“ | Don't call me Uncle Arktos! | „ |
~ Arktos in Tabaluga. |
Arktos is the main antagonist of the Tabaluga franchise. The archenemy of Tabaluga, he is an evil snowman who plots to turn Greenland into a frozen wasteland. He serves as the main antagonist in several Tabaluga-related media, most notably the album and musical Tabaluga und Lilli and the Tabaluga TV series. Arktos is also the embodiment of the season of Winter, as revealed in the series' episode "Where's Winter?" and Humsin's rival.
In the series, he was voiced by the late Frank Ciazynski in German and Keith Scott in English.
In Peter Maffay's album series, not much is known about Arktos' past, but he has ruled over the Ice Kingdom for a very long time. In the 'Tabaluga and Lilli' musical, which is a combination of the second and third album, Arktos and his kingdom were at war with the dragons, which resulted in the deaths of nearly all of them save for Tyrion, the king of the dragons, and his son Tabaluga, who were left as the last of their kind.
TV series[]
In the TV series, Arktos, in his childhood, was raised by his mother and became enemies with Tyrion at a young age, which started a long conflict between the two, which went on for years to their adulthood. During their conflict, Arktos used deceit and his cunningness against Tyrion. The last was when Arktos tricked him into removing a giant iceberg so that he could drop it onto Greenland and make it a 'winter wonderland'. After Tyrion accomplished this objective, Arktos revealed his deception and had him imprisoned. On his helicopter, he dropped the chunk of ice onto a part of Greenland and Tyrion, who had managed to escape, tried to melt it, only to get crushed by the iceberg.
Arktos' actions and the two separate incidents would come to have a negative impact on Tyrion, as he lost faith that he himself is no longer capable of protecting Greenland from IceWorld. Later, when Arktos overheard Tyrion exclaiming that his son Tabaluga, who was unborn at that time, holds the key to the future of his people, the snowman attempted to destroy it but Tyrion was able to escape with the egg. After hiding it, he allowed Arktos to used his ice breath to freeze him alive, which supposedly killed Tyrion. Much later, he and his army lay their attack on Greenland, however Tyrion, who managed to survive, repelled their forces one last time, much to Arktos' chagrin.
As the ruler of IceWorld, Arktos ruled over his icy kingdom with an iron fist. In his ice castle, he had a collection of frozen animals, which he keeps as prisoners in his Hall of Triumph. The snowman also had a pet shark named Fritz who once ate his master's carrot nose. Arktos' workers and servants consists of different arctic animals such as polar bears, seals, walruses, musk oxen, and penguins. In addition, he has a wolf worker in one episode of the series. However, Arktos' most loyal servant is his penguin butler James. He also had an owl prisoner named Shouhou, who was an old friend of Tyrion, and would often forsee the future for the evil snowman. Arktos also has a walrus named Attila, who is his cook, and a vulture named Vultur, who acts as both a reconaissance spy and a messenger.
Season 1[]
In the first episode of the first season, Arktos is seen looking through his big telescope when a bright light shone from the sky in his sight. Annoyed, he ordered James to fix his telescope. Shortly after the penguin fixed it, Arktos looked back into it again and saw Greenland. He then began making a speech to his servants of how he will become the ruler of that place and that it will be covered in show. When he finished, Arktos noticed that the Icelanders, sans James had fallen asleep. When the latter was unable to wake them up, the snowman was able to do it with ease and he commanded them to start attacking Greenland. After celebrating in triumph over his victory, Arktos looked back into his telescope, and is delighted to see that all of Greenland is completely covered in snow. However, to his horror, he discovered that one tree is not snow-topped. He immediately orders James to attack. When that failed, Arktos boarded his Arktoplane with James, seeking to do it himself. Upon reaching the tree, he proceeded to lasso it and was successfully able to get it out of the ground. Shortly after, the two returned to Iceland.
