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No time for mourning. It's a bunny-eat-lizard world.
~ Candide Sampson on Biscuit murdering her pets

Biscuit is the main antagonist of the episode "Anxious Times at Clone High" of the MTV animated series, Clone High. He is a viscous killer bunny rabbit that Principal Scudworth adopted as a pet in an attempt to make Candide fall in love with him.


In "Anxious Times at Clone High", Principal Scudworth wanted Candide to pity him, thinking that it would make her fall in love with him. His plan was to a adopt a bunny rabbit named Biscuit and pretend he's the most important animal in the world to him, so that one of Candide's lizards would kill him and he could pretend to be sad about it. Principal Scudowrth introduced this Biscuit to Candide and overexplained how important Biscuit was to him but Candide completely ignored him.

Later, Scudworth released Biscuit into Candide's office, awaiting his death. Later on, Candide walked into her office only to find that the complete opposite happened. All of her lizards were murdered, thanks to Biscuit, who violently tore them all apart and ate them. This, in turn, made Candide break down and cry, leaving Scudworth, feeling a little silly about himself. Of course, Biscuit's work wasn't done yet, as he looked down at Principal Scudworth with evil glowing red eyes, implying that he'd soon have his revenge for him trying to have him killed.

Scudworth later went to Candide to apologize for how Biscuit killed all her lizards but Candide seemed to have gotten over it, pretty quickly, saying that it's just a "bunny-eat-lizard" world out there and she needs to move on and focus on her success in brainwashing the students of Clone High. Scudworth then asked if she wanted to celebrate her victory with some frittatas bravas by candlelight and Candide blew him off, calling him pathetic. Scudworth celebrated with Mr. Butlertron, calling this a win, since now, he finally earned Candide's pity.

In the post-credits scene of the episode, Biscuit was seen hopping into the empty suit of the Heebie Jeebie monster. In it, he seized control of the character and brought the Heebie Jeebie creature to life, preparing to use it for his next attack.


See Also[]

           Clone High Logo Villains

Clone High High School
Principal Scudworth | Mr. Butlertron | Candide Sampson | Mrs. Grumbles | Professor Hirsute
Cleopatra | JFK | Topher Bus | Van Gogh | Ivan the Terrible | Jackée the Ripper | Lizzie Borden | Vlad the Impailer | Lady Godiva | Benito Mussolini | Joseph Stalin | Muammar Gaddafi | Baby Patrick Swayze

The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures
Shadowy Figure | E Cybo-Pooch | Scan Grade The Magnificent

GESH High School
Colonel Principal | Geshy

Celebrities & Others
X-Stream Blu | Skunky-Poo | Krabby Kakes | The Pusher | Daniel Feldspar | Prisoners | Snowflake Jake | Mandy Moore | Greeting Card Industry | Heebie Jeebie | Lucy Fur | Biscuit | Desert Cannibals | Presley Nestle | Leslie Nestle | Purity | Bloody Mary | Sandra Sandria | Mrs. C | Mr. Scudworth | Mrs. Scudworth
