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Villains Wiki

Antinomy, born Johnny and later known as Bruno, is one of the main characters of the second half Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime. He serves as one of the protagonists of the Pre-WRGP and WRPG arcs before becoming one of the three secondary antagonists of the Ark Cradle arc (alongside Aporia and Sherry LeBlanc).

He is one of the few survivors of the post-apocalyptic future caused by the invasion of Meklord Emperors. Originally a professional Turbo Duelist, he is saved from certain death by the scientist Z-One. Adopting the alias Antinomy, he becomes a founding member of Iliaster alongside other other survivors such as Paradox and Aporia. In a last ditch effort to prevent the apocalyptic future from occurring, Antinomy is sent to the past as an android without memories to facilitate the development of Yusei Fudo and Team 5D's. He first appears to them as the mysterious Turbo Duelist Vizor and later joins their team as the amnesiac Bruno.

In the English version, he is voiced by Justin Badger. In the Japanese version, he is voiced by Hiroki Tanaka.


In the future, Johnny was a professional Turbo Duelist who mastered the technique of Synchro Summoning. He has won several championships using his Duel Runner "Delta Eagle". His life would fall apart when the out-of-control Ener-D system led to Synchro Summoning being banned and the creation of the Meklord Emperor Army. After his city was destroyed by the Meklord Emperors, Johnny is caught by a Meklord Emperor and accepts his fate. Before he can be killed, he is rescued by scientist Z-One who had taken on the appearance of legendary duelist Yusei Fudo. Grateful for his salvation, Johnny joined Z-One and adopted the alias Antinomy. They were joined by Paradox and later Aporia. The four would spend years trying to create a better future for humanity to little avail. On his deathbed, the aging Antinomy requested that he be put to work as Z-One's servant so that his skills could be of use even after death. Z-One obliges his request by sending him to the past as an android version of his Turbo Duelist persona. Donning the guide of Vizor, he encounters and tells Yusei about the Accel Synchro Summoning Technique. He later duels against Primo of the Three Pure Nobles, unaware that Primo is actually Aporia on a separate mission. This duel would result in a crash that causes Vizor and his duel runner to fall into the ocean. After washing up on shore as the amnesic Bruno, he is taken in by Team 5D's and becomes a trusted friend of Yusei.

Bruno proves himself an invaluable member of Team 5D's even though he does not duel. He is able to use his computing skills to navigate tricky and delicate situations, joining the team on various missions outside of dueling. Bruno later acts as a member of the pit crew during the WRPG. During his time with Team 5D's, Bruno helps his friends out of genuine kindness and is completely oblivious to the machinations of his allies in Illiaster. Nevertheless, his android capabilities kick in several times such when he is forced to defend himself against Sherry LeBlanc and when he has to assume his Vizor persona to duel against the Diablo. Eventually, Yusei is finally able to Accel Synchro Summon in his duel against Primo.

After Aporia is defeated, Bruno helps Team Ragnarok generate Ener-D to power the Rainbow Bridge Bifrost, allowing Team 5D's to reach Z-One and his Ark Cradle. He then secretly dons the Vizor Persona and follows them up the bridge, creating a slipstream so they can all reach the top in time. When the group is divided into three, Vizor accompanies Yusei towards the Third Planetary Gear. They arrive only to find no opponent waiting for them. After being engulfed by the light of the Ener-D, all of Vizor's memories return to him. He then removes his red visor to show Yusei that he had been Bruno the entire time. He also reveals that his true name is Antinomy and that his true goal is to help Z-One by protecting the Planetary Gear. Yusei reluctantly agrees to duel his friend-turned-enemy in an outer-space track orbiting a star. Although Antinomy performs a Delta Accel Synchro Summon, Yusei is eventually able to defeat him. Antinomy then admits that he showed Yusei the Delta Accel Synchro in hopes that the latter could use it to save Z-One. He tells Yusei that he genuinely enjoyed his time as a member of Team 5D's and Yusei reaffirms that he still considers Bruno a friend. Placing his hope for the future in the hands of Yusei, Antinomy uses the remaining power in his Duel Runner to push Yusei to escape the star-turned-black hole, looking at his friend one last time before being sucked in himself.

Following the duel, Yusei and Team 5D's reunite and mourn the loss of Bruno. Aporia later reveals that Z-One intentionally erased Antinomy's memories because he believed in Team 5D's. As Antinomy had hoped, Yusei was able to defeat and redeem Z-One. In his final moments before passing on, Z-One remembers Antinomy and his old friends, content with the knowledge that he will finally be reuniting with them in the afterlife. Yusei kept Bruno’s broken visor that he found after their duel to remember him by.


