Animar Belva is a minor antagonist of the manga Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Ghost during the Jaburo arc. He is a mercenary that serves Thoucus, and is also the pilot of the transformable Mobile Suit EMS-TCG01 Kirjarugu.
Animar is a prideful mercenary, believing that he will surely beat Curtis with the information from Erin Schneider. He is also seemingly proud of his Mobile Suit piloting skills.
When the Serpiente Tacon landed on Jaburo to obtain the dangerous space microbe Angel's Call to destroy it, Curtis, the leader of Serpiente Tacon landed on a forest area. In there, he was attacked by Animar Belva, a mercenary that originally came from the Zanscare Empire that is hired by Thoucus to kill him. Animar arrogantly told Curtis that since Erin told him that Curtis could only detect the environment around him by sound, and since he is blind, he chose the battlefield with him to be a forest, so that Curtis won't be able to find out his location. Thus, Curtis keep missing Animar as the beam saber of the Crossbone Gundam X0 kept cutting down trees instead of Animar's Kirjarugu. After toying with Curtis for a while, Animar tried to finish Curtis off, but to Animar's surprise, Curtis dodged it, as the true reason why he keep cutting down trees is to have area to detect sound, With that, Curtis blasted the Kirjarugu's cockpit at point blank range, destroying the mercenary and the Mobile Suit.