Upon looking through his telescope again, and seeing that now all of Greenland is now a winter land, he is finally satisfied. Approaching Shouhu, Arktos asked the owl on what his crystal ball says and that if the end is near. Shouhu loyally responded that it is very near and, at the same time looking into his crystal ball, reveals that the dawn of a new beginning is coming which will last a thousand years. After declaring that he'll drink to that, Arktos reached out to get the drink that James is serving. Before he could reach it, James pulled it away as he noticed something in Shouhu's crystal ball. As the penguin was distracted, he accidentally spilled the drink on Arktos, angering him. Angry that James had ruined his moment of triumph, Arktos makes him leave. A while later, as the snowman was having his drink, Vultur arrived, and the vulture proceeded to report to him that in the hole where he had uprooted the tree, there is a dragon's egg. Shocked, Arktos proceeded to blame Shouhu and demanded on why he didn't tell him of it. The owl calmly told the snowman that everything had been told, but there are some who do not want to listen to everything. Arktos immediately ordered him to show the dragon egg. When it was shown on the crystal ball, the snowman was horrified upon seeing that the dragon had hatched from the egg and is at large.
In a panic, Arktos assumed that the dragon could be anywhere, and even in Iceland, undoing all of his work, but Shouhu revealed that the dragon is not in Iceland yet and that it had other things in mind. When Arktos looked through his crystal ball, he burst out laughing upon seeing that the "mighty" dragon is actually small, and he proceeded to call him a "pipsqueak". Flying to Greenland again in the Arktoplane, Arktos and James began to search for the dragon. Upon arriving at a big cave, Arktos noticed a set of footprints which leads directly into the cave. he immediately orders James to land as he starting to melt. When James saw the size of the footprints, he suspect that the dragon is giant in size, but Arktos dismissed it as "rubbish" and just orders the penguin to continue flying. Before they could enter the cave, a loud noise echoed from the cave forcing them to retreat. Upon hearing it, Arktos states that he thought the dragon looked smaller in the crystal ball. The two once again returned to Iceland. A while later, they returned to Greenland to continue pursuing the dragon. Upon finding him, the dragon immediately fled into hiding while his friends, Buzz the Bee and Ruby the Hummingbird, deal with Arktos and James. When Ruby and Buzz began attacking the latter, Arktos freezes the duo sending them falling to the ground.
Upon spotting the dragon in his hiding place, James attempted to catch him, but before he could, one of the dragon's friends, Digby the Mole, began to loudly insult Arktos. Enraged, the snowman makes James pursue Digby instead. When Arktos unleashed his ice breath on the latter, the mole was saved by the dragon in the nick of time, and the snowman froze a flower bush instead. Frustrated, he commands James to drop a net on both the dragon and Digby. It was successful at first, however, unbeknownst to both Arktos and James, it backfired, as the net was oversized. Thinking that they still got them, Arktos triumphantly orders James to pull up the net up. They immediately returned to IceWorld afterwards.
In the second episode, Arktos, in his ice castle, was playing Chess with Shouhu, who was looking through the crystal and watching Tabaluga being blown into IceWorld. When the snowman shouted checkmate, Shouhu was in disbelief, thinking that it is impossible. Though Arktos arrogantly revealed to the owl that his king piece is surrounded by his pieces, Shouhu accused him of stealing his queen and rook piece, though the snowman denied this as he secretly got ride of them. When Arktos assumed to the owl that he is seeing something through his crystal ball, Shouhu attempted to trick him into believing that his prisoner saw nothing saying that he saw nothing, this didn't fool Arktos. When the snowman again assumed to Shouhu that he had seen something outside of Iceworld, the owl immediately got rid of what he is seeing through his crystal ball. Angry that Shouhu had tricked him once again, Arktos went over to his telescope to see on what the owl didn't want show him. Upon noticing the dragon, who is named Tabaluga, being blown into IceWorld, the snowman, not recognize him, believing that he is an intruder, and once again gets angry at Shouhu for not wanting him to know of it. As he attempted to get a closer took, a green substance ruined his view.
