The Annihilan, more commonly known as Pit Lords, are among the elite Commanders of the Burning Legion, and are exceedingly destructive and powerful. Among the strongest and most brutal members of the Demon hordes, Pit Lords are the epitome of demonic destruction and savagery. Once lead by the most evil and mighty Annihilan of all, Mannoroth The Destructor, nothing good can come from the presence of these titans of wrath and cruelty.
The Pit Lords were recruited into the Burning Legion by Kil'jaeden himself. While joining the Legion isn't always done willingly, the Annihilan are notorious for having accepted the invitation gleefully, relishing the thought of getting to unleash chaos upon the cosmos and crush all who opposed them. They would then go on to become enhanced by the other leader of the Legion, Archimonde, who turned the already monstrous demons into catastrophic engines of destruction.
Unlike the treachery and scheming of the Dreadlords, the Pit Lords prefer the physical approach, living for the slaughter. Of all the members of the Legion, they are by far the ones who enjoy death and destruction the most, something that makes them the favored commanders of Archimonde. Nothing makes a Pit Lord happier than brutally massacring everything in sight, and they utterly relish the pain and misery they bring about. When a Pit Lord arrives on the scene, it means The Legion has only ruin in mind, because that is exactly what these demonic behemoths leave in their wake. Within Sargeras' armada, there is perhaps nothing more terrifying or dreaded than the sight of the Annihilan, with even hardened, battle-scarred veterans feeling pure terror when they appear.