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Aw, get this straight! I'm just a Mean Green Mother From Outer Space, and I'm BAD! I'm just a Mean Green Mother From Outer Space, and it looks like you been had! I'm just a Mean Green Mother From Outer Space, so get off my back, get out my face, cos I'm Mean and Green! AND I AM BAD!
~ Audrey II revealing it's identity to Seymour as a man-eating alien.
You know I don't come from no Black Lagoon, I'm from past the stars and beyond the Moon! You can keep The Thing, keep the It, keep the Creature, they don't mean shit! Uh! Uh! Uh! I've got killer buds, a powerful stem, nasty thorns and I'm usin' them, so better move it out! Nature calls! You got the point? I'm gonna bust your BALLS!
~ Audrey II dueling with Seymour.
Audrey II, or Twoey for short, is the main antagonist of the 1986 rock horror-comedy musical film Little Shop of Horrors, based on the 1982 off-Broadway musical of the same name.
They are based on the plant of the same name in the original 1960 B/W Roger Corman film of the same name known as The Little Shop of Horrors, however the plant in the aforementioned is known as Audrey Jr.
In the film, it was voiced by the late Levi Stubbs, who also played Mother Brain in Captain N: The Game Master. In the 2003 original Broadway production, it was voiced by Michael-Leon Wooley, who also played Darkseid in Injustice 2, and operated by Anthony Asbury, who was the primary puppeteer for Margaret Thatcher in Spitting Image.
Audrey II is presented from the beginning as a carnivorous and cruel otherworldly plant being. They are insatiable, heartless, egotistical, and ruthless to the point of manipulating Seymour to grow large enough to eat humans on its own, likely including the latter himself. Despite having no visible eyes or ears, it can still see and hear. When it goes to get to the telephone to call Audrey, it places the telephone in the position of where the right ear on a human's face would be. There are comedic moments but it’s mostly dark especially after the plant attacks Audrey.
Audrey II hails from a distant world "Past the stars, and beyond the Moon!" It came to the Earth with the sole intention of spreading its seeds and taking over the world by consuming humanity. Right after a total eclipse of the sun, the plant appeared in a Chinese florist and was purchased by Seymour for $1.95.
Little Shop of Horrors[]
Seymour Krelborn is a poor young man, an orphan from Skid Row, who works in a flower shop owned by the grouchy and stingy Mr. Mushnik. One day, following a total eclipse of the sun, he finds a very inexplicable and strange flytrap being sold by a Chinese florist and buys it for $1.95. He names the plant Audrey II, after the coworker he loves, and puts it on display in the flower store, which causes business to soar. However, it soon starts wilting and while trying to feed it Seymour discovers that the only thing the plant eats is human blood. He starts feeding the plant his own blood through his fingers until he cannot give anymore of his own blood at which point the plant starts talking to Seymour demanding to be fed.
Audrey II convinces Seymour to kill Orin Scrivello, the smooth-talking but abusive dentist whom Audrey is currently dating and feed him to it, which Seymour does, being spared having to actually murder him (which he probably couldn’t have gone through with) as the dentist accidentally inhales a lethal amount of his own laughing gas. Later that night, Mr. Mushnik, the owner of the plant shop reveals that he witnessed the body being chopped up and, pulling out his gun, tries to turn Seymour into the police, but changes his mind and instead offers to keep quiet about it in return for Seymour leaving town and laying low for the rest of his life, giving Mushnik control of the plant, as well as the fame and fortune it brings. Seymour reluctantly tells Mushnik how to feed the plant while luring him towards Audrey II. As Mushnik turns around and notices it, he leans into its open jaws, wondering what it is. When Audrey II clamps down, Seymour helplessly listens and watches Mushnik scream for help before getting swallowed whole.
At this point, the now-massive plant is fulfilling its end of the Faustian bargain by making Seymour a celebrity, but the latter is tormented by the guilt of feeding two people to the plant and refuses to take any more lives. A deleted scene ("The Meek Shall Inherit") would have shown that Seymour decided that having Audrey II around is far worse than his previous life back when he was broke and poor. Seymour grabs an axe and considers axing Audrey II but withdraws plans when he starts worrying that Audrey (the human one) will not love him anymore if he doesn’t continue to earn all of the fortune the plant can offer him. Audrey II then says that it’s hungry again and wants another meal, but Seymour demands it only eat meat that isn’t human, like beef. At first unhappy with the option, the plant deems that it's better than nothing and accepts. While Seymour goes to the local butcher for ground round beef, Audrey II drags itself a little across the floor to reach the cash register. It gets a quarter from the cash register and uses it to use the telephone and use it to call Audrey and lure her into the shop.
