“ | I think I've had enough of this denture! | „ |
~ Bird Comb Mask's last words. |
Bird Comb Mask (トサカ仮面 Tosaka Kamen, 57) was the bird-themed Masked Monster of the Black Cross Army serving under Commander-in-Chief Golden Mask.
He was voiced by Eiji Maruyama.
The Black Cross Army was founded by an enigmatic figure known as the Black Cross Führer at an unknown point. The Führer gathered a coalition of despots, warlords and criminal gangs to form the most powerful paramilitary organization with the goal of conquering the world. As such, Bird Comb Mask was created as a cyborg to serve the Black Cross Army as its muscle.
After the UN forms EAGLE to oppose the Black Cross Army, the Black Cross Führer sends five Masked Monsters but all are soon killed by the new Gorangers.
Bird Comb Mask leads a multi-stage plan controlled by Golden Mask, first brainwashing an entire town through their water supply in order to make them docile and work for them. He then sets up a special "earthquake bomb" where one master bomb is placed there to control several mini-bombs underground; and, when the main bomb goes off, the smaller mini-bombs likewise blow; causing a massive earthquake to sink Tokyo into the ground. When Peggy and Kenji discover the Black Cross at a water plant to prevent the first part of the plan from being interfered, they intervene and discover the tainted water, realizing that they have to get to the source in order to root out the Black Cross' position. Realizing that a direct attack on the town would lead to a disaster, Peggy instead sneaks into the town on foot, trying to root out Bird Comb Mask and the Zolders before they realize she is in the city and begin to attack her whenever she appears in person or on one of the security cameras set throughout town. Realizing she could be discovered due to knowing the plan, Peggy begins to use clever disguises, including a bride, a traditional fire fighter, and a tennis player to sneak around and discover where Bird Comb Mask was setting up the earthquake bomb. However, her cover is nearly blown several times, first due to Asuka likewise sneaking into the town through disguises and trying to find her to help her with the plan, and second due to a truck driver who instantly recognized Peggy when she disguised herself as a foreigner and nearly rooted her out for the Black Cross accidentally over his love for her.
Eventually, Peggy and Kenji sneak into the base and become able to trace the chemicals drugging the city and stop the earthquake bomb while the other Gorengers emerge to assist them. Peggy personally attacks Bird Comb Mask with her earring bombs prior to the Gorengers finally finishing him with a Gorenger Hurricane. He tries to prevent it but they keep the football away from him and it transforms into a set of teeth that bit right into his face.
Gaoranger vs Super Sentai[]
Miku of the Megarangers recalls Bird Comb Mask to Sae Taiga of the Gaorangers during a speech about the past fights that other Sentai have had after Lost Highness Duke Rakushaasa makes him lose hope.