Biri is the main antagonist of Düşyeri's 2017 Turkish animated CGİ Movie. Pepee: Birlik Zamanı (English: Pepee: Time to Unite)
He's a sly kidnapper who has obsession when it comes to kidnapping children.
He was voiced by Cüneyt Büyükyaka.
Biri is a tall and slim man with brown hair, brown facial hair as well as brown eyebrows. He has black bead eyes much like other Pepee characters. For his attire Biri wears a gray cap. A gray suit, Black pants and shoes and gray gloves.
Biri at first shown to be a ruthless child kidnapper. But eventually with a song he turned out that he's not actually evil.
- He's the only Pepee character who's officially evil.
- He's also the only Pepee character with visible eyebrows.