The film has two endings made each differing how Audrey II's fate goes on after this point. Only the "Seymour Triumphs" ending was shown in theaters in 1986, which is known as the Theatrical Ending. The "Audrey II Triumphs" ending, considered too dark by audiences, known as the Director's Cut Ending, garnered its own theatrical release more than thirty years later in a three day event (October 29-October 31, 2017). This ending was released in Blu-Ray in October 2012 and had black and white footage prior to the release and was shown in VHS Workprints.
Seymour Triumphs Ending/Theatrical Ending[]
In the released film, Seymour rescues Audrey from the mouth of the plant before she’s fatally wounded and takes her out of the shop into a back alley where he’s confronted by a salesman who tells him he’ll be selling mini Audrey II pods across the country, and has the contracts to do so whether Seymour approves or not. It’s at this point that Seymour realizes what Audrey II's true intentions were all along, and he confronts the monster in the flower shop, where it starts singing the song "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space" and also reveals that it’s, in fact, an alien from outer space. It, along with its newly-flowered offspring, torment Seymour as he unsuccessfully tries to destroy it. At the end of the song, the plant yanks a support beam causing the building to collapse on Seymour. Believing Seymour is dead, Audrey II laughs victoriously. But Seymour survives and while Audrey II's guard is down he pulls out an electrical cord and plugs it into one of the vines, electrocuting Audrey II and causing it to explode. The entire flower shop is destroyed and Seymour reunites with Audrey. Audrey and Seymour get married, move out of Skid Row and they live in a beautiful home in the suburbs that Audrey always dreamed of. However, an Audrey II bud is seen in their flower garden and smiles at the camera.
Audrey II Triumphs Ending/Director's Cut Ending[]
After Audrey is attacked by Audrey II (reprise of "Suppertime"), Seymour rescues Audrey, who’s fatally injured. Confessing to Audrey that he fed Mushnik and Orin to Audrey II, she tells Seymour (before she dies in his arms) to feed her to the plant so she can finally be "somewhere that's green", about which she had reveried earlier and so that Seymour can earn the success he deserves (reprise of "Somewhere That's Green").
Seymour does so, reluctantly, but then attempts to commit suicide by jumping off the roof. He is stopped when businessman Patrick Martin offers to reproduce and sell Audrey II clippings nationwide and internationally. He presents Seymour with a clipping, cut from Audrey II. Seymour notices the bud grinning evilly.
Realizing Audrey II's intentions of world domination, Seymour rushes back to the store but before leaving the roof, he is warned by Martin that his consent is unnecessary as plants are considered public domain, meaning Audrey II has to be destroyed. Returning to the shop, Seymour confronts and tries to kill the plant ("Mean Green Mother from Outer Space") revealing that he’s an alien from outer space and torments Seymour with the help of his newly flowered offspring. It tears down the shop, destroying it completely and laughs victoriously. Seymour manages to get up from the rubble, but, as he does, the plant grabs Seymour with its vines and theatrically swallows him whole. It then spits out Seymour's glasses, which crack on impact, and laughs sadistically.
Crystal, Chiffon and Ronnette appear in front of the American flag and tell how the Audrey II buds became a worldwide consumer craze, but soon, grew into an army of monstrous plants who take over the world ("Don't Feed the Plants"). Giant Audrey II plants are shown destroying cities, toppling buildings and eating people. The U.S. Army attempt to fight the Audrey II buds as the final shot shows the plants ascending the Statue of Liberty. One bud then smashes through the film screen and cackles as the camera zooms into its mouth.
Feed me.
~ Audrey II reveals to Seymour it can talk.
Feed me! I'm starving!
~ Audrey II demands to be fed.
Must be blood!...Must be fresh!
~ Audrey II's preference to blood.
More, more, more, more!
