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My name is Baroness Von Bon Bon, and today is your lucky day! You get to eat all the sweet treat you desire!
~ Baroness introducing herself to Cuphead.
Now you're delicious!
~ Baroness revealing her true nature.

Baroness Von Bon Bon is the main antagonist of The Cuphead Show! episode "Sweet Temptation".

She is a baroness of Sugarland, which is secretly located through the tree. At first, she appeared friendly to children who entered the cursed place and allowed them to eat all of the sweet treats they desired. However, she is revealed to be a psychotic cannibal who put dark magic in treats to transform children into living treats and eats them alive.

She was voiced by Zoe Moss in her first voice acting role.


Baroness Von Bon Bon has a very feminine appearance and color palette, mainly composed of pinks.

She is a tall and skinny woman, donning a good deal of resemblance to a soda bottle. She has pastel pink skin of a color similar to bubble-gum, very short, maroon-red colored hair with a large curl at the bangs, similar to a lollipop, hot-pink lipstick, and big blue eyes, similar to the color of lemon drops, topped off with long eye-lashes.

As a sign of her royal status, she wears a sleeveless, reddish-pink dress with a red and white, diagonally-striped bodice (reminiscent of a candy cane), white puff sleeves (much like donuts and seemingly detached from the main bodice), darker red flounces (which resemble piped icing), and light pink and white speckles on the puffy, floor-length taffeta. Her gloves are now white, a hennin hat resembling an ice-cream cone with a white feather on top, and wields a candy cane as a staff.


Initially, Baroness appears to be friendly and pleasant towards all children that enter Sugarland through the mysterious tree. She offers them to eat all the sweet treats they desire except for her candy castle despite most finding it irresistible. However, it is all a façade as Sugarland is actually a curse, and her true nature is a creepy, psychotic, and cannibalistic baroness who puts dark magic on sweet treats that transforms children into living treats and eats them alive.

Unlike in the game where bosses have understandable motivations for protecting their souls, Baroness Von Bon Bon turns out to be more vile than she was as a genuine villain.



Not much is known about The Baroness past, except that she became the ruler of Sugarland. For reasons unknown, she ended up with an ancient curse that prevents her from leaving Sugarland, which seems to have driven her insane. She attempts to lure children into Sugarland and tries to trick them into breaking her only two rules: Don't tell anyone about Sugarland and not to eat her castle. Shall anyone break these rules, and they'll turn them into candy so she can eat them.

The Cuphead Show![]

Sweet Temptation[]

As Cuphead walks out of the house, he then walks into a place called Sugarland, where The Baroness introduces herself to him, and tells him that he can eat all of the treats he can desire.

Cuphead at first refuses and attempts to leave, but the Baroness asks him why he doesn’t want to eat the sweets. He explains that he heard about the fairytales that if he eats the candy, she’ll try to eat him up. The Baroness, explains that she only eats sweet treats as she explains to him by eating a cupcake.

Cuphead, when he comes home, tells Mugman about Sugarland, in which the two then start eating, only for Cuphead to tell Mugman to stop once the latter eats part of The Baroness castle. Once she notices, she then tells them that they both broke the rules. As Cuphead and Mugman turn into a gummy and a gingerbread man respectively, she then reveals her true nature as she starts chasing them, while they runaway from her.

Once Cuphead and Mugman escape Sugarland, she is angered that they escaped, which made her sad, due to them being so delicious. She then doesn’t worry about knowing that they’ll come back, meaning that she’ll get revenge of them.


