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Yes, by all accounts, I should in fact be dead. Incinerated in the fires of your Sun. But fate, it would seem, has saw fit that I have a second chance and thanks to the power of the Big Gete Star, I have been reborn stronger and sleeker. New and improved, as you might say.
~ Cooler to Goku and Piccolo.

The Big Gete Star is the overarching antagonist of Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler.

It is a sentient planet-sized machine that eventually absorbed Cooler's remains, enabling the tyrant to take over and also giving it full sentience. Once it began emulating Cooler, the star's physical body would go by the name of Meta-Cooler.


After absorbing Cooler, the machine's personality becomes almost exactly the same as the tyrant's, though it prioritizes gaining energy over anything else, which suggests that the core of the machine is influencing his actions - yet he still seems capable of channeling the programming because he chose New Namek specifically to outdo his brother, Frieza, who failed to exterminate the Namekian race, as well as to punish Goku, due to the Saiyan's connections to them.

Cooler once showed an appreciation for hard work, however, after being assimilated into the Big Ghete Star, he is now content to steal energy from others. He also showed delight in absorbing another's energy, although it was from Goku, which was also motivated by revenge, thereby not reliable data to know if he enjoys taking energy every time.

He has become more similar to Frieza, as when at a disadvantage, he no longer finds sardonic amusement, but rather blind rage. Although, his overall attitude is still more cool-headed; unlike Frieza, who was terrified and enraged upon seeing a second Super Saiyan, Cooler was bemused and unthreatened.


Early life[]

The Big Gete Star was created from a computer chip in space that began absorbing and assimilating debris, gradually growing larger and larger. The Big Gete Star found what was left of Cooler, after Son Goku blasted him into the sun, and integrated it into its core, which allowed Cooler to take control of the star, copying his personality and memories into itself. Cooler then directed the Big Gete Star over to New Namek in order to use it as a source of fuel. At this time, the crew of the Big Gete Star included a Guide Robo, Cyclopian Guards, and thousands of Meta-Coolers.

Battle of New Namek[]

Meta-Cooler (DBZ)

The star's physical body, a Meta-Cooler

Aware of New Namek's fate, Dende asks the Z Warriors to save the planet. On New Namek, Son Gohan, Piccolo, and Kuririn battle the Cyclopian Guards, while Super Saiyans Goku and Vegeta engage a battle with a Meta-Cooler. After they defeat him, the Big Gete Star released hundreds, if not, thousands of Meta-Coolers over to the battlefield. Goku and Vegeta have no chance of beating them all, and are absorbed by the star itself.

Within the Big Gete Star's core, the two Super Saiyans find the brains behind the main computer, the actual Cooler himself, having been reduced to nothing more than an eye reinforced by metal in the visage of his old self and strung up by wires. They learn that all Meta-Coolers seen previously were under remote control of the machine. Cooler plots to use Goku and Vegeta's energies to power a faster consumption of New Namek. But their power is too much and begins to overload the capacity of his systems. The Saiyans then flood the Big Gete Star with energy, causing it to crumble and his remote-controlled dolls to self-destruct, while Cooler starts to lose his hold on the planet.

Sickened by whom he believes to be scum foiling his plans, Cooler fashions a makeshift body and intends to throttle Goku in wires. Even to this end, Cooler believes victory is inevitable, and his arrogance costs him his life as Vegeta shears off one of his mech arms, giving Goku time to destroy what is left of his body. With Cooler's remains gone, the Big Gete Star disintegrates over New Namek and Vegeta later crushes the original chip in his hand to ensure that it would never return.

Powers and abilities[]


In his Meta-Cooler form, Cooler is much stronger. He possesses all the powers of his previous form, and a few more ability. He is able to generate small, but extremely powerful explosions. He also knows Shukan Ido (which he claims to be one of his favorite techniques). If Meta-Cooler sustains enough damage, all of the injuries are instantly detected and repaired; should a Meta-Cooler be destroyed before an upgrade can be completed, a duplicate unit will be made that does have the improvements. Cooler's mind, perhaps aided by the station's CPU, is able to "possess" and easily coordinate thousands of Meta-Coolers at once, although his ability to verbally communicate and consciously control seems limited to one location at a time, with other areas having units that run on automatic like Cyclopian guards.