~ Audrey II eager for more blood.
Feed me, Seymour, feed me all night long... haha, that's right, boy! You can do it! Feed me, Seymour, feed me all night long. Cos if you feed me, Seymour, I can grow up, big and strong!
~ Audrey II persuading Seymour.
You think this is all a coincidence, baby? The sudden success round here? The press coverage?
~ Audrey II explaining it manipulated Seymour.
DOES THIS LOOK INANIMATE TO YOU, PUNK?! If I can talk, and I can move, who's to say I can't do anything I want?!
~ Audrey II to Seymour after being called an "inanimate object".
LIKE DELIVER, PAL! Ah! I'll see you get whatever your sickly, greasy heart desires! Would you like a Cadillac car? Or a guest shot on Jack Parr? How about a date with Hedy Lamarr? You're gonna get it... if you want it, baby! Hee hee, how'd you like to be a big wheel? Dinin' out for every meal! I'm the Plant who can make it all real. You're gonna get it. I'm your Genie, I'm your friend, I'm your Willing Slave. Take a chance, feed me ehh, you know what kinda eats, the kinda red hot treats, its the icky sticky sweets I CRAAAVE! WOW! Come on, Seymour, don't be a putz! Just trust me and your life will surely rival King Tut's! Show some initiative, boy, work up some guts, and you'll get it!
~ Audrey II tempting Seymour.
Would you like a room at the Ritz? Wrapped in velvet, covered in glitz?
~ Audrey II's temptations.
There must be someone you can eighty-six real quiet like, and get me some LUNCH!
~ Audrey II's plan.
If you really want to be profound, if you really want to justify - take a breath and look around, A LOT OF FOLKS DESERVE TO DIE!
~ Audrey II reveals its sadistic nature and also somewhat foreshadowing its hidden intentions of killing all humans.
Hmm...sure you do.
~ Audrey II when Seymour claims he doesn't know anyone who deserves to die.
If you want a rationale, it isn't very hard to see! Stop and think it over pal, the guy sure looks like plant food to me, the guy sure looks like plant food to me, the guy sure looks like plant food to me!
~ Audrey II gets Seymour convinced to kill Orin, Audrey's abusive boyfriend, after he sees her slap her.
He's got your number now... he knows just what you've done... you've got nowhere to hide... got nowhere to run!
~ Audrey II telepathically influences Seymour to feed Mushnik to it when the latter threatens to arrest Seymour.
Come on... come on... think about all those offers. Come on, come on, your future with Audrey! Come on, come on, come on, I swear on my spores! When he's gone, the world will be yours!
~ Audrey II telepathically orders Seymour to kill Mushnik. Another foreshadowing of Audrey II's hidden intentions of world domination as if you look closely during the last line, he talks to himself in the mirror.
And I think it's SUPPERTIME!
~ Audrey II orchestrating Mushnik's demise.
You sure do drive a hard bargain!
~ Audrey II demanding meat.
No, it ain't Seymour - it's ME!
~ Audrey II deceives Audrey.
No... and you ain't in Kansas neither!
~ Audrey II to Audrey.
Oh, relax doll, and it'll be easier. Come join your dentist friend and Mushnik. They're right inside!
~ Audrey II mocking Audrey before it eats her, from the original ending.
I need me some water in the worst way. Look at my branches, I'm drying up, I'm a goner honey! Ha! Ha! Come on and get me a drink!
~ Audrey II lying to Audrey.
No s**t Sherlock!
~ Audrey II upon realizing its plans have been revealed.
And I want to thank YOU!
~ Audrey II to Seymour, making Seymour realize he was responsible for Audrey II's success.
Better wait a minute... Uh. You better hold the phone. Better mind your manners. Better change your tone! Don't you threaten me, son!... You got a lot of gall! We're gonna do things my way, or we don't do things at all!
~ Audrey II, mad with Seymour, launches into its epic "Mean Green Mother From Outer Space" number.
Aha! You're in trouble now! Baby!
~ Audrey II breaks its tentacle-like roots out of its plant pot.
Hahahaha! You don't know what you're messing with, you got no idea! Haha! You don't know what you're looking at, when you lookin' here! You don't know what you're up against, no way, no way no how! You don't know what you're up against, and I'm gonna tell you noooow!