When Arktos angrily accuses James of cleaning his telescope with sardine oil, the penguin butler fearfully begged his "Coldness" to not freeze him, the snowman spared him for now and orders him to get Vultur. When the vulture came before him, Arktos orders him to go and alert the guards of the intruder. The snowman is later seen pacing about, waiting for Vultur to return. Immediately becoming impatient, Arktos commands James to prepare the Arktoplane, as he wanted to see the intruder himself. Later, after Tabaluga pelted Vultur and the guards with snowballs, since they earlier messed with his new friend, Happy the snow hare, Arktos and James arrived. The snowman is shocked upon seeing that Tabaluga is the intruder and that he had escaped from him. During an ensuing chase, Arktos accidentally stumbles and broke his carrot nose in the process. Shortly after returning to his castle, he proceeded to put on a new carrot nose. After that. he demanded Shouhu, on what he knows about the issue with Tabaluga. The owl immediately revealed that the dragon along with his companion, Happy, will be in Icetown before nightfall, much to Arktos' delight. Later, the snowman demanded Shouhu on what he is seeing, hoping that Tabaluga is on his way, the owl tells him that the dragon is on his way. While, Arktos was pleased with this news, he was interrupted when James reveals to him that two wolf bounty hunters had brought Tabaluga, who had donned a red cloak, captive. When one of the bounty hunters revealed that the red-hooded figure is the dragon, Arktos immediately orders them to show him.
When the wolf-bounty hunters lifted the hood of the cloaked figure, instead of Tabaluga, it is a silver fox named Dandy. Furious that the bounty hunters didn't catch Tabaluga, he proceeded to freeze them and Dandy alive and orders James to have them taken away. While he was unaware that Dandy, had helped Tabaluga and Happy get to Greenland, Arktos proceeded to sarcastically ask Shouhu, if the duo are on their way, to which the owl replied that they are as he had said. When Tabaluga and Happy went into Arktos' ice castle to rescue Dandy, they're forced to hide when the snowman came and entered his Hall of Triumph. There, he laments that being dictator of IceWorld is lonely and that his pet shark Fritz is his only friend. When Fritz attempted to savagely bite Arktos' carrot nose, the latter backed off and reminds the shark that he dislikes carrots. After calling out to James to bring in sardines, Arktos suddenly noticed a reflection of Tabaluga and Happy hiding behind a frozen Dandy, Sneaking up from behind, he manages to catch the duo by surprise. Unfortunately, for Arktos, before he could deal with them, James who had arrived with sardines, accidental knocks his master to the ground. After Happy took his carrot nose and fed it to Fritz, Arktos quickly orders James to get him a new carrot nose, but when the penguin Butler opened his small box of spare carrot noses, the latter discovered that there is none left. James began begging Arktos to not freeze, but this time, the snowman showed no mercy and unleashed his ice breath at the penguin butler, freezing him solid.
Season 2[]
In the second season, Arktos had a rivalry with Humsin, an anthropomorphic dust devil and sand spirit who was the ruler of the desert and they would argue over which element should overrun Greenland. Generally, Humsin is really the main antagonist of Season 2 while Arktos is usually the secondary antagonist. He doesn't appear at all, or in rare circumstances, to help the Greenlanders and Tabaluga defeat Humsin. He either does it unintentionally or he did it for his own benefits. This is shown that when James reported to Arktos that Humsin is turning Greenland into a desert, the enraged snowman immediately ordered the Icelanders to catapult a volley of snowballs at his rival and the desert-dwellers, since he believed that he should be the one to take over Greenland. This shows that he is never redeemable.
Later, Arktos is the only inhabitant of IceWorld to refuse to help Tabaluga in stopping Humsin while the Icelanders and James agree to help the dragon, since they don't want to live in a desert and, in addition, were allowed by Tabaluga to turn Greenland into IceWorld the next day, to which Arktos didn't believe in, since he distrusted his arch-enemy. Despite his rivalry with Humsin, however, he and the sand-spirit would sometimes or rarely put their rivalry aside and would collaborate with each other.
