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Artaud Terranova is the minor antagonist in the Witcher series, serving as a supporting character in Blood of the Elves, a major antagonist in Time of Contempt, and Pothumous antagonist of Baptism of Fire. He is a treacherous member of the Sorcerers' Brotherhood and a secret conspiracy accomplice to Vilgefortz.


Artaud is a short man with no hair and a nasty appearance, in addition Artaud is obese, which still shows his hideous appearance. Artaud wears black robes with red stripes, a neck-length brown belt, and brown gloves.


Terranova's past is virtually unknown. Terranova is one of the members of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers who took part in the Battle of Sodden Hill against Nilfgaard which ended with the victory of the northern mages. After the victory of the northern mages, Terranova made an alliance with Vilgefortz, joining the forces of Nilfgaard and secretly plotting against the northern continent.

Tissaia organized a meeting of members which included Vilgefortz, Tissaia, Lydia and Artaud to talk about the plans of the northern rulers which was realized in a secret meeting on Hagge. When Terranova arrived via the port for the meeting, Terranova accuses the Northerners of holding a secret meeting without the sorcerers' knowledge. Vilgefortz, at Tissaia's request, discusses a briefing on how they should act, but Terranova corrects him and asks him what his opinion is as the council always makes decisions no matter what the situation. Before they started talking, Vilgefortz both guests for dinner, and Terranova kindly helps him organize dinner for all the guests. After finishing dinner, Vilgefortz escorts him to his office where he surprised Terranove himself, claiming that the plans of the kings of the northern kingdoms are easy to ignore.

However, Tissaia interfered when a rebel group called the Scoia'tael appeared in the northern continent and were causing huge problems and that an offensive against the Scoia'tael had already begun, causing pogroms against the Inhumans. Tissaia asked Vilgefortz whether he wants to allow pogroms, Vilgefortz replies that action should be taken in this regard and suggests convening a meeting especially of sorcerers and sorceresses sitting in the royal councils. After Vilgefortz's response, Terranova immediately expressed his support for this proposal and urged an immediate convening this meeting. At the end of this meeting, Vilgefortz talks about Yennefer and who she contracts with and who she serves.

After Tissaia learned from Vilgefortz who Yennefer serves, she dryly advises Vilgefortz to write to Yennefer, and Artaud himself stated that Yennefer's disappearance is very trivial. Vilgefortz wanted to bring up the subject of Yennefer's disappearance again and mentions that she is from a relationship with the witcher Geralt, but Tissaia suspects something to Vilgefortz, so Vilgefortz drops the subject with a pretext, drops the subject with concern. Before the meeting ends, Artaud interjects that both Yennefer and Geralt know how to help each other to reduce worries.

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