           Yu-Gi-Oh logo Villains

Dark Yugi | Shadi | Seto Kaiba | Mokuba Kaiba | Yami Bakura | Maximillion Pegasus | Croquet | Pegasus' Guards | Duke Devlin | Mr. Ishtar | Weevil Underwood | Rex Raptor | Paradox Brothers | Bandit Keith | Bonz | Zygor | Sid | Panik | Gozaburo Kaiba | Noah Kaiba | Hitotsu-Me Giants | Zigfried von Schroeder | Leon von Shroider | Imitator of Death | Witty Phantom| Reaper of the Cards | Thief King Bakura | Jinzo | Diabound | Zorc Necrophades
Rare Hunters
Marik Ishtar | Yami Marik | Odion Ishtar | Seeker | Arkana | Strings | Lumis and Umbra
Big Five
Gansley | Crump | Johnson | Nesbitt | Lector
Dartz | Rafael | Alister | Valon | Gurimo | Paradius | The Great Leviathan
Toei anime only
Aileen Rao | Kekeru Goyu | Tetsu Trudge
Anubis | Paradox | Diva

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Vellian Crowler | Jean-Louis Bonaparte | Pierre the Gambler | Zane Truesdale | Society of Light | The Light Brigade | Alien of Light | Wheeler's Doctor | Wheeler | Lorenzo | Howard X Miller | Bob Banter | Battle Footballer | Axel Brodie | Gravekeeper's Chief | Aster Phoenix | Chazz Princeton | Jagger Princeton | Slade Princeton | Lucien Grimley | Grim Reaper | Mr. Stein | Marcel Bonaparte | Martin Empire | Blaze | Frost | Thunder | T-Bone | Dr. Eisenstein | Princess Rose | Prince Ojin | Brron | Zure | Duel Ghouls | Scarr | Goblin Elite Attack Force | Kozaky | Chaos Sorcerer | Mr. Shroud | Trueman | Dark World Army | Mad Dog | Makoto Inotsume | Sartorius Kumar | Sarina Kumar | The D | Light of Destruction | Thelonious Viper | Trapper | Adrian Gecko | Echo | Yubel | Supreme King | Guardian Baou | Skilled Dark Magician & Skilled White Magician | Three Masked Knights | Jinzo | Sacred Beasts | Franz | Mike | Yusuke Fujiwara | Sky Scout | Skull Knight
Shadow Riders
Kagemaru | Nightshroud | Camula | Tania | Don Zaloog and The Dark Scorpions | Abidos the Third | Titan | Amnael

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Rex Goodwin | Roman Goodwin | King of the Netherworld | Kalin Kessler | Devack | Greiger | Sayer | Professor Frank | Mr. Armstrong | Z-one | Don Piero | Lester | Primo | Jakob | Lazar | Aporia | Rudolph Heitmann | Carly Carmine | Misty Tredwell | Lawton | Barbara | Malcolm | Radley | Earthbound Immortals
Dark Signers
Rex Goodwin | Roman Goodwin | Devack | Greiger | Kalin Kessler | Misty Tredwell | Carly Carmine
Z-one | Aporia (Lester, Primo, Jakob) | Paradox | Antinomy
Manga only
Luna | Leo

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Don Thousand | Dr. Faker | Mr. Heartland | Number 96 | Quattro | Nistro | Vetrix | Triad of Terror (Wolfsbane, Coyote, Jackal) | Scorch | Chills | Parker | Quinton | Trey | Erazor | Chironex | Scritch
Seven Barian Emperors
Vector | Reginald Kastle/Nash | Rio Kastle/Marin | Alito | Mizar | Dumon | Girag

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
Leo Akaba | The Doktor | Barrett | Yuri | Dennis Mcfield | Jean-Michel Roget | Sora Perse | Sergey Volkov | Lucas Swank | Z-ARC

Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Varis | Specter | Dr. Kogami | Faust | Baira | Dr. Genome | Pandor | Queen | Shepherd | Bohman | Harlin | Lightning | Windy | Roboppi | Ai
Knights of Hanoi
Varis | Specter | Dr. Kogami | Faust | Baira | Dr. Genome | Pandor

Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens
Otes | Mimi Imimi | Roa Kassidy | Nail Saionji | Asana Mutsuba | Galian Townsend | Schubel Quill | Yuo Goha | Yujin Goha | Yuka Goha | Yuran Goha | Yuga Goha
Goha Corporation
Otes | Mimi Imimi | Nail Saionji

Yu-Gi-Oh! Go rush
Zuwijo Zwil Velgear | Chupataro Kaburagi | Terza Flatwood | Dinois Velgear | Rovian Kassidy | Yuna Goha | Muda Velgear | The☆Luge | The☆Providence | The☆Moikeda Mbembe| The☆Yeti Yukio | Yuu Hayashi | Tanabe | Quaidur Velgear | Dark Meister | Fukamura | Sabyuas | Bruyeas | Zeyet | Otes

Manga Only
Mr. Karita | Yako Tenma | Mr. Clown (Yu-Gi-Oh!) | Ahmet | Tragoedia

Card Games
The Lswarm | The Construct | Tierra | Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Video Games
Scott Irvine
