Agent 7M, also known as Colossus, real name unknown, is the main antagonist of "The Coming of...Colossus!", the first story of Marvel's Tales to Astonish volume 1 #58, which was published in 1964. He is a military scout for Vega Superior's empire, which spans across the Vega system. As a Vegan, Agent 7M externally resembles a human, with the exception of two small horns on his head, which generate an anti-gravity field that allows him to properly stand, as Vegans are 9.14 meters tall. While a powerful opponent, Agent 7M proved to be superstitious and cowardly, also appearing to be oblivious to Earth's superhuman population and abilities.
He was created by Stan Lee, and featured on the cover of Tales of Suspense Vol 1 #67, presumably by mistake, as he was not featured in the story.
Agent 7M was a scout for Vega Superior, who was sent to Earth in the 1960s to assess the planet's potential to be conquered. He landed on the peak of a mountain in Bora-Buru, Africa, but found that the sides of the mountain were sheer faces, preventing him from climbing down. For unknown reasons, he decided to carry out his mission from the peak, learning human languages and then terrorizing the locals around the mountain by shouting at them from the peak, demanding a human sacrifice, as it would allow him to study humans. Believing him to be a deity, the locals named him Colossus, but when he began to demand sacrifices, the locals managed to contact the Avengers for help. The Avengers sent two of their members to deal with Agent 7M, namely Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, who together made up a superhero duo known as Giant-Man and the Wasp.
The pair approached the peak by jet, but Agent 7M saw them coming, managing to grab the jet out of the air and throw it to the ground, although the heroes bailed out just in time. On the ground, the heroes shrank to the size of insects and scaled the mountain, unseen by Agent 7M, and then took him by surprise, with the Wasp using quick energy blasts against him while Giant-Man grew to giant size to properly combat him, although Giant-Man was unable to match Agent 7M's height. While the Wasp managed to throw Agent 7M off-balance with well-timed blasts to his feet and inner ears, Agent 7M was still able to overpower Giant-Man, who had been tired out by his size-changing. However, when Agent 7M moved to throw Giant-Man off the mountain and to his death, the Wasp managed to fire a full power energy blast at Agent 7M's chest, knocking him back and making him drop Giant-Man, and from Agent 7M's perspective, he had been struck by invisible energy that he thought came from Giant-Man. After being dropped from Agent 7M's grasp, Giant-Man then shrank to the point that Agent 7M could no longer see him. Confused and frightened by the sudden turn of events, which he was unable to understand, Agent 7M came to the conclusion that humans were sorcerers, able to change size at will, vanish, and knock down large opponents with their minds. With that, Agent 7M ran to his ship and fled the planet, notifying his superiors that Earth was too dangerous to invade, cancelling the planned invasion.