Apophis is the overarching antagonist of the 2016 live-action fantasy film Gods of Egypt. He was the evil, demonic and cataclysmic god of evil and chaos, who desired to consume the Earth and all life on the planet. He was the archenemy of Ra, god of sun and Horus's grandfather.
He was based on the Egyptian mythology villain with the same name.
Little is known about this version of Apophis. His origins were never specified in the movie, but it could be presumed that he he was born in the immemorial times under the unknown reasons and circumstances. This dangerous demonic deity dwelled in the realm of Shadow; also called the Tenth Region of the Night or Bakhu, a great mountain to the west of the void where the creature sleeps just before the dawn. Being the embodiment of entropy, Apophis was driven to devour all of Creation. Ra fought Apophis every night, by banishing the demon with his staff, saving the planet each day. It was mentioned that Ra did this multiple times before events of the movie and would continue doing this forever in order to save the universe from the danger of Apophis.
Gods of Egypt[]
Ra fought the demon, when Horus and Bek arrived on his space ship. The sun god explained everything to them about his mission of defeating the demon every night. When Set betrayed and killed his father Ra, the evil god of desert allowed Apophis to go on earth to devour all of it. However, Horus and Bek eventually managed to defeat and stop Set, therefore ressurecting Ra and giving the god his staff back. By using his staff, Ra again bested the demon and banished Apophis back to the realm of Shadow.