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Villains Wiki

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Villain Overview

It's no fun if there's no resistance...
~ Andross
I've been waiting for you, Star Fox. With my mighty intellect, the universe shall soon be mine to command as I see fit. Opposing me is truly a death sentence... Just ask your father.
~ Andross to Fox McCloud and Star Fox in Star Fox Zero.

Emperor Andross is the main antagonist of the Star Fox franchise.

He is a malevolent primate scientist who seeks out to take over the entire Lylat system and has clashed against the Star Fox team on many occasions. He is the arch-nemesis of Fox McCloud due to his involvement in the disappearance of his father, James McCloud.

He was voiced by the late Rick May in Star Fox 64 (who also voiced the Soldier in Team Fortress 2), Duncan Botwood in Star Fox Adventures, and by David Frederick White in Star Fox 64 3D and Star Fox Zero.


When he was younger, Andross was once a well-intentioned, authoritative and respected scientist. Unfortunately, his increasing lust for power drove him to the brink of madness, presumably by damaging his brain. He was eventually banished from Corneria to Venom after his refusal to terminate his increasingly unethical experiments resulted in the destruction of a large portion of Corneria City and he is now bent on ruling the entire Lylat System.


Star Fox SNES[]

In Star Fox SNES, Andross himself is not fought, but he does have a metallic face against Fox when the latter makes his way into the center of Venom, where Andross makes his lair.

Star Fox 2 SNES[]

In Star Fox 2 SNES, Andross returns as the final boss, but this time he has cybernetic implants on half of his face possibly after recovering from the previous encounter with Fox.

Star Fox 64/Star Fox 64 3D[]

In Star Fox 64 and it's remake Star Fox 64 3D, Andross is once again faced at the core of Venom. He has two forms.

Phases 1 and 2[]

During his first phase, Andross attacks with his two hands. One attack has him throw a punch, another a slap, and then an attempt to crush Fox between his palms. He can also suck Fox into his mouth. If Fox avoids him, Andross will spit out rocks, which can be destroyed for health or bombs. If Andross eats Fox he will spit him out for damage. The crystals on his hands are his weak points. His main weak points, however, are his eyes. If they are shot before his hands are destroyed, he will shoot an energy wave. Shooting a bomb into his mouth will stun him long enough to do massive damage. The second phase occurs after his hands are destroyed. It is basically the same except Andross's attacks which involve his hands are now disabled.

Phase 3[]

Once his head is destroyed Fox will fight Andross's brain. Andross sends his two eyes after Fox, which shoot lasers at him and are attached to him by electricity. Fox can destroy these with a few hits, and can get behind them by doing a loop. Once the eyes are destroyed, Fox must attack Andross's weak point, his cerebellum. Andross will eat Fox and spit him out if the latter gets too close to him. He can also teleport away from Fox, usually behind him, and if he takes damage may follow him around. Also, sometimes when he takes damage there will be small blobs of what is most likely blood, which can damage Fox if he flies into them. He does not have any other attacks. Once defeated, Andross will be destroyed in an explosion created by the last of his power to take Fox down with him.

Star Fox: Adventures[]

The battle is similar to that of Star Fox 64. After chasing the Krazoa God statue into outer space, Fox McCloud realizes that his rival is still alive and that things are not done.

Phases 1 through 4[]

At the start, before Fox can fight Andross straight on, he must first fight the Krazoa head on the back of Andross' head. He attacks with a sonic energy wave from his mouth. Fox must shoot the Krazoa head's eyes and the crystal on his forehead. Once all three are gone, Andross will turn around. He attacks with his two hands, which are vulnerable before they attack and must be shot to destroy them. After attacking Andross will try to inhale Fox, who must barrel roll or boost to the side of the screen to avoid it. Afterwards, Andross will spit out rocks (which may contain health). If he eats Fox, he will spit him out for damage. Once the hands are destroyed Andross will turn around and the entire process must be repeated, except this time the Krazoa head shoots the same ships from Dragon Rock at Fox, and his hands can shoot energy waves.

