Bebe Wooten, better known as Bebe, is the titular overarching antagonist of the comedy animated film Bebe’s Kids, which is based on Robin Harris’s stand-up comedy show.
She is a friend of Jamika and the mother of her own kids, Lashawn, Kalil, and Pee-Wee who has babysat them for her while working.
Not much is known about Bebe’s life besides used to having a husband who she would then date and marry him where they would have three children named Lashawn, Khalil, and Pee-Wee Wooten.
When their father abandoned them, the children would then shot him, leaving her to take care of them. Sometime before the events of the film, she would meet Jamika where the two would then become friends, as the former would have her babysit her children while she's gone presumably busy.
Bebe’s Kids[]
The film starts with Robin at Walter’s funeral while playing with his friends on cards, until he noticed a woman named Jamika.
She then had him meet her son Leon, who was being with his babysitter, and asked her out on a date to go to FunWorld.
In the morning, Robin then met Bebe’s children, Lashawn Khalil and Pee-Wee who would then start to assault him and Leon over the trip to FunWorld.
The children would then leave home with Robin and Jamika, where the former tried to call a police officer for help only for the latter to leave once he recognized them.
Having enough of their mistreatment, the former then drop the children off where he comes in to have a talk with Bebe about her children, however, he noticed there was a note from her for Jamika on getting her children something honest for dinner.
This makes him realize how poor and alone they are without their mother looking out for them, with one of them Lashawn having tears from her eyes in sadness.
After leaving, Robin and Jamika then have an argument about Bebe not taking care of them with the latter refusing to be their parental substitute.
- She could be considered the overarching antagonist of the film as she was the reason why her kids became bad children in the first place with LaShawn ended up beating boys who don't like kissing, Kahlil being accused of being in a gang, and Pee-Wee being mischievous.