Arielle and Dean are the main protagonists of the infamous movie (2020).
Dean is played by Jake Manley, while Arielle Summers was played by Bella Thorne.
Arielle, after losing the savings she needed to leave, angry at having been robbed, goes to a boy she recently met called Dean. The two get together after Dean's father tries to hurt Arielle and Dean pushes him down the stairs. after escaping they will rob shops and commit crimes by recording their crimes on social media and after documenting their crimes the couple will try to understand whether to use their fame or not and in the end they will use their fame for their pleasure however they will be arrested.
The two boys have a classic personality of those who run away from problems and those who are confused and those looking for a reason in life, Dean is confused and with a heavy past behind him that has influenced him a lot while Arielle is confused with an obsession for money that devours her.