Phase 5[]

Once his hands are destroyed a second time, Andross will begin to inhale Fox, which cannot be escaped from, until Falco suddenly returns and stops Andross, saving Fox in the process. From here, Andross will send more of the yellow ships at Fox and spit out rocks.

As he does, Falco will fly by and give Fox a bomb. After Fox gets a bomb, he must shoot his bomb into Andross's mouth as he tries to inhale him. This will turn his head transparent and make his brain vulnerable. Fox must focus his firepower on the brain (which has a health meter), but Andross often waits for a few seconds and charges at Fox, who must dodge every few seconds to avoid this.

Timing Andross's attack pattern is a good way of avoiding it, and he only charges three times while transparent. Eventually, his head will become visible and the process must be repeated until Andross is defeated.

Star Fox Zero[]

After Fox McCloud makes his way to Andross's room, the battle starts.

Phases 1 and 2[]

Andross's battle in Zero is similar to his 64 battles, but the way to defeat Andross is different. First, Andross builds a massive cylinder barrier to cover himself. The barrier attacks Fox by firing debris from certain points of itself. Fox must find an opening on the cylinder to face Andross inside. Once he does, he must turn the Arwing into its Walker mode to venture inside.

Once Fox is inside the barrier, Andross's head then turns metallic and summons two hands. The hands will try to crush, grab, and punch the Arwing, so Fox must outrun or fly away to avoid the attacks. During the attacking animations, the hands will show a red (turns yellow after a certain amount of damage is dealt) symbol on the palms, so Fox must shoot at the symbols to damage the hands. When one hand is destroyed, Andross charges a massive burst of energy, which will severely damage Fox if he stays inside the cylinder barrier.

The energy burst is released as giant lasers from the openings of the cylinder, so Fox must maneuver around the cylinder and avoid the lasers before it is safe to re-enter the cylinder. During the second phase (when one hand is destroyed), Andross may also try the Scrapworm's grapple attack.

Phase 3[]

Once the second hand is destroyed, Andross releases another energy burst, which must also be avoided before the penultimate phase of the battle begins. Once again, Fox must make his way around the debris.

Now limited to a head, Andross attacks Fox by biting him, spitting out fragments, and shooting laser beams from his eyes. To damage him, Fox must shoot into Andross's mouth when it is opened to hit the core of Andross. After enough damage is dealt to the core, Andross is stunned and Fox must maneuver to the other side to hit a red gem located on the back of his head. The timing of Andross's stun is limited, so Fox must hurry in order to deal plenty of damage to the gem. Once the gem on the back of his head receives enough damage, Andross's barrier collapses and his head begins breaking apart. Fox makes his getaway.

Phase 4[]

As Fox tries to make his getaway from the exploding Venom, Andross attempts to take his enemy down with him by biting the Arwing. Andross is behind the Arwing, so Fox is unable to damage him. Eventually, an illusion of Fox's father distracts Andross and forces him to turn around. Optionally, Fox can turn his Arwing around and attacks the gem on Andross's head, destroying him and escaping Venom once again.

Other Media[]

Super Smash Bros.[]

Andross made appearances in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii, Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS for the 3DS, Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U for the Wii U, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Switch, where he can be sent out as an Assist Trophy. Strangely enough, this is the SNES Star Fox's Andross (which is a different timeline from the main canon of Star Fox 64, Star Fox Adventures, and Star Fox: Assault). He attacks by shooting blocks at his summoner's opponent.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Andross appears as three spirits, all primary grab types. The first, based on his SNES Star Fox appearance, can be summoned using the cores of Porygon and the Commander. The second, based on his Star Fox 64 appearance, is fought against Ganondorf on the Venom stage with low gravity and Andross summoned as an Assist Trophy and the Sector Omega music playing. It can be enhanced to Andross's Brain at level 99, which boosts the fighter's stats when their percentage is above 100 percent.


