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Harley Quinn in Scribblenauts Unmasked

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Barky McTreeface, was an evil rotten bloke, he was rough and mean, and his face was green, with two arms made out of oak. Barky McTreeface, was so nasty, rude, and tough! He was bad, it's true, but the tadpoles knew, how he came to life and stuff! There must've been enchantment in those tadpoles from that swamp. For when they zapped him with their brains, he began to roar and stomp! Down through the city, causing cataclysmic crime, punching here and there, smashing everywhere! Now it's Flip-O-Rama time! Flippity flip-flip, Slappety-slap. Look at Barky punch! Flippity flip-flip, kickety-kick. He'll eat you up for lunch!
~ The lyrics of the Barky McTreeface song

Barky McTreeface is a major antagonist in the eighth book in Dav Pilkey's Dog Man book series, Fetch-22, a spin-off to the Captain Underpants franchise.

Using the tadpoles' mind powers, he was created to help the Fair Fairy take revenge on the world for firing her from her TV show host job.


When the Fair Fairy left the tadpoles, who thought that she was their mother, the tadpole Molly had used her new mind powers she got when she was accidentally overdosed with Supa Brain Dots, a dangerous drug that causes the users to get very mad and telekinetic powers in high doses, to make a nearby tree come sentient.

The first order of business for the tree was to collect the Fair Fairy and make her live with them. Then, the Fair Fairy thought about it for a moment, then realized that she could make revenge using this army. All they needed was to name the tree. So, the Fair Fairy's sentient hand puppet, Downward Dog, created the name of Barky McTreeface.

Then, the tadpoles created an annoying song sung to the tune of Frosty the Snowman. During the song, Barky destroyed every building and automobile in the city.

Soon, Dog Man, Chief, and Sarah Hatoff find out, so they try to use a butterfly net to catch the tadpoles. However, the tadpoles end up catching them.

Soon enough, Flippy the Fish, Li’l Petey, and 80-HD joined in, but they were soon all captured by Barky, except for Li’l Petey. Li’l Petey tries to cut the tadpoles in half, but then realizes they're just little kids. Then, Molly notices and asks why Li’l Petey didn't cut them in half.

The two of them have a conversation, and they soon become friends. Then, the Fair Fairy sees them and grabs Molly to help her siblings and kidnaps Li’l Petey and brings him with the others.

Then, Molly uses her telekinetic powers to move the branch in just a way so that Li’l Petey and Sarah's poodle, Zuzu, could escape to create an antidote to Supa Brain Dots.

When they finally get back, Petey's Dad learns about the antidote inside a balloon, which did not have any antidote, and tells the Fair Fairy, who tells the tadpoles to go to the swamp, where Zuzu sends in the real antidote into the swamp, reverting everything that they made, including Barky.


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           Dog Man logo Villains

Crunky | Bub
The Robo-Brontosaurus

Robo-Time Industries
Dr. Scum | Petey the Cat | Mayor
Robo-Chief | Burgle Balls | Robo-Shark Duck
A.I. Buddies
Dr. Scum | Dog Man

Leader Weenie
Mecha-Weenie Leader

The 22 Psychokinetic Tadpoles
Naomi | Melvin the Frog

Space Cuties
Captain Cuddles | Doctor Dimples

Petey the Cat | Grampa | Flippy | Deputy Doo Doo | Dr. Dilbert Dinkle | Vacuum | Robo-Baby | Mecha Petey | Philly | Maude | Flat Petey | Beasty Buildings | Supa-Mecha Philly | Dog Jail Warden | Judge | Claymation Philly | Thief | Fair Fairy | Barky McTreeface | Munchy the Lunch Bag | Sippy Cups | Junior

See Also
Captain Underpants Villains
