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Badredd is the secondary antagonist of Loamhedge, the sixteenth book in the Redwall novel series. He is a runty and dim-witted yet ruthless and megalomaniacal fox who, after having been the butt of his own group's jokes for a while, seized leadership when the other leaders, Burrad and Skrodd, were slain, abused his group, and ventured them on a quest to Redwall Abbey which he would attempt to conquer to no avail, often resulting in humiliating defeats due to him not thinking things through.


As the youngest of the vermin gang led by Burrad, Redd would often be the butt of their coarse jokes due to his small and runty nature. One time, while he was seeking about for firewood, he spotted a bedraggled creature wading across the stream and informs Burrad of this, leading to him preparing to threaten the otter, who was named Bragoon and was working with a squirrel named Sarobando that helped him in this plan to disguise himself before attacking the band whilst revealing themselves to be the mighty warriors they heard of and taking their materials from them. In the aftermath, Burrad gets slain and Skrodd takes control, declaring that they will track them down, though Redd exclaimed that they were dangerous warriors to which Skrodd brushed this off and declared that they'll get after them. As they moved into the woodlands, Redd discussed the situation with Flinky, wondering if he's taking them to Redwall Abbey, a place Burrad was always going on about, leading to Flinky talking about the place and its magic sword. Skrodd stopped and asked Flinky about the sword, with Flinky merely talking about the abbey as Redd declares he's heard of Redwall before getting frozen by Skrodd with a glare and Flinky continues. Skrodd asks why the creatures at the abbey don't wear the sword to which Flinky explained that they're peaceful creatures with Redd commenting longingly that he wished he had a magic sword, causing Skrodd to shove and insult him for it, declaring that the sword will be his and getting into an argument with the hefty rat Dargle over it.

As they blundered their way through the nighttime thickness of Mossflower woodlands, Dargle called Skrodd out for tracking the two beasts while he's lost to which Skrodd brandished his cutlass and declared he was not. When Flinky, disguising his voice, said that that is no way to be talking to pawsore beasts, Badredd agreeingly declared that they should be sleeping then, unwittingly getting his voice identified by Skrodd, who sent him sprawling with a savage kick and threatened him afterwards as Flinky tried to remedy the situation by pulling Redd upright as he appealed to Skrodd. They continued the march as Flinky sang a song and after a while, Skrodd pulled Redd up to the front with him and allowed him to walk by his side. AS the small fox felt honoured as normally he'd be left trailing at the back of the gang, Skrodd, keeping his voice low and taking on a friendly tone, told him to stay by him as they have to stick together as foxes and began commending him, calling him a smart little fellow not like the other lot, displeasing Redd in that he called him little yet pleasing him in that he called him smart. Getting to the point, Skrodd explained that he wants him to keep an eye on the gang, especially Dargle, under suspicion that they're plotting something whilst telling him that he wants him to watch his back and sort of be his second in command. Hiding his delight, Redd replied gruffly that he will do that and they'll soon call him Big Redd to which Skrodd responded by telling him that when he gets the gang sorted out, he'll give him a proper vermin name: Badredd, much to Redd's delight.

After a fruitless night rambling through woodland thickets, the gang watched a rose-tinged dawn break over the treetops, Redd would be struck out at by Dargle and watched as Skrodd mocked him for being scared of a few drips of dew and gets into another argument with him over him being lost before they continue. Collaring Redd, Skrodd whispered to him to scout round and find him somewhere safe to rest and make sure it's soft and comfortable while selecting a place far away from Dargle and some place close for himself to guard him. Redd goes off to do just that and chose the base of a spreading oak, not too close to the stream, that was a basin-shaped depression between two thick roots. After the gang had finished eating and settled down for sleep, Redd showed Skrodd the spot at the base of the oak trunk and lay down, offering to make room for both of them so he can guard him good from there. Skrodd denied this request and tells him to go and lay by the fire with the others to put himself halfway between him and Dargle and warned him to avoid sleeping so that he'll know when Dargle makes a move. Rising reluctantly, Redd complies and goes over. Redd, however, winds up falling asleep as Dargle and Skrodd wind up killing each other.