Star Fox SNES/Starwing[]

Fox, you are a worthy foe, but your foolish efforts are futile! Your Arwings are no match against me!
~ Andross taunts Fox McCloud when the latter makes his way to Venom.
Ah... Your choice of routes took me by surprise!!
~ Andross shows his shock to Fox McCloud's route choice.
Your father was a reckless fighter too...
~ Andross to Fox McCloud about his father James McCloud.
But this will be the McClouds' last battle!!
~ Andross cursing the McCloud family before the final battle.

Star Fox 2[]

Star Fox, you mangy cur, how dare you challenge me again!
~ Andross
It's no fun if there's no resistance...
~ Andross
Gwarrg! You pathetic fools are completely worthless!
~ Andross
You are improving, Star Fox.
~ Andross
Impressive- but your existence ends here.
~ Andross
I will put you to rest. Don't worry- it will be quick.
~ Andross
You are just puppets of that fool Pepper!
~ Andross
I have not yet forgotten what you did to me before.
~ Andross
I control the Lylat System!
~ Andross, on the Game Over screen.
You will never destroy me!
~ Andross, if the player chooses to continue.

Star Fox 64/Lylat Wars[]

Ah! The son of James McCloud.
~ Andross taunts Fox McCloud in Area 6.
Those tin cans are no match for me.
~ Andross
I'm looking forward to this.
~ Andross
Ha ha ha! You can never defeat me!
~ Andross
I'll make those fools pay!
~ Andross
Hurry, Fox. I'm waiting for you.
~ Andross
I've been waiting for you, Star Fox.
~ Andross
You know that I control the Galaxy.
~ Andross
It's foolish to come against me.
~ Andross
You will die just like your father.
~ Andross
Now you will feel TRUE pain!
~ Andross
Only I have the brains to rule Lylat.
~ Andross enters his third phase when his brain is exposed.
If I go down, I'm taking you WITH ME!
~ Andross' last words when self-destructing after Fox defeated him.

Star Fox Adventures[]

Stop! Scales! You are no longer any use to me!
(Scales: Who are you? I demand you show yourself!)
I am the one you brought to Krazoa Palace. The EarthWalkers could see me, but you could not.
(Scales: I… don't understand?)
No, I didn't think you would. Your desire for power overwhelmed you, and blinded you to the truth inside. Now give Fox what he's looking for! Give him the final Krazoa Spirit!
~ Andross during the final fight between General Scales and Fox McCloud.
I am reborn! The mighty Krazoa God! Kneel all those that stand before me!
~ Andross poses as the "Krazoa God".
I've been looking forward to this day... to see you again, Fox McCloud!
~ Andross sees Fox McCloud again.
And now, to destroy the Lylat System!
~ Andross seeks to take over the entire Lylat System after his resurrection.
You lose again, Fox McCloud!
~ When Andross destroyed Fox McCloud.

Star Fox Zero[]

So, you must be James McCloud's son, eh?
~ Andross sarcastically greets Fox McCloud.
Well, Pepper's got you eating out of your paws just like your father... hasn't he?
~ Andross
A fox... taking orders from a dog. Is that really how you want to live your life, boy?
~ Andross to Fox McCloud.
You claim to fight for peace, but do you have any idea what that really means?
~ Andross
Do you REALLY want to spend your life running errands for worthless dogs?
~ Andross when his third phase takes too long.
I won't let you escape! You will perish here with me! You won't live long enough to regret your foolhardy bravado, Fox.
~ Andross to Fox McCloud.
Curse you, James McCloud...! WHY WON'T YOU STAY DEAD?!?
~ Andross' breakdown as he turns his attention on James McCloud, by turning his back on Fox McCloud and his last words after Fox McCloud and James McCloud defeated him implying James IS alive somehow.


