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Bernard Loredo is supporting antagonist in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. He is the royal governor of the city of Flotsam and the commander of the troops stationed there. He likes to kill people who bend his law in the town.

Bernard is also known to be vulgar, violent, and racist towards non-humans, especially elves. Becoming the target of a Scoia'tael commando led by Iorveth. Bernard also plans to sell the entire city to Kaedwen, ready to betray his Temerian nationality.

He is voiced by James Barriscale.



Bernard is the son of Marietta Loredo, cousin of Louis Merse and commander of the city of Flotsam on the border of Temeria and Aedirn, located on the Pontar River, thanks to this river the sea can control the ballistics and thus uses the privileges to release all valuable items by storing them in his warehouse in the garden in your estate. In addition, Loredo is a racist and despises all the non-humans who live in his city and wants to exterminate them all by forcing them out of the city.

Loredo's racism towards non-humans attracted the attention of Scoia'tael militants led by Iorweth, who repeatedly attacked the city. As such, Loredo hired many mercenaries to fight the Scoia'tael, and was also stationed on a prison barge near Flotsam where captured elves could be transported to Drakenborg. Furthermore, Loredo has kidnapped an elf named Moril whom he is keeping in his manor and regularly rapes and tortures him causing Moril to fall pregnant.

Sometime later, Loredo made contact with Dethmold, King Henselt's court mage. As Henselt wants to expand the power of his Keadwen empire, Loredo plans to sell Henselt his city of Flotsam to be turned into a military base. However, Loredo has a problem as there is a kayran monster near Flotsam that was created by an unnamed mage and is interfering with shipping traffic on the pontar. Soon after, Loredo meets the sorceress Sheala de Tancarville in Flotsam and gives her orders to eliminate the kayran. After Dandelion and the dwarf Zoltan Chivay arrive in Flotsam, Loredo suspects them of espionage for the Scoia'tael, ordered his men to arrest them and organizes a public execution for them.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of king[]

after the arrival of the witcher Geralt of Rivia to Flotsam at the moment when his friends Dandelion and Zoltan are being executed by Loredo, Geralt immediately tries to stop the executions by causing arguments with his soldiers. After Geralt calls out Loredo to be furious, he demands an explanation of the whole commotion. During the conversation between Geralt and Loredo, Geralt's companion Vernon Roche who informs about the death of King Foltest, after the conversation Loredo slanders the band of Scoia'tael that they were involved in the king's murder and uses Iorveth as an excuse to declare a state of emergency in Flotsam and further incite anti-Anderling sentiment in the city.

Loredo, wanting to talk to the witcher, invited him to his estate because he claims that the gallows are not a place for conversation. After a private conversation with Geralt, Loredo reveals to him that Dandelion and Zoltan will not be executed and that they will be free. Sometime later, Geralt, waiting for Loredo, enters where he meets Sheala de Tancarville, who argues with him about greed and corrupt practices. After talking to Sheala, Bernard sees Geralt again and then manipulates Geralt that Iorweth and the Scoia'tael are the biggest threat to Flotsam and that Iorweth wants to free the prisoners from the barge.

Before informing Geralt about his plans, Loredo wants to cooperate with him to solve the problem with the Scoia'tael and the kayran in exchange for Dandelion and Zoltan being freed. After Kayran is defeated by Gelart and Sheala de Tancarville, Geralt begins to team up with Iorveth to find the regicide Letho of Gulet. Roche then recruits new mercenaries for Loredo to follow him. Eventually, a fight ensues between Vernon Roche's Blue Stripes and Iorveth's Scoia'taels, in which many of Loredo's Mercenaries are killed. Loredo uses the tense atmosphere of the situation to start a pogrom against non-humans in the city.

Geralt, wanting to leave Flotsam, is forced to cooperate with Iorveth or Roche, but Vernom and Iorveth still have plans for Flotsam. When Vernom wants to sneak into Loredo's residence to find evidence of Keadweni cooperation in selling lands to Flotsam and betray Temeria, Iorwerth wants to storm the nearby village of Flotsam and liberate the Inhumans against Loredo's persecution.

Roche's Path[]

If Geralt chose Roche's path, Vernon informs Geralt that the merchant who contacted Loredo is an agent of King Henselt and that he has sworn to support the Keadwen troops in the event of a conflict. Vernom announced that he was going to get the spy and put Loredo to death, thinking that Henselt was responsible for organizing regicides in Temeria and Aedirn.

After informing Geralt, Vernom organized his plan to break into Loredo's mansion in order to eliminate the spy Arnolt Malliger and the traitor Bernard Loredo. Vernom knows only Maliger, his mother and cousin and two prostitutes are allowed to enter the estate, so one female soldier named Ves can disguise herself as a prostitute and then comes to him to distract Loredo who intended to rape her for his pleasure. However, Geralt arrives in time to prevent this, and when Loredo pounces on Geralt with the Harbard, Geralt dodges the attack and kills Loredo in combat.

He is able to free Ves as well as find the elf who Loredo raped for months and who is now heavily pregnant. After the birth of her child, the elf, disgusted, commits suicide, and the child is later given to her companion.


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Sirens of the Deep