Season 3[]
In the third season, Arktos learns about the Dragon Pendant, a relic of great power, which was worn by Tyrion, and he demands Kayo on the location of the Book of Dragons, since he claimed it contains knowledge on the pendant, however, when Kayo was unable to give a clear answer, Arktos angrily kicks him out of his castle. Upon finding the location of the book himself through his telescope, he blinds Tabaluga to stop him for a while he has James catapulted right towards the book. However, before the latter could even snatch it, Kayo managed to get it first and he takes it back to Arktos. When the snowman discovered that the book's pages are all blank, he has Kayo kicked out again. When Tabaluga confronts Arktos over his theft of the Book of Dragons, the latter reveals to him his polar bear workers, who are ripping off its pages using a giant fan-like device, to Tabaluga's horror. As the dragon was desperately trying to reclaim all the pages, Arktos uses a giant mirror to reflect light onto Tabaluga in an attempt to slow him down but it backfired when the latter got help from his mole friend Digby, who managed to reclaim all the pages in the light, due to his glasses.
Much later, Arktos orders Vultur and James to follow Tabaluga. When Vultur returns to Icetown, he, thanks to Kayo, reports to Arktos of the five dragon signs, which are needed to find the Dragon pendant. Deciding to follow Tabaluga, Arktos and James boards the Arktoplane to head north, since according to Vultur is where Tabaluga is going. Unfortunately, however, shortly after takeoff, James, who is pedaling the plane, immediately became exhausted, causing the Arktoplane to spud out of control and it would have crashed into Arktos' castle if not for Vultur's intervention. During the flight, while traveling over a thermal river, the thick steam emitting from the river blurred James' sight, causing him to not see on where he is going, which resulted in the Arktoplane crashing into the river. Arktos immediately began to have a panic attack as he realized that not only is the river hot but their plane is starting to sink. Fortunately, however, they were once again saved by Vultur, but only on the condition that he'd be recruited. Unbeknownst, to the trio, Kayo, who had snuck onto the Arktoplane, was left behind. Arktos then ordered James to turn the plane back home since he now believed that chasing Tabaluga is a waste of time. However, the true reason behind it is that while Tabaluga is away on his quest, Arktos would take over Greenland.
Upon landing at the Dragon's eye, a monument dedicated to Tyrion, Arktos began to freeze Greenland. Later, when James noticed and tries to warn Arktos that Tabaluga's friends, Digby and Happy, are stealing the Arktoplane, the snowman indifferently shrugged it off, and despite Vultur's insistence that he can stop them, Arktos believed that it's not much of a problem. This would prove to be a mistake as Digby and Happy were able to find and get Tabaluga back. After having turned much of Greenland into a frozen wasteland, Arktos declares to the Greenlanders in triumph that he is now their supreme ruler and that Greenland is now part of Iceworld, but Shouhou firmly declared that he'll never rule over their land while Tabaluga is alive. When Arktos smugly asked him on where the dragon is, he and James suddenly noticed Happy and Digby returning on the Arktoplane, in which Arktos believed that they're simply returning it. When the plane accidentally crashed, he was less concerned of it and instead approached Digby and Happy, suggesting that they could work for him, to which they firmly refused. As Arktos was about to deal with them, Tabaluga suddenly arrives. Unfazed, the snowman, in an attempt to prevent Tabaluga from going on his quest, reveals to him that he'll never go and get the Dragon Pendant, as he would be unable to protect Greenland.
James agreed and claimed to the Greenlanders that Tabaluga will never get the Dragon Pendant as Arktos will take over their land while their protector is away. However, Tabaluga decisively claimed that he'll get the Dragon signs and the Dragon Pendant, since he believed that it's worth more than Greenland, much to Arktos shock. In rage, he returns to his castle and began ranting against his archenemy's apparent selfishness. However, unbeknownst to him, it was revealed to be a clever tactic of Tabaluga as he seeks to make Arktos follow him on his quest. As a result, Greenland is safe while he is away. Throughout most of the third season, Arktos attempted to get all the Dragon signs, but mostly fails, though he was able to briefly get the air sign from Tabaluga, as the latter had lost his memory in one episode. After Tabaluga brought the last sign to the crystal cave, he opened a portal to another world. During that time, he was unaware that Arktos was secretly observing from a hiding place. When a dragon spirit appeared, Arktos secretly listens to it instructing Tabaluga to go into the portal and follow the path in order to find the dragon pendant. When Tabaluga entered the portal, Arktos immediately came out of hiding and James urges him to go through the portal.