  • Despite the fact that Andross was voiced by Rick May for Star Fox 64, many people believed that he was voiced by the late Tony Jay.
  • Star Fox: Assault is currently the only mainline Star Fox game where Andross does not appear, though his role and form were briefly taken over by his nephew Andrew Oikonny. This is because he was destroyed in the previous game Star Fox Adventures and is replaced by the Aparoid threat. While he doesn’t physically appear in the spin-off Star Fox Guard neither, he’s mentioned a few times by Pigma Dengar, who takes his place as the main villain in the game.
  • Andross also appeared in a popular scary internet video called "Obey the Walrus", which has garnered a ton of attention across the internet.
  • Andross' line in Star Fox Zero "Curse you James McCloud, why won't you stay dead?!" during his final phase shows he failed to kill him in this timeline. Should this timeline be the canon timeline, Andross never killed James. In the original even, Andross possibly brainwashed James.
  • Andross was not originally supposed to appear in Star Fox Adventures, as General Scales was supposed to be the main antagonist and there was no foreshadowing of Andross' presence until Fox's duel with Scales. The reason Andross was added into the game as the final boss was because the developers had to wrap things up, due to Microsoft's purchase of Rare. Thus, the developers had to replace Scales' battle with a cutscene and have Fox fight Andross instead.
  • The fact that Andross shifted his goals from ruling to destroying the Lylat system might be due to different writers.
  • In Star Fox Command, Krystal's account of General Pepper and Andross' feud is near reversed from Star Fox 64 with Andross on the hero side. If Star Fox Zero is the canon timeline and this happens, it'll be VERY ironic.
  • With Dash Bowman's existence as his grandson, it is possible that Andross may have married and had a child at some point in his life; similarly, the fact that Andrew is his nephew also suggests that he has a sibling.
  • Andross' English name might refer to Sir Edmund Andros, a governor of the Dominion of New England and of colonial Virginia in the late 17th century, where his governance in both regions was plagued by poor relations with the colonists and controversial, unpopular decisions.

External Links[]


           Nintendo's StarFoxTitle Villains

Andross' Empire
Andross (Benimaru Itoh) | Granga | Attack Carrier Captain | Meteo Crusher Pilot | Shogun Pilot | Sarumarine Captain | Forever Train Engineer | Caiman | Area 6 Commander | Spyborg | Goras | Gorgon | Phantron | Captain Shears | Oikonny's Army

Star Wolf
Wolf O'Donnell | Leon Powalski | Pigma Dengar | Andrew Oikonny | Panther Caroso | Algy | Ruffians

Dinosaur Planet
SharpClaw Tribe (General Scales) | Galdon | RedEye Tribe (King RedEye) | Drakor | ShadowHunter Tribe | Kalda Chom | Bloop | Kooshy | PopTop | Snaplak | Snipluk | FireCrawler Tribe | Brain Squid

The Aparoids
Aparoid Queen | Aparoid Ship | Cylindrical Aparoid | Pigmaparoid | General's Flagship | Aparoid Missiles

The Anglars
Anglar Emperor | Zazan | Octoman | Zako | Zoldge


            Bro Villains

Playable Characters
Bowser | Bowser Jr. | Dark Pit | Dark Samus | Donkey Kong | Enderman | Ganondorf | Kazuya Mishima | King Dedede | King K. Rool | Koopalings (Larry, Roy, Wendy, Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig) | Meta Knight | Mewtwo | Piranha Plant | Ridley | R.O.B. | Sephiroth | Wario | Wolf O'Donnell | Zombie

Subspace Army
Ancient Minister | Bowser | Bullet Bills | Duon | Galleom | Ganondorf | Goombas | Hammer Bros. | King Statue | Koopa Troopas | Master Hand | Petey Piranha | Primids | Rayquaza | Ridley | Porky Minch | Shadow Bugs (False Bowser, False Diddy Kong, False Peach, False Samus, False Zelda) | Tabuu | Wario

World of Light
Crazy Hand | Dharkon | Dracula | Galeem | Galleom | Ganon | Giga Bowser | Master Hand | Marx

