegon furiously erupts on his father's model of Old Valyria after the murder of his son
Aegon curses his half-sister for the murder of his son
Aegon openly mourns the death of his son