Hesitant, Arktos makes James go through it instead, since he's the servant, but James refused, telling Arktos that he's the only one capable of getting the Dragon Pendant from Tabaluga, since its his prize. The snowman was eventually pushed into the portal. When he realized that James is not with him, he immediately called out to him, but the latter just called out that he is gonna be outside the cave and ran off, angering Arktos. While forced to explored ragon world alone, he spots some dragons flying in the sky, which frightened him into running away. While he was hiding behind a tree from a duo of dragons, he inadvertently freezes said tree, which caused the two dragons to start shivering and they immediately flew off, causing Arktos to discover that his ice powers still worked, even though the dragon world is hot. The next day, he watches Tabaluga flying with another dragon and hproceeded to follow them. While watching the ceremony of the bestowing of the dragon pendant from behind a pillar, Arktos, while ranting to himself that the pendant is his, he freezes the pillar by accident causing the same two dragons, who had just come by, to start feeling cold again. When the shorter and stocky dragon approached Arktos' hiding place to investigate where the coldness came from, the snowman immediately hid. The two dragons eventually leave, allowing Arktos to come out of hiding. When he realized that dragons can't stand the cold, he decided to use this discovery to his advantage.
Shortly after Tabaluga had gotten the Dragon Pendant, Arktos uses his ice breath to bring a cold winter onto Dragon World, causing most of the dragons, sans Tabaluga, to get sick. Later, Arktos was confronted by Tabaluga, who ordered him to stop. However, he refused and states that he won't stop until he gets the dragon pendant. When Tabaluga refused to give it to him, Arktos continued to blow a lot of snow onto the dragon village. In an attempt to stop him, Tabaluga blasts a fireball at the snow, melting it, annoying Arktos. A short fight immediately ensued between the two, in which they are equally matched. When Tabaluga refused to hand over the Dragon pendant a second time, Arktos' slyly tells the young dragon to suit himself and states that he can't stop him from turning dragon world into a 'personal ski resort, in which he will decorate it with frozen dragons. Just as Arktos is about to blow more snow again, Tabaluga stops him and, with no other choice, gives him the dragon pendant. Overjoyed that he had gotten his 'prize', he began dancing with joy and proceeded to return to Greenland through the portal.
With the pendant finally in his grasp, Arktos imagined that he'll use the power of the pendant to turn the whole world into a big snowball and making all of its inhabitants his slaves, however, James correctly states that if he freezes the whole world then he can't have any slaves, to Arktos' irritation. When James warned that Tabaluga is gonna come and get the dragon pendant, his master stubbornly shrugged it off, saying that he had already taken care of Tabaluga and that he can't get him in his castle. However, Tabaluga, managed to easily get inside the castle and takes back the pendant while his friends distracted the guards with a balloon decoy. However, the distraction was inadvertently foiled when Digby accidentally gets the decoy to get punctured on a branch, causing Digby to be sent flying. Just as Tabaluga was about to escape, Digby flew into a window and crashes into his friend, causing Tabaluga to drop the Dragon Pendant, allowing Arktos to get it back. He then attempts to freeze the duo with his ice breath, but they managed to escape from the castle. When Arktos feared that Tabaluga might return, James gives him the idea of using the pendant on the dragon himself. With this in mind, the snowman gave orders to his polar bear guards to capture all of the Greenlanders to make them into his slaves.
When Tabaluga attempted to make Arktos take him in their place, the snowman refused and used the dragon pendant to strip Tabaluga off his dragon powers and hurtling him far far away. With his archenemy out of the way, Arktos forces the Greenlanders to make him ice cream in his factory. When a redeemed Kayo secretly splashes chocolate all over him, he began to interrogate his slaves. While he was busy with them, he was unaware that Kayo was the culprit. Moreover, he was oblivious that Happy and Digby had escaped and find Tabaluga, thanks to Shouhou, who proceeded to distract him. Later, Tabaluga, who was captured by two polar bear guards, was taken captive and brought to Arktos in chains. The snowman proceeded to mock and insult him for now being unable to be there for his friends. When Tabaluga coldly tells him that the Greenlanders will never obey him, Arktos insists they will and attempts to freeze him but misses and a polar bear guard is frozen instead. Arktos then gets the idea of becoming king, thanks to Tabaluga, who reveals that he is not one, and orders James to prepare a robe and an ice crown, as well as his favorite ice cream deserts. He then declares that he'll be crowned king of Greenland tonight before having Tabaluga imprisoned in the dungeon with Shouhou. later during the coronation, he has James, who has become his guest of honor, to bring in Tabaluga onto the podium. Arktos introduces him as his new servant and that he'll do the honor of crowning him. After cutting James off from his very long speech, he tells him to make Tabaluga crown him king. After the latter was given the ice crown and just as he is about to put it on Arktos head, the snowman, in his arrogance and pride, tells him to name King of Greenland.
