“ | "Hey kid... You're gonna grow up... Real messed up... If you keep on cheering for the Devils... A... A Devil... Never dies so easily!" | „ |
~ Atlantis to the boy cheering him on during his fight against Marlinman |
Atlantis is a minor antagonist in the anime/manga series Kinnikuman.
He makes his first appearance as one of the main antagonists during the Seven Devil Chojin Arc where he would be killed, later he would be revived and serve as a minor ally during the Perfect Origin Arc where he would be killed again.
In Japanese, during the first Kinnikuman anime, Atlantis would be voiced by Kazuhiko Kishino who also voiced other Kinnikuman characters like Mayumi Kinniku and Neptuneman as well as other characters like Dr. Hell from Shin Mazinger Z: The Impact Kousoku Sentai and Fossil Bōma from Turborangers.
In the Perfect Origin Arc, Atlantis would be voiced by Yasuhiro Mamiya who also voiced Pierro in Genshin Impact.
Atlantis is a determined fighter who will do whatever is needed to win, whether it be going through years of intense training to harden his weak points or throwing a hostage into the water to gain an advantage.
Atlantis' past is mostly unknown, what is known is that Atlantis King made a deal with Satan in exchange for power, becoming a Devil Chojin and would be trained by the Six Devil Knights until he and the rest of the Seven Devil Chojin were sealed away.
Atlantis would make his first appearance after Kinnikuman would accidentally free the Seven Devil Chojin and they attack Warsman before the Devil Chojin would try to fight Kinnikuman to prove how powerful they were. When Kinnikuman refused, they attacked Meat, splitting his body into pieces, with Atlantis getting one of Meat's legs, which could be brought back together, however, if they stayed apart for 10 days then he would die.
Atlantis would be set to fight against Robin Mask. Robin Mask would hold the advantage during most of the fight, overpowering Atlantis in the ring, figuring out how to negate his Water Magnum and even damaging Atlantis' neck badly, however, Atlantis would throw Meat's leg in the water. Robin Mask would dive in to save it, however, Atlantis would use his underwater experience to pile drive Robin Mask into a sharp rock, cutting his head off which he would hold high to the on-looking crowd.
Next Atlantis would be tasked to fight against Kinnikuman himself. Atlantis would take advantage of the Blood Bind which made it so all of the dead Devil Chojin would be able to attack Kinnikuman as dead ghosts and prevent Kinnikuman from being able to use any of his signature skills, however, once Terryman and Brocken Jr. entered the spirit world and beat them up, Atlantis would be left on his own to fight Kinnikuman.
After he and the rest of the Seven Devil Chojin were revived, they would all be killed and decapitated by the Six Devil Knights as punishment for losing to the Justice Chojin.
Kinnikuman (2011)[]
After being revived, Atlantis wanted to get rid of the injury that Robin Mask inflicted on his neck, Atlantis would have the other Devil Chojin beat on his scarred neck, toughening it up over the months until it was the most durable part of his body.
Once the Perfect Chojin appeared, the Seven Devil Chojin would be sent out to combat them with Atlantis fighting against Marlinman at the River Thames in England.
Atlantis puts Marlinman into a hold and repeatedly knees his head and get him into a hold but Marlinman would use the spinning blades on his neck to cut Atlantis' arm before getting him into a hold, something Atlantis would reverse by using Mt. Saint Helens Eruption to make the blood in Marlinman's head burst out of his forehead.
Marlinman would escape and use his sharp marlin spike to stab and slash Atlantis repeatedly so Atlantis would use his Atlantis Mist to avoid the barrage of attacks and to land a counter-attack on Marlinman. Atlantis would try this again but Marlinman would see through it, learning how Atlantis fights and predicting where he would try to hide.
Atlantis would use his Water Magnum to shoot Marlinman but Marlinman would counter by spitting out his bladder to block it. Marlinman would dive underwater and drag Atlantis down with him. Marlinman would beat on Atlantis before mocking Robin Mask, Atlantis would become furious, not wanting anyone to mock a battle he had against a strong opponent.
This anger made Atlantis start to take advantage, slamming Marlinman into the bottom of the river. Marlinman would try to stab Atlantis' neck, however, it wouldn't stab into it because of how durable it was, allowing Atlantis to kick Marlinman away and cut his neck.
Atlantis was starting to run out of stamina with Marlinman ready to stab him in the back but a boy watching the fight would warn Atlantis, the bubbles carrying his voice down to him, giving him the warning to leap over the attack. Atlantis would grab Marlinman and tried to slam him to the river bed in the same move that killed Robin Mask but Marlinman turned his sharp marlin spike into a drill to negate the attack before reversing it to slam Atlantis into the ground.
Marlinman would use the opportunity to stab Atlantis through his chest, impaling him and raising him up to the surface, unveiling what appeared to be Atlantis' dead body to the crowd nearby but the cheers of the crowd would make Atlantis wake up, letting him get off of his marlin spike but Marlinman would just stab him again. Atlantis would turn to the boy cheering for him and advise him that he stopped cheering for the Devil Chojin.
Atlantis would use this to pull Marlinman back into the water where Atlantis would pull Marlinman out, explaining to him that the Devil Chojin had a power that the Perfect Chojin lacked before using Robin Mask's Tower Bridge on him, breaking Marlinman's neck before rising to the surface, however, Atlantis would die of his injuries shortly afterwards.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Chojin Physiology: As a Chojin granted strength by Satan, Atlantis has immense strength, speed and durability far above most other Chojin who already have the ability to perform superhuman feats. Other abilities that Chojin have that Atlantis likely has is the ability to grow to be as large as a building and the ability to fly without wings or thrusters, even in the vacuum of space.
- Water Magnum: Atlantis has the ability to shoot out highly pressurised from his mouth to damage his opponents.
- Atlantis Mist: Atlantis can shoot out water from all over his body which quickly turns into mist, making it next to impossible for his opponent to see him.
- Mt. Saint Helens Eruption: The Mt. Saint Helens Eruption is a special technique where Atlantis grabs his opponent's neck and chokes them out so hard that their blood starts to rush to their forehead, bursting out in a stream which causes them to die of blood loss.
External Links[]
- Atlantis on the Kinnikuman Wiki