~ Audrey II about to reveal its identity.
Oooooo!! Wanna save ya skin, boy? You wanna save ya hide? Ya wanna see tomorrow? Ha-ha! Better step aside...! Better take a tip, boy. Want some good advice? You better take it easy, 'cause you're walking on thin ice! You don't know what you're dealing with, no you never did. You don't know what you're lookin' at, but that's tough titty, kid. The Lion don't sleep tonight, and when you pull his tail, he roars! You say "That ain't fair?" You say "That ain't nice?" You know what I say? "Up yours!" Watch me now!I'm Just a Mean Green Mother From Outer Space, and I am BAD! I'm Just a Mean Green Mother From Outer Space, and you got me fightin' mad! I'm Just a Mean Green Mother From Outer Space, gonna trash yo ass, gonna rock this place!! I'm mean and green!! And I am BAD!
~ Audrey II in its climactic battle with Seymour.
I'm just a Mean Green Mother From Outer Space, and I am BAD! Bye-bye, Seymour! Mwahahahahahaah!
~ Audrey II yanks down the shop as Seymour hides.
And... I... am... BAD!
~ Audrey II before killing Seymour in the original ending.
Look out, here I come for you!
~ Audrey II's last words in the original ending.
MWAHAHAAH! Uhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhhhuh!! Oh... S**t!
~ Audrey II' final words in the theatrical ending.
The song "Mean Green Mother From Outer Space" received an Oscar nomination for Best Song, making it the first song of the Academy to contain profanity and be sung by a villain.
There is a theory out there that Audrey II is a manifestation of Seymour's dark side.
He’s extremely jealous of Orin getting Audrey before he did, and with a little push from the Plant, Seymour goes to kill the abusive dentist (although fate steps in to claim the dentist's life as it’s unknown if Seymour could’ve gone through with it).
Seymour's sin could be said to be envy and the Plant encourages this, getting Seymour to indirectly help eliminate the overbearing Mushnik when Seymour is beginning to get angry at the older man's running things. Seymour is primarily motivated to prevent his own arrest, but has always harbored resentment at his cruel boss.
Seymour becomes a darker individual through prolonged exposure to the Plant.
A debate has arisen over Audrey II's gender, based on its number "I'm Just a Mean Green Mother from Outer Space!" The real answer for this lies in the song name - when the foul-mouthed creature uses "I'm Just a Mean Green Mother" it actually refers to the scatological insult "motherf**ker" and isn’t actually referring to its identity at all. It’s also always being voiced by a male actors/singers. It likely has no actual gender due to its asexual reproduction.
The original lyrics of the song "Mean Green Mother From Outer Space" have the lines: "Don't talk to me about ole King Kong, you think he's the worst, hah, well you're wrong!" and "Don't talk to me about Frankenstein, you think he's got a temper, well, he ain't got mine!" These lines are among the most infamous of the song, and are used in many stage adaptations, however, for an unknown reason, they never made it into the 1986 film. The reasons for this are unknown (although it is likely they were cut to save on screentime).
Given that Audrey II falls like a star to Earth and that its coming heralds the destruction of humanity, and that it corrupts people to its wills, and that it literally poisons the minds of otherwise decent folk - all this means Audrey II is similar to the concept of the so-called "Star Wormwood" from the Bible's Book of Revelations.
Several other plant villains from other media reference his name as well. In the Italian animated series Huntik's TCG, there is a titan named "Oddrey 2" which bares a striking resemblance to his name. In the German version of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, the boss Naval Piranha is named "Audrey", which references himself as well.
Audrey and Seymour are the only two people aware of the plant's capability of human speech. The plant had to speak to Seymour to accomplish its goals and only spoke to Audrey before it planned to eat her. But it didn’t want anyone else to hear it speak so as not to alert suspicion in smarter people than Seymour and Audrey.
The film's Directors Cut is actually darker than the original off-Broadway musical, which is prefaced by an ominous voice stating to the audience, "In an early year of a decade not too long before our own, the human race suddenly encountered a threat to its very existence. A threat that came, as they so often do, from the seemingly most innocent and unlikely of places ...", thus clearly inferring historically that the human race did survive, unlike Frank Oz's version.