However, before he could be crowned, the coronation was interrupted by Digby, who reveals to Arktos an ice cream statue of himself, much to his surprise. Happy then takes a piece of the statue and threw it in his face, blinding him, and soon all the Greenlanders began pelting him with ice cream balls. During the chaos, Tabaluga, who was freed from his shackles by Kayo, snatches the Dragon pendant from Arktos while he was desperately trying to regain his sight. In rage, he ordered his polar bear guards to get Tabaluga, but before they could get him, an elephant uses his trunk to suck up a big piece of the Arktos statue and spray it at them, knocking them out. After being pelted again, a furious Arktos attempts to freeze Tabaluga, but the latter uses Shouhou's crystal ball to deflect Arktos' freezing breath back at him, which strikes the evil snowman and he was frozen alive. When happy asks Tabaluga if Arktos is dead, the dragon revealed that he is in an icy sleep and when Digby asked on what they are going to do with him, Tabaluga tells him that they'll just leave him in his castle to rule over IceWorld for good. Shortly after the Greenlanders left along with the polar bear guards, James tries to call out to him, but when he didn't answer, the penguin decided takes his master's place as the new ruler of IceWorld which he renames it into Penguinland.
Tabaluga tivi[]
Arktos also appears in the 1990 game show Tabaluga tivi.
Tabaluga and Leo[]
Arktos made a return in the Christmas special Tabaluga and Leo once again as the main antagonist, which is also the last time that he'll be voiced by Keith Scott. It is not clear whether the events took place before or after Season 3 (or possibly during it) as Arktos gets permanently frozen by the end of Season 3 with James taking his place. However, since the animated movie served as a sequel to the series, this might mean that Arktos was freed through reasons unknown and is once again active. He encountered Leo when the boy threw a snowball at him, which caused Arktos to chase him to a cliff and freeze him in a block of ice. The snowman then watched as the frozen Leo then fell off the cliff only to be saved by Tabaluga, much to Arktos' chagrin. The snowman then discovered Leo's toy bulldozer, to which he developed an interest in it only for Tabaluga to take it away from him and give it back to Leo. Later, after returning to IceTown, Arktos begins his plan to invade Greenland using a giant robot called the Snowbot. When he delivered the steps in their plan, some of the Icelanders asked if they could be paid a little more. When Arktos isn't keen on it, all of the Icelanders decided to go on a holiday until they are paid. Infuriated, the snowman decided to operate the robot himself. When he tried to operate it, however, he only caused the contraption to go in reverse at full speed, which then resulted it in being destroyed.
Arktos then eventually got the idea of making a new powerful weapon, which is a giant version of Leo's toy, which they could to conquer Greenland. In order to know how it operates on its own, Arktos sends James to the Greenland Day festival disguised as a rabbit to steal the toy. James was successful and he took it back to his master, who then ordered him to construct the weapon. Later, he was delighted when James unveiled the weapon, to which he called the Arktotractodozer. When Arktos tried to operate it, the weapon wouldn't start so they decided to kidnap Leo in order to know how to make it work.
They were able to capture the boy and took him with them to their ice castle. Arktos then demanded on how his toy works and Leo tells them that they just have to flick its switch to make it move on its own. Unsure of this, Arktos brings him to the Arktotractodozer. Leo was amazed upon seeing it, though he didn't know that it is a weapon , to which Arktos took the credit on who built it for himself instead of James. When the snowman asks him on why it wouldn't work, since it worked for the toy, Leo tells him that the reason why it wouldn't function is that it isn't powered by batteries and since the weapon is too big, the batteries won't be able to power it. Frustrated that all of his and James' attempts for their plan were merely all for nothing, he ordered his polar bear guards to have Leo imprisoned in the dungeon, but they reminded him that they won't do it unless they are paid. Arktos begrudgingly agree but he tells them that they'll get only one ice cream between all of them, much to their dismay, but they nonetheless obeyed their master's command and took Leo prisoner.