Crazy Hand | Dark Emperor | Dharkon | Dracula | Duon | Galeem | Galleom | Ganon | Giga Bowser | Marx | Master Hand | Master Core | Metal Face | Petey Piranha | Porky Minch | Rayquaza | Ridley | Tabuu | Yellow Devil

Assists Trophies/Poké Ball Pokémon/Miscellaneous Items
Andross | Arceus | Black Knight | Bob-ombs | Boss Galaga | Bullet Bills | Burrowing Snagrets | Chain Chomps | Chef Kawasaki | Darkrai | Deoxys | Devil | Dr. Wily | Entei | Elec Man | Ghirahim | Giratina | Ghosts | Gray Fox | Hammer Bros. | Klaptrap | Knuckle Joes | Kyurem | Lakitu | Lord Nightmare | Metroid | Meowth | Mimikyu | Mother Brain | Palkia | Phosphora | Shadow the Hedgehog | Skull Kid | Spinies | Starman | Unira | Unown | Waluigi

Acro | Affinity | Akuma | Alraune | Albert Wesker | Amalthus | Andrew Oikonny | Antasma | Aparoids | Aparoid Queen | Arlon | Ashnard | Axel | Baba | Baby Bowser | Babylon Rogues (Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, Storm the Albatross) | Balrog | Banzai Bills | Bass | Big Boss | Bio Rex | Birdo | Black Shadow | Blood Falcon | Bokoblins | Blippers | Bloopers | Bombers | Bonkers | Boos | Boom Boom | Boom Stompers | Box Boxer | Boxy | Broom Hatters | Bugzzy | Bumpety Bombs | Bulborbs | Burt the Bashful | Buzzy Beetles | Byrne | Cackletta | Calamity Ganon | Camus | Cappys | Captain Syrup | Carmilla | Chandelure | Chaos | Chaos Kin | Chargin' Chucks | Chozo Soldiers | Clubberskulls | Colonel Pluck | Condor (Butterfly) | Careening Dirigibugs | Cragalanche | Creepers | Creeping Chrysanthemums | Count Bleck | Count Cannoli | Cranky Kong/Donkey Kong (arcade) | Daphnes | Dark Man 4 | Dark Matter | Dark Matter Blade | Dark Mind | Dark Monita | Darknuts | Daroach | Deadly Six (Zavok, Master Zik, Zeena, Zomom, Zazz, Zor) | Death | Deathborn | Deep Cut (Shiver, Big Man, Frye) | Devil Jin | Demise | Demon King Arzodius | Diggernaut | Dimentio | DJ Octavio | Don Bongo | Drackys | Dragaux | Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik | Dry Bones | Eagle | Edelgard von Hresvelg | Eggplant Wizard | EggRobos | Emerl | E.M.M.I. | Ender Dragon | Erazor Djinn | Evil Ryu | Father Balder | Fawful | Fiery Blowhogs | Flages | Fortitudo | FU | Fynalle | Gabriel Belmont | Gangrel | Galacta Knight | Galactic Fiend Kraken | Garon | Gengar | General Guy | Geese Howard | Gharnef | Ghasts | Ghosts | Gleeoks | Goda | Gold Bone | Golems (Kirby) | Golems (Dragon Quest) | Gomorrah | Gooper Blooper | Gordos | Goro Akechi | Great Reaper | Great Sabrecats | Grief | Gruntilda | Guardians | Hades | Hawke | Heihachi Mishima | Helmaroc King | Hewdraw | Hooktail | Hoopa Unbound | Hot Heads | Igor | Infinite | Ing | Inspired | Iori Yagami | Iridescent Flint Beetles | Iridescent Glint Beetles | Jade Face | Jeanne | Jin | Jin Kazama | Julius | Juri Han | Kalypso | Kamek | Kammy Koopa | Kanden | Karate Kong | Kass | King Bob-omb | King Boo | King Dice | King Dodongo | King Hippo | King Knight | King Olly | King Slimes | Kip | Kludge | Kracko | Kraid | Kritters | Kuma II | Kyle Merkulov | Leon Powalski | Lethiniums | Liquid Snake | Loptr | Lord Fredrik | Louie | Lurchthorns | Lyon | MB | M. Bison | Magnamalo | Magolor | Mahvas | Majora | Malladus | Malos | Masked Man | Master Belch | Master Kohga | Mecha Ridley | Medeus | Medusa | Megontas | Meta-Knights (Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, Mace Knight, Trident Knight, Blade Knights, Heavy Lobster) | Metal Sonic | Metroid Prime | Mimicuties | Moblins | Mockiwis | Moley | Monoeyes | Mouser | Mr. Frosty | Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright | Mugly | Nabbit | Natah | Necrozma | Nihilego | Nightmare | Nina Williams | Ninja Kong | Nipper Plants | Noxus | Nruffs | Nutskis | O'Chunks | Octoman | Octoroks | Olaf | Ornes | Pandora | Panther Caroso | Paper Bowser | Parasite Queen | Paz Ortega Andrade | Peckish Aristocrabs | Phantom Ganon | Pico | Pidgits | Piglins | Pigma Dengar | Pigmasks | Plague Knight | Plasma Wisps | Plasm Wraith | Pom Pom | Pompy | Poppy Bros. Jrs. | Princess Shroob | Quaggled Mireclops | Queen Metroid | Queen Sectonia | Rabbid Kong | Rabbids | Raphael the Raven | Reapers | Redd | Reshiram | Rhea | Revolver Ocelot | Riku | Risky Boots | Robot Masters (Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, Metal Man, Air Man, Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Wood Man, Hard Man, Top Man, Spark Man, Snake Man, Shadow Man, Drill Man, Dive Man, Skull Man, Gravity Man, Napalm Man, Knight Man, Wind Man, Slash Man, Sword Man, Galaxy Man) | Rockys | Rodin, the Infinite One | Roger the Potted Ghost | Rouge the Bat | Rufus Shinra | Ryuichi and Ryuji | Sagat | Salamence | Scarfies | Scurvy Crew | Shadow Beasts | Shadow Queen | Shaft | Shake King | Sheegoth | Shield Knight | Shotzos | Shroobs | Shy Guys | Sidesteppers | Sigma | Sir Kibbles | Skeletons | Skuttlers | Slimes (Dragon Quest) | Slimes (Minecraft) | Smoky Progs | Snowmads | Solidus Snake | Space Pirates (Kid Icarus) | Space Pirates (Metroid) | Specknoses | Specter Knight | Spire | Squeakers | Starmans | Strangelove | Stu | Swooping Snitchbugs | Sylux | Tacs | Tatanga | Thanatos | The Devil | The Skull | Therion | The Three Mage-Sisters (Francisca, Flamberge, Zan Partizanne) | Tiki Tak Tribe (Tiki Tong, Kalimba, Gong-Oh, Maraca Gang, Wacky Pipes, Cordian, Banjo Bottom, Xylobone) | Trace | Travis Touchdown | Turks (Elena, Reno, Rude, Tseng) | Turret Tusk | Twinbellows | Twinrova | Ultimate Chimera | Vaati | Validar | Vega | Viridi | Viruses | Vivian | Vorash | Waddle Dees | Waddle Doos | Walhart | Walkys | Wart | Weavel | Wheelies | Whispy Woods | Whomps | Wigglers | Wollywogs | Xord | X-Parasites | Yaldabaoth | Yuga | Yveltal | Zangief | Zant | Zekrom | Zero | Zingers | Zoda | Zurees

Billy Kane | Chang Koehan | Choi Bounge | Dr. Coyle | Dragonborn | Grima | Organization XIII (Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Vanitas) | Ryuji Yamazaki | Saïx | Solon | Spiders | Springtron | Team Rocket Grunts | Yiga Foot Soldiers
