“ | Our invasion is all that is left...There will be no resistance! Attack, kill, plunder! Our motto is "Destroy and slaughter". After we completely destroy the nation’s society...we can begin the world of our Black Cross Army. (後は侵略あるのみだ。えーい、問答無用!襲い、殺し、奪え!我等のモットーは、「破壊と殺戮」だ。人間社会を全て破壊し尽くした後に、我等黒十字軍の世界を築くのだ。 Ato wa shinryaku aru nomi da. Ēi, mondō muyō! Osoi, koroshi, ubae!Ware-ra no mottō wa, "Hakai to satsuriku" da. Ningen shakai wo subete hakai shitsukushita ato ni, ware-ra Kuro Jūjigun no sekai wo kizuku no da.) | „ |
~ The Black Cross Führer rallying his subordinates. (epsode 1) |
“ | Are you ready, Gorangers? Let's go! We are fighting to the bitter end. Do you understand? Then come at me, Gorangers! (! !) | „ |
~ The Black Cross Führer when meeting the Gorangers. (episode 61) |
“ | Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I am the Machine Emperor. I am immortal. Look! (ハハハハハハハハハ!ハハハハハハハ!儂はマシーンエンペラーじゃ。不死身じゃ。見ろ! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Washi wa Mashīn Enperā ja. Fujimi ja. Miro!) | „ |
~ The Black Cross Führer when fusing with the Black Cross Castle and his last words before his original death. (episode 84) |
“ | I am the leader of a secret association, the Black Cross Battalion. Black Cross King! The grudges of those defeated while taking over Earth...have revived me from Hell! (私は秘密結社黒十字軍の首領。黒十字王!地球征服を企てスーパー戦隊に倒された者達の恨みに因って地獄から蘇った! Watakushi wa himitsu kessha Kuro Jūjigun no shuryō. Kuro Jūji Ō! Chikyū seifuku wo kuwadate Sūpā Sentai ni taosareta mono-tachi no urami ni yotte jigoku kara yomigaetta!) | „ |
~ The Black Cross King's first words to Warz Gill upon his resurrection. (199 Heroes Big Climactic Battle) |
“ | Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks for the wonderful present. I am the head of a secret association, the Black Cross Army...Black Cross King! Heh heh heh heh ha ha! Is that everyone? These guys will be your opponents! (ハハハハハ…素敵な贈り物に感謝する。私は秘密結社黒十字軍の首領、黒十字王だ!ハハハハ…揃ったか?貴様達の相手をするのはコイツらだ! Ha ha ha ha ha… Suteki na okurimono ni kansha suru. Watakushi wa himitsu kessha Kuro Jūjigun no shuryō, Kuro Jūji Ō da! Ha ha ha ha… Sorotta ka? Kisama-tachi no aite wo suru no wa koitsu-ra da!) | „ |
~ The Black Cross King when confronting the Gokaigers and the Goseigers for the first time. (199 Heroes Big Climactic Battle) |
“ | Damn you! Damn you, Super Sentai! (己!己、スーパー戦隊供め! Onore! Onore, Sūpā Sentai-domo me!) | „ |
~ The Black Cross wrath's words during the final fight. (199 Heroes Big Climactic Battle) |
“ | How?! How can I be defeated?! I was born out of years of grudge! How?! (何故だ!何故この私が…積年の怨みに因って生まれたこの私が…何故だ~! Naze da! Naze kono watakushi ga… sekinen no urami ni yotte umareta kono watakushi ga… naze da~!) | „ |
~ The Black Cross Fuhrer's last words before his final death. (199 Heroes Big Climactic Battle) |
The Black Cross Führer (黒十字総統 Kuro Jūji Sōtō) is a mysterious figure who is the very powerful supreme leader of the Black Cross Army and the main antagonist of Himitsu Sentai Gorenger as well as the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger team-up movie Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle.
He is the mastermind behind the Black Cross Army's attacks, drawing a cult-like reverence from his followers. He possessed a vast array of powers and was known as the Machine Monster for his seemingly invincible nature. His true identity was not known, even among his highest-ranking generals, and he would adopt several forms throughout the series. Ultimately, the Black Cross Führer would be revealed in the final episode to not even be human, but instead a sentient alien machine construct whose true form was the Black Cross Army's flying headquarters, the Black Cross Castle.
Despite his defeat at the end of the series, the Black Cross Führer eventually returns as the main antagonist of the movie Gokaiger Goseiger Hero 199 Great Battle, now going by the name the Black Cross King, where he returns from Hell to get his revenge against the Super Sentai and brings back Brajira of the Messiah, Yogoshimacritein and Hades God Dagon as his servants in a revived Black Cross Army. He also formed an alliance with the