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The Agito are major antagonists from Dragalia Lost. They consist of six individuals who each has a transformation of some sort led by Nedrick.
The Beast forms of the Agito were originally beasts made of black mana created by the faeries to expand their power. Over time, however, they proved dangerous and too strong so they were sealed into masks which would grant their wearers enormous strength and the ability to transform into the beast sealed in said mask.
At some point in time, Nedrick obtains the masks during his time in the Faerie kingdom and plans to use them to further his plans in saving the world via the Dawnshard.
Distributing the masks[]
The first person to receive an Agito mask is likely to be Volk, who Nedrick met him after witnessing him being thrown out of a nobleman's house when he tried to kill the man's son. Volk is initially terrified of him and tries to fend him off so Nedrick, impressed by his tenacity grants him the mask, telling him that he could use its power to destroy the natural order of the strong lording over the weak. Volk accepts the mask's power, which he uses to kill the nobleman's son.
The second person to receive a mask was Ciella whom Nedrick found wounded after templars cornered her in a cathedral and tried to burn it down. Nedrick tells her that with the mask's power, she could expose the Ilian Church for all its lies and bring it to justice, which she accepts as well partially due to her current situation, using the mask's power to transform and kill the templars.
The twins Ayaha and Otoha receive the masks from Nedrick after being banished to the mountains of Hinomoto due to accidentally killing a mercenary. He tells them that they can free themselves from the shackles of society by using the power of the masks, which they accept before wreaking havoc on their hometown for mistreating them.
Nedrick likely found the dormant Kai Yan and awakening him, gave him an Agito mask in order to further his own plans in culling the weak and becoming the apex living creature.
Finally, Nedrick found the heavily injured Tartarus in the abyss and not only grants him a mask to replenish his draconic powers stripped from him, but also repairs his body with metal prosthetics, leading Tartarus to gain a greater respect for Nedrick than the rest of the Agito.
In the interlude for Chapter 13, they kidnap and assassinate a corrupt member of the Illian Church and set the building on fire. Shortly after, Volk and Ciella infiltrate the building for certain documents. They were able to procure them from Harle who handed them to the two Agito on a silver platter.
- Nedrick: The original Prince Euden, Nedrick was thought to have died to the Wyrmscale disease before appearing years later, revived by the Origin, Bahamut. Under his new name, he seeks to free himself of Bahamut's demanding half-pact by forming a true one, as well as save the world from Xenos both using the Dawnshard. His weapon of choice is a large sword, and can transform into Bahamut via his incomplete pact.
- Volk: He is a man who has deep resentment towards the privileged and seeks to put them to the slaughter. His weapon of choice is a modified lance and can transform into a winged werewolf.
- Kai Yan: He holds a social Darwinist attitude towards other species, after his own peaceful brethren were killed due to their inability to defend themselves, and thus wishes to eradicate all coexistence. His weapon of choice is a mace and can transform into a Minotaur.
- Ciella: She was once a Paladyn of the Illian Church until her discovery of the church's widespread corruption led her to abandoning her cause, she now seeks to liberate people from the "false justice". Her weapon of choice is the bow and arrow and her transformation is that of a harpy.
- Ayaha and Otoha: The two sisters possess a twisted sense of freedom, doing whatever they want however they want. Their respective weapons of choice are an axe and a fan, and their transformation is that of a fused butterfly fairy.
- Tartarus: A former servant of King Alberius who seeks vengeance against the world for taking his lord away from him. His weapon of choice is a laser sword and his transformation is that of a bipedal manticore.
- Despite being rather heartless and cruel, Nedrick has shown to be kind to the Agito, allowing Kai Yan to go off and purge some people for a short even though they were on a mission, as well as in Dragalia Life #377 ( Which are mostly considered canon), he is shown to be giving money to the Agito so that they could buy lunch for the lunch meeting.
- The comic strip also revealed what food the Agito enjoy:
- Volk and Kai Yan like meat, with Volk liking his meat raw.
- It is further specified that Volk's favourite food is in fact, gyros while Kai Yan enjoys grilled chicken breast.
- Ciella likes croque-madame sandwiches.
- Ayaha and Otoha like sushi.
- Tartarus likes pancakes.
- Volk and Kai Yan like meat, with Volk liking his meat raw.
- The comic strip also revealed what food the Agito enjoy:
- Judging by how the Agito all introduce themselves as "we", it is likely that the beasts sealed into their masks have a sort of influence on their psyche especially during their Berserk phase in Legend difficulty. Gala Beast Volk, a shade of the wolf beast Volk possesses, has the epithet "Fangs of the Fangless" which Volk introduces himself as, meaning that the beasts could speak through the owners of their respective masks.
- Likewise, Ayaha and Otoha state in one of their memories that as Nedrick told them that whoever has power has freedom, and thus with the masks they are completely free, contrasting their previously somewhat normal personalities, which could mean that the masks drove them insane with power or they are being influenced by the beast sealed inside as well.
- The Agito by technicality are not a true evil organisation as neither of them truly work with each other, merely having the same goal and each using their own method to achieve it. Likewise, they do not truly see Nedrick as a leader and merely respect him as he who gave them their powers.
- In some ways, the members of the Agito have some similarities to Euden and his friends despite their clashing beliefs:
- Volk shares similarities with Ranzal as they both come from different extremes in society both of which they don't fit in, with both of them despising the uppity higher class. Incidentally both are the first people that Euden and Nedrick ask to join their group.
- Ciella and Elisanne were both former members of the Illian Church but both of them defected after seeing the corruption in the Church.
- The way Ayaha and Otoha claim they share the same heart between themselves is similar to how Laxi and Mascula's hearts share the same body.
- Kai-Yan and Luca both come from remote villages and often seen as the strongest member in their village. The two both attempted to spread peace at one point, though Kai Yan gives up while Luca doesn’t.
- Tartarus and Cleo once served King Alberius prior to joining their respective groups. They also were very close to the king, with Cleo being Alberius’s favourite companion and Tartarus seeing him as the most important person in the world.