Later, Arktos was busy talking to a portrait of his mother when James came in, asking if there is a monkey in IceWorld, unaware that it was Leo making the noise, but Arktos cut him off saying that he is busy talking with his mother. Much later, he caught Tabaluga and Leo trying to escape and he promised his guards that he'll give them two ice cream if their successful in stopping the duo, but that is two for between them. However he was then outwitted by Tabaluga when the dragon offered to give them all the ice cream in Arktos secret storeroom if they let them go. Horrified, Arktos desperately blocked the entrance to the storeroom and he asked Tabaluga of how did he know his secret storeroom has ice cream and the dragon simply responded saying that he just told him. Arktos then desperately tried to hold off his guards as they were all ecstatic about the ice cream, but was overwhelmed, leaving the snowman on the floor groaning in pain.
After recovering, Arktos watched from his telescope as Tabaluga, Leo and the Greenlanders are enjoying the Greenland Day Feast. In an attempt to ruin the celebration, he decided to use his snowstorm machine. When he ordered two of his guards to start the contraption up, and this time offering two ice cream for each of them, the guards refused, since they now have stomachaches. Furious over their incompetence, he orders James to operate the machine. When the butler tries to tell him that it has to be powered by 12 yaks, Arktos wouldn't listen and he just ordered him to make a snowstorm. He was not happy upon seeing the cloud that James' made and demanded a blizzard. He was then struck by lightning from the cloud, which is a storm cloud. As the cloud continued to shoot lightning, Arktos and James were forced to flee from it in order to avoid getting zapped. During the chaos, the storm cloud shot lightning at the Arktotractodozer, which powered and activated the machine, allowing Arktos and James to use it to their full advantage. They then drove the machine into Greenland, destroying anything in their path. Arktos started having too much fun with the machine and even ejected James, sending him flying. When Tabaluga tried to stop him, Arktos easily managed to knock him out with the Arktotractodozer and attempted to smash him with the the cutting edge of the machine's blade. However, before he could do so, Leo managed to get Tabaluga to regain consciousness and the dragon dodged Arktos' attack and rolled into a bush. Arktos then smashed the bush down flat supposedly killing Tabaluga. Later, he was met by the latter, who survived, along with Leo and the Greenlanders, and their all armed with buckets of water.
When Arktos charged at them, most of the Greenlanders cowardly fled, leaving only Tabaluga and Leo to splash it with their water buckets. When it proved to be ineffective towards the Arktotractodozer, the duo was forced to retreat to a large water-filled crater. Arktos was then tricked by the two into charging into the crater, which resulted in him and his machine being splashed water. The large amount of water from the crater caused the Arktotractodozer to short-circuit and, like James, the snowman was automatically ejected from the machine, which sent him flying into a tree (which is the same tree that James had crashed into after being ejected). Arktos and James then watched from behind a rock as Leo was being comforted by the Greenlanders and his friends.
When the snowman overhears Tabaluga telling Leo that the portal back to his world would close when the Greenland star sets, Arktos took interest in this portal and he and James set off to find it. When Leo was about to return to his world via the portal, Arktos pushed him and Tabaluga away and attempted to take over the human world, but when he landed in Leo's world (Earth), the boy's foster family, along with the director of the orphanage, accidentally plowed into Arktos while they were clearing away a lot of snow. This caused the snowman to be sent back to his world with a now-broken body. James proceeded to drags him to back to his castle to have him restored.
- In the album series, Arktos redeems himself when he and Tabaluga worked together to stop an erupting volcano from threatening both Greenland and the ice kingdom, leading the two to become friends. However, in later media Arktos was changed into becoming a power-hungry and irredeemable villain who continues to act as an antagonist towards Tabaluga.