Meta-Cooler Core[]

Since Cooler is the core of the Big Gete Star, he is able to control all machinery that was created by the Big Gete Star. That includes all the Meta-Coolers, Cyclopian Guards, the Guide Robo, and the Big Gete Star. Cooler is far from defenseless, he is able to use the cables inside the Big Gete Star and form a body that is around ten times larger than his original one. The cables on his body are super strong enough to restrain Goku, even when he is in his Super Saiyan form.


While his energy storage is immense, should the current capacity be exceeded, it will overload, sending a power surge throughout the station, and into each Meta-Cooler, and any connected robot - destroying them - regardless of their location. It also causes the structural integrity to fail, with the planet-cracking halting, prison cells breaking open, and navigation controls malfunctioning. However, it is possible for the station to recover if given time, but unless such time is found, then the station's security is disastrously vulnerable.



Let me guess: you're beginning to wonder how you ever beat me before?
~ Meta-Cooler taunting Goku for his attacks ineffectiveness
Meta-Cooler: Very nice. I didn't think there was time to dodge. That was quite a clever trick.

Goku:You like that one, huh? It's called Instant Transmission.
Meta-Cooler: I know. It's one of my favourite techniques.
Goku: Your favourites?

~ Cooler seeming to compliment Goku, only to flaunt that he is capable of the same feat.
So, the Super Saiyan has finally decided to show himself. Well, I'd say it's only fitting, wouldn't you? This is the way I remember you best... Saiyan. [chuckles] So this is how it should be when you die.
~ Cooler nonchalant upon seeing Goku as Super Saiyan again
Meta-Cooler: A second Super Saiyan?

Vegeta: Second in order, perhaps, but in no means by stature. Your fight is with me now. Kakarot's fate is no longer your concern.
Meta-Cooler: Super Saiyans yes, but monkeys all the same. You're still all show and no substance.
Vegeta: We'll see about that!

~ Cooler briefly surprised by another Super Saiyan, but still unafraid
Goku: Cooler, where are you?

Cooler: Ah, a difficult question to answer. In one sense, I'm everywhere around you, but I suppose what you're looking for is right here in front of your eyes.
Goku: What?
Cooler: The story is thus: somewhere forgotten deep in space, there existed a single sentient computer chip. It floated for eons among a graveyard of abandoned spaceships and satellites. Until one day, its consciousness devised a mean of propagating itself. It began to absorb mass and energy around its surroundings, until it grew from a single chip into a giant machine. At some point, what was left of my body - including my brains - were also absorbed. My consciousness was merged with that of the main computer. I took control, so in a sense I am the Big Ghete Star. And using the technology at my disposal, I created a new metal body for myself - a Meta-Cooler, if you will. I think you know the one.

~ After capturing Goku and Vegeta, Cooler detailed how he gained a second life
Let's just say I've decided to extract my revenge.
~ Cooler prior to draining energy from Goku and Vegeta
What delicious irony that your energy will fuel the destruction of the very planet you were trying to save!
~ Cooler taunting how he will use the energy from the Super Saiyans to complete his consumption of New Namek.
Ah, it seems what they say is true: all good things really must come to an end. But to think, these Super Saiyans had thismuch energy. Any more and it would've begun to exceed my capacity.
~ Cooler believing he had won, but unwittingly revealed a path to his own defeat
Cooler: The controls aren't responding! I can't maintain my hold on the planet! It would seem I underestimated the amount of energy these Super Saiyans were capable of.

Goku: That's the same mistake you made last time, isn't it? You think you would have learned by now.

~ Cooler raging about the Super Saiyan energy overloading and badly damaging the Big Ghete Star, while Goku noted he had repeated the same mistake from his first defeat.
Goku: All of you, get out of here as fast you can! I'll follow you as soon as I take care of things here.

Piccolo: Wait, are you sure?
Cooler: [laughs] In the shape you're in, what exactly do you plan to take care of?

~ Despite the serious damage to the Big Ghete Star, Cooler remained confident.
Goku: You can laugh if you want, but you're not exactly in a position to defend yourself, are you? I don't see any of your Meta-Coolers coming to help you this time.

