The Black Brothers are a trio of black-suited fighters who guard Emperor Banba and supporting antagonists in Inazuman. They only appear in the final episode.
The Black Brothers accompanied Emperor Banba when he requested a meeting with Goro Watari. The three guided Goro to Banba, where Banba attempted to persuade Goro to ally with him against the Despar Army. However, the meeting was crashed by a duo of traitorous Phantom Soldiers, who defected to Despar and used psionic-inhibitor rings to capture, Goro, Banba and his bodyguards.
Goro, Banba and the Black Brothers were all brought before Udespar and a firing squad of Despar Soldiers, at which point Banba revealed he had set up a device to sink Japan's archipelago. After Goro's friends saved everyone, the Black Brothers accompanied Banba as he showed Goro the way to the device, only to betray him and trap him inside a room that drained his energy. After Goro escaped by becoming Inazuman and creating the Zeber, the Black Brothers all attacked Inazuman but were defeated.