Awakened by Flinky kicking him in the back asleep, Redd discovers their deaths and wakes up the other vermin to alert them of this. He lies about him having slain Dargle after he slew Skrodd and declares himself the new chief, proceeding to threaten the gang and managing to at least frighten Crinktail. Ever the one to seize an opportunity, however, Flinky confronted Redd and held out his paws placatingly, telling him they think he'd made a grand chief and getting the others to salute him, causing a newfound confidence to flood through Redd as he watched this. Deciding to assert his authority, Redd changed his name to Badredd and declared that they'll stop in the area for a while as there's water and food plenty about. Sitting on the streambank, Badredd picked a roasted woodpigeon leg and watched the westering sun die in a crimson haze while listening to Flinky singing as he dished out supper to the gang about how this is the place for them. Badredd, however, had totally different plans, to conquer Redwall Abbey and be the owner of the magic sword there. In the morning, Badredd keeps his eyes closed to feign sleep, paying attention to what the gang had been talking about, overhearing them calling him a fool and planning to convince him to stop at the area for a score of days before pretending to yawn and getting up, ordering Flinky to bring the boiled woodpigeon eggs to him. Flinky, while gritting his teeth, obeyed him and tried to smooth-talk him only for Badredd to put the eggs aside and stand up with his sword in paw, angrily declaring that they're moving as soon as they've eaten.

Slipback asks where they are going to which Badredd declares that they're going to Redwall Abbey. When Slipback scoffs to the others that he needs a magic sword to make himself look bigger, Badredd angrily chopped off his tail with his sword and as Juppa slapped a pawful of bank mud on the severed stump for him to lay and called him out for that, Badredd declared that he'll slay whoever talks to him like that before revealing that he's heard what they've said about him and leads them on to Redwall Abbey after some more threats. As they march, Slipback tells him that there's eight of them and only one of him and not to get too big and fancy with his ideas as he still has to sleep at night, warning him not to turn his back on them too often as they could kill him. Badredd realized the truth in Slipback's statement, but now that he had all this newfound power he was not backing down and with his cutlass blade, he upset the small cauldron of water over the campfire to put it out. Just then, Plumnose arrives and Badredd orders him to make his report as to what he found with Plumnose explaining that he found a path that runs south to north and that it could be the way to the abbey and is about a day's march to the path. Pointing his blade, Badredd demands that the lot gets moving and has Plumnose go up front to show the way, also having Slipback, Juppa, Crinktail, Flinky, and Halfchop go up front with him and Rogg and Floggo bring up the rear with Badredd. After giving another threat to Flinky, he gets them going.

As they walk some more through the woodlands, Badredd explains Rogg and Floggo's duties as he watched the backs of the gang and promises to make them his seconds in command and reward them well when they conquer Redwall Abbey. The two weren't impressed by his brags and promises, having their experience with gang leaders coming and going, though they marched dutifully on with Badredd keeping a half pace behind them while dragging his blade along the ground as he could not fit it into his belt, leading to him making undignified stumbles due to it getting caught twixt his footpaws. After a series of walking through marshy ground and getting insulted by Badredd, they arrived to a dry, sunny clearing where they lay, looking sullen and rebellious. Knowing the trouble that would come should he roar out orders to continue marching, Badredd forestalled it by declaring that they rest there awhile. Hearing the gang whispering, he pointed his cutlass at them to warn them to stop it to which Flinky explained that they're not saying anything bad about him and requests permission that they sing to which Badredd, shrugging indifferently, allowed but no gossiping or whispering. The song wound up causing Badredd to fall asleep in a scheme Flinky came up with to try to kill him, though this would be foiled by Plumnose unwittingly awakening Badredd by clapping his paws, leading to Badredd catching Slipback brandishing a spear not three paces from him.

Grabbing up his cutlass, Badredd raised it threateningly to him and asked him what he's up to to which Slipback replied by fibbing that he thought he saw the bushes moving under suspicion that it was Bragoon and Saro, with Flinky backing this up. To turn the situation to his advantage, Badredd ordered that they get moving fast and drove them hard for the remainder of the day by adopting a simple but effective scheme. He ordered Rogg and Floggo to fire off arrows from time to time. The deadly shafts fell just short of the marchers' rear, causing them to hasten forward. Soon, Plumnose called out to Badredd about them having arrived to the path at the end of the trees, much to Badredd's satisfaction as he came up to see it with Flinky commending him for it. Keeping to the woodlands, Badredd has the gang follow the path. Stopping for a breather, he sighted Redwall Abbey in the distance and scurried out onto the path, pointing and yelling that they've found the place before running to it with his cutlass, with the gang mocking him behind his back. As Badredd was well ahead of them, the crew stolled out onto the path while two of them made disparaging remarks behind their leader's back. After a bit, Badredd came running back brandishing his cutlass and orders them to form up in twos, declaring his plan to march straight up to the abbey and scare the residents by making themselves look more like a gang of killers through waving their weapons and snarling loud as if they're ready to do murder. Flinky points out that they should figure out some kind of old plan before they go rushing at a building that size.

Turning his attention to the walltops, Badredd noticed lots of heads beginning to appear there as they had been warned by an otter named Toran that saw the vermin gang approaching, leading to Badredd climbing down into the ditch alongside Flinky, knowing that what he said made sense and declaring that they make up a scheme. Once the whole gang enters the ditch, Flinky suggests to him that they turn up outside their doorstep the next day. Due to having no real plan beyond a straight charge and knowing that Flinky was not a fool, Badredd decided to hear him out. Flinky explained eagerly that the gang can get a good night's rest and when he's thought up his scheme, they'll be ready for a fresh start and catch them napping at dawn. Deciding to accept this, Badredd declares that they rest there as his orders, missing the nudge exchanged between Crinktail and Flinky as they lay down and closed their eyes. Laying awake in the ditch, Badredd tried to ignore the stentorian snores of those around him and longed even more for the dawn when he could take possession of his magic sword while imagining what it must be like and mentally going through a speech he prepared for the Redwallers. Having come up with one, he awakens Halfchop with a smack on the chin and ordered him to get further along the ditch and see if he can make it so that he's level with the big gate. When Halfchop asks why, Badredd only shoves him forward and tells him to give him a signal if he makes it safely while he follows up with the rest of the crew so that they'll be in place when it gets light with the intent to give the Redwallers the shock of their lives when they see him climb out of the ditch and demand the magic sword.

Halfchop explains that it's dark and he can't see a thing and asks why he can't wait until dawn to which Badredd responds by stating he merely wants it done now and orders him to get going, much to Halfchop's frustration as he reluctantly does so albeit with a burning light from a red-ended branch from the embers of a fire. Halfchop winds up getting his muzzle fractured and his nose wrecked by a big barrel bung that makes him go "Kachunk" from there on while Badredd, noticing that the rat's light snuffed out with a gentle hiss as it fell into some stagnant water, awoke Floggo and Rogg and ordered them to go and fetch Halfchop as he seem to have fallen over. When they returned, hauling the senseless rat, Badredd blew on the embers and stirred the fire and winced as he saw the damage to Halfchop's face. As Flinky pushed some lit dried herbs under Halfchop's nose, Badredd questioned him as to what happened, though Halfchop only replied "Kachunk", much to Badredd's anger as Flinky managed to soothe him and prevent him from unleashing his wrath on Halfchop. Moments afterwards, Badredd gets the Redwallers' attention and has several of his crew lift him up and boost him onto the parth when unable to leap boldly from the ditch to state his demands. Despite humiliating himself a bit by landing sprawling on the dust and gravel, springing up quickly, taking a swaggering step forward, and tripping over his cutlass, this getting a few stifled giggles from the walltop, Badredd, putting on his toughest snarl, announces himself as Warlord of the Vermin Horde and demands the magic sword from the abbey to which the abbot claimed there was none at the abbey. Not believing the abbot, Badredd threatened him to bring it out to him while insulting him to which Toran sticks up for the abbot and threatens Badredd to get him to go away, angering Badredd as he orders the weasel brothers to fire their two arrows, one of which struck Toran's shoulder as he flung himself upon the abbot and the other which flew harmlessly overhead.

Toran ordered everyone to get down before one of them, Junty Cellarhog, slinged a stone that struck Badredd's footpaw, causing him to screech in pain as Crinktail and the rest of the crew jumped back into the ditch taking him with them. When Flinky tried to peacefully ask for the sword from the abbey, Badredd declared a tirade to slay them all and take their abbey from them sword or no sword, declaring war on them in the process. Toran only mocked this, breaking the arrow that struck him in half and tossing it over into the ditch before daring him to see if he can take Redwall from them as a dirty little band of scum. Flinky tried to talk Badredd out of it by telling him that the otter was right as a small crew like theirs could not take a place as big as the abbey, though Badredd merely brushes this off by rhetorically asking him whose side he's on to which flinky responds by stating that things aren't exactly going their way. Narrowing his eyes, Badredd asks what he suggests to which Flinky explains that they make them think they've gone away so that they can catch them off guard after a day or two. However, while mulling over Flinky's idea, Junty tricked him into coming out of the ditch and humiliates him by pouring a group of materials from the abbey onto him, leftover oatmeal, potato peelings, onion skins, and old cooking oil, much to Badredd's speechless rage. Clawing at the mess, he rants that he'll kill them for their treatment of him.

Later that night, Badredd and his crew leave the ditch and cross back into Mossflower Wood where they found all manner of fruit, berries, and wild vegetables. After taking a bath in a stream, Badredd ordered his crew to move on fast after they've eaten with the plan to look around the back of the abbey to find a way in, stating that dark would be the ideal time to get the job done when Crinktail tried to fob him off with an excuse of it being dark by the time they got around there. When they arrive at the east wickergate, they discover it is shut with a bolt. After asking the crew if any are good at picking locks, Flinky explains that he is and volunteers to do so by using Badredd's sword to swing at the bolt while Floggo and Rogg push the door wide enough for him to get a good swing at it, breaking Badredd's sword in half in the process, much to Badredd's shock and anger as he yells at Flinky for this and berates his crew. As he strode off in foul mood, Plumnose revealed that he and Halfchop got the door open. Taking half of his cutlass from Flinky, Badredd orders them to keep quiet while they go in and follow him to take a look around and figure out a way to enter the big building. As they wander, they see the abbey's dibbuns in the field and Badredd sneaks quickly out across the lawn in an attempt to grab one of them, Muggum, who was heading for the pand where he planned on hiding in the reeds oblivious to Badredd's presence before he gets rescued by Junty. Pursuing the cellar hedgehog, Badredd has the two ferret brothers fire two arrows into the hedgehog's back, killing him. Toran helps rescue the other Dibbuns before going back to Junty's aid, managing to barely survive the encounter as he brings him indoors and orders the Redwallers to bar the doors.

Badredd orders his crew to keep at it as they've got them on the run. Once the windows have been barricaded, Flinky smooth-talks the others into stopping slinging, leading to Badredd approaching him and prodding him with his broken blade, demanding that he keep chucking rocks at the windows until he tells him to stop to which Flinky lied that he was only telling Juppa what a clever move he made. Eager to know what the clever move was, Badredd tells him to explain it to her. Flinky explains that they have them locked up tight as prisoners in their own abbey as a siege with there being a limited supply of food and drink in there and with them having the orchard and the pond, they'll either starve to death in the abbey or surrender after a while. Only a moment before, Badredd thought he had lost the encounter, but the realisation of what Flinky had just said made him shudder with delight. Nodding wisely, Badredd acknowledges it as a siege and orders them to keep slinging while going off commenting on what a clever idea it was as Flinky jokes about him with Juppa behind his back. At dawn, Badredd declares his new plan to Flinky and Crinktail, ordering them to go through the woodlands to collect more food and recruit more vermin they find to the battle while using the food they have to show them they have plenty of it while he and the others continue the siege. After they go, Badredd orders Juppa, Slipback, Plumnose, and Halfchop to keep slinging stones at the windows to strike the beasts inside. When they kept complaining as they were tired and hungry, Badredd decided to try to show them how to sling stones properly and began slinging at a mad rate while the others left as he yelled at Juppa and Slipback to get out of his sight and bring a lot more stones and at Plumnose and Halfchop to continue slinging.

Soon, Badredd grew tired of slinging stones and stalked off in high dudgeon. When Plumnose and Halfchop dropped their slings and trailed after him, Badredd turned on them furiously and ordered them to get back to slinging under the threat of flaying them. A few moments later, Badredd directly speaks to the abbot, Carrul, declaring that they open their doors to let them in and take the magic sword and other bits of loot they fancy on account of leaving them in peace and going. When the abbot refused, Badredd had Rogg fire an arrow at the abbot that wound up missing due to him sneezing from pepper dust in pepper bombs the Redwallers prepared. The Redwallers then launch the pepper bombs at them, causing the to spit, sneeze, and rub at their burning eyes as the fierce hotroot pepper did its work, causing them to halt the attack in pain. Eventually, Flinky and Crinktail are brought to the abbey after being captured by the brutal searat Raga Bol and his crew who interrogated them. Inside, Raga humiliates Badredd in front of his crew before usurping his role of laying a siege to the abbey and making him his slave while trying to conquer Redwall Abbey with his own searats. As his slave, Raga would have him be abused by one of his searats, Blowfly, who would whip him while he either makes food for Raga or cleans up things for him. After a while, Flinky tricks Blowfly into abandoning his post and going to Raga while he and the gang escape with Badredd going with them. After they successfully escape, a cowed Badredd slunk at the back of the group as he takes into account that his days as gangleader were gone as he, along with the other vermin, look to Flinky as their saviour. Flinky declares his goal to head south to find a comfortable spot to live a good life which they all go off to do.


           Redwall Villains

Blodge | Captain Warpclaw | Catseyes | Cluny the Scourge | Damug Warfang | Doomeye | Gabool the Wild | Greypatch | Groffgut | Gruntan Kurdly | Raga Bol | Ripfang | Saltar | Slipp | Strapp | Ullig | Vitch | Wilce

Weasels/Ferrets/Stoats/Pine Martens
Antigra | Badrang the Tyrant | Bullflay | Cap'n Tramun Clogg | Eefera | Emperor Ublaz Mad Eyes | Ferahgo the Assassin | Gruven Zann | King Agarnu | King Sarengo | Klitch | Malkariss | Prince Bladd | Princess Kurda | Raventail | Sawney Rath | Spurge and Agric | Swartt Sixclaw | Threeclaws | Vallug Bowbeast | Veil Sixclaw | Vilu Daskar

Ascrod | Badredd | Balefur | Codj | Farran the Poisoner | Gelltor | Karangool | Lantur | Mokkan | Plugg Firetail | Predak | Ruggan Bor | Silth | Silvamord | Slagar the Cruel | Urgan Nagru | Vannan | Vizka Longtooth | Vulpuz | Ziral

Lady Kaltag | Pitru | Riggu Felis | Tsarmina Greeneyes | Ungatt Trunn | Verdauga Greeneyes

Asmodeus Poisonteeth | Zassaliss, Harssacss, and Sesstra

General Ironbeak | Korvus Skurr | Mangiz

Other "Vermin" Species
Frilled Lizard Leader | Gulo the Savage | Kharanjul | Lask Frildur | Razzid Wearat

Non "Vermin" Species
Druwp | Fenno | Gawtrybe | King Glagweb | Wakka