Cooler: Hmph, I'm not nearly as defenseless as you think. But you know the real pity? As soon as you figure that out, who will be left to stop me from devouring this planet?!
Goku: I learn from my mistakes, Cooler. I know now that there is only one way to deal with your kind.

~ Cooler and Goku's debate before the final fight.
[Cooler's giant arm of cables ensnares Goku and compresses]

Cooler: It's just as I told you from that start: YOU CAN'T WIN!
Goku: Even if that's true, every breath in my body will be spent trying!
[The cables tighten, but the arm is severed by an energy blast from Vegeta, freeing Goku]
Vegeta: ... And that's the last time you'll underestimate a Saiyan.
[Goku throws a concentrated energy orb into Cooler's metal mesh chest, which detonates and vaporises him]

~ Cooler's last words and defeat


  • The gete in "Big Gete Star" comes from getemono, the Japanese word for "cobbled together."
  • Cooler's return is similar to his brother, Frieza, as both were defeated by Goku, losing most of their original bodies, yet reappeared alive, but with the majority of their bodies replaced by machinery.
  • Being a planetoid that consumes planets is similar to Unicron from various Transformers media; while he has a robot form, he is typically in his planet mode when devouring worlds.
  • Cooler is the second DBZ movie villain to survive his original debut to be faced again.
  • A single microchip absorbing other matter into itself to increase its own mass and power is similar to the science fiction concept of "grey goo."


           DBMovie/Sidestory Villains

Gurumes Army
King Gurumes | Bongo | Pasta

Lucifer Army
Lucifer | Ghastel | Igor

Mifan Army
Minister Tsuru | General Tao Pai Pai | Tenshinhan | Sergeant Metallic

Pilaf Gang
Emperor Pilaf | Shu | Mai

Red Ribbon Army
Commander Red | Assistant Black | General White | Sergeant Metallic | Android 8 | General Blue | Colonel Violet

Garlic Jr.'s Clan
Garlic Jr.
Makyans: Ginger | Nikki | Sansho
Spice Boys: Mustard | Spice | Salt | Vinegar

Dr. Wheelo's Forces
Bio-Men | Dr. Wheelo | Dr. Kochin | Ebifurya | Misokatsun | Kishime

Turles Crusher Corps
Turles | Amond | Cacao | Daizu | Rasin & Lakasei

Saiyan Army
King Vegeta | Prince Vegeta | Nappa | Bardock | Bardock's Elites

Galactic Frieza Army
Frieza | Zarbon | Dodoria | Dodoria's Elites

Lord Slug's Clan
Lord Slug | Angila | Commander Zeeun | Medamatcha | Wings

Cooler's Armored Squadron
Cooler | Salza | Neiz | Doore

Big Gete Star
Meta-Cooler | Cyclopian Guards

Red Ribbon Androids
Android 13 | Android 14 | Android 15 | Cell Max | Future Android 17 | Future Android 18

Paragus's Forces
Broly | Paragus

Galaxy Soldiers
Bojack | Bido | Bujin | Kogu | Zangya

Army of Hell
Janemba | Adolf Hitler | Frieza | Jeice | Burter | Recoome | Zarbon | Appule | Cui | Ginger | Nikki | Android 16 | Sansho | Ebifurya | Misokatsun | Rasin & Lakasei | Cacao | Daizu | Commander Zeeun | Medamatcha | Wings | Salza | Paragus | Bojack | Bido | Bujin | Kogu | Zangya

Ghost Warriors
Dr. Raichi | Hatchiyack | Frieza | Cooler | Lord Slug | Turles

Chilled's Elites
Chilled | Cabira | Toobi

Third Stellar Region Army
Frieza | Sorbet | Tagoma | Shisami

Red Pharmaceuticals
Commander Magenta | Carmine | Dr. Hedo | Gamma 1 | Gamma 2

Oolong | Yamcha | Puar | Launch | Piccolo Jr. | Aka (Abo | Kado) | Beerus | Bio-Broly | Hirudegarn | Hoi | Maloja | Toolo