Baroness: Wait, where you going? I offered you all this sweet treats you desire, ain't you gonna eat my sweets?
Cuphead: I don't think so lady! I've read the fairy-tales, I eat your candy, I end up in an oven, you just wanna eat me.
Baroness: This is funny! You're funny, funny, guy! (Baroness laughs) I'm a Baroness, I only eat sweet treats. (kisses a cupcake and then eats it)
~ Baroness trying to lure Cuphead while hinting at her true intentions.
Cuphead: Oh, well in that case, I'm sorry that I missjudged you The Baroness.
Baroness: Oh please, we're friends now, call me The.
~ Baroness telling Cuphead he can just refer to her as “The”.
(laughs) Now I gotta say, I admire how you resisted my very tempted offer, most disgusting children, just can't resist.
~ Baroness Von Bon Bon.
I don't get out much, in fact I cat leave sugarland on the count of an ancient curse... But that's a story for another time.
~ The Baroness foreshadowing her unhinged personality.
Cuphead: Why would anyone wanna leave this place?
Baroness: Exactly!
~ Baroness Von Bon Bon.
So as long as you never break my two rules: Rule #1: Tell no one you Sugarland. Rule #2: Eat all the candy you desire, just not my candy castle, no even a teensy-weensy bite.
~ Baroness Von Bon Bon warning Cuphead not to tell anyone about Sugarland and not to eat her candy Castle while eating all the candy that he can desire.
Cuphead: Works for me! There's a much tasty stuff here! Why would I eat your castle?
Baroness: You wouldn't, unless you find it, irresistible.
~ The Baroness trying to trick Cuphead into eating her castle.
Baroness: I’ll just turn my back in case you wanna sneak a bite.
Cuphead: Maybe just a teensy-weensy bite. Wait! No teensy-weensy, I gotta go!
~ Baroness Von Bon Bon.
Well, he’ll be back. too-da.loo!
~ Baroness Von Bon Bon.
(Baroness laughing) Now you both broke a rule. Naughty, naughty!
~ The Baroness after watching Cuphead and Mugman both broke her rules.
Cuphead: Let me guess, you’re gonna eat us after all?
Baroness: Blech! For the last time, I don’t eat disgusting children. Only sweet treats
~ Baroness Von Bon Bon.
(Baroness laughing) I’m coming to get you, boys!
~ Baroness as while she chases them before they escape.
Aw, licorice sticks! They escaped!?
~ Baroness after Cuphead and Mugman escape.
They looked so tasty, but they’ll be back. They always come back.
~ Baroness vowing revenge on Cuphead and Mugman.



  • She is one of the few bosses from the original game to be an actual villain in the show reboot (consisting of Ribby and Croaks, The Root Pack, Werner Werman, and Cala Maria), except for Grim Matchstick, Captain Brineybeard, Hilda Berg, and Sally Stageplay.
    • Out of the eight, Ribby and Croaks are the only ones who end up on good terms with Cuphead and Mugman at the end of their episode.
  • She is one of the few villains to reveal her true nature/motives for their terrible crimes. Due to the fact the Baroness lures children to the mysterious tree that leads to the cursed Sugarland for them to eat the irresistible sweet treats, transforming them into living treats so the Baroness can eat them alive. She is somewhat compared to other villains in the same show:
    • The Devil: He built his own twisted carnival called "Carn-Evil" where Inkwell residents went there to have fun and lose the games, including Soul Ball, that lose their own souls right down into the underworld for the Devil's obsession.
    • King Dice: He hosted his own game show called "Roll the Dice" where he tricked many Inkwell residents into playing the game after winning three rounds in order to go inside the "mystery prize room", resulting in losing their souls individually to King Dice's boss, the Devil himself.
    • Cala Maria: Unlike every villain for the purpose of their crimes, she only turned many living things into stone, even destroying pirate ships, for entering her territory. However, she has a sadistic pleasure of eating anyone.
    • Baby Bottle: He acted as a cute baby to seduce people with cuteness into adopting him so the baby can cause harmful mischief, chaos, and destruction in every houses. Suddenly, Baby Bottle can rarely murder anyone for making him angry.


           CupheadDon'tDealwiththeDevil Logo Villains

Main Game
The Devil | King Dice | Casino Bosses
The Delicious Last Course
Chef Saltbaker | Moonshine Mob | The Devil | Angel and Demon | Mortimer Freeze |

The Cuphead Show!
The Devil | Henchman | King Dice | Stickler
Baby Bottle | Ribby and Croaks | The Root Pack | Cala Maria | Baroness Von Bon Bon | Ludwig | Birnbaum Quadruplets | Werner Werman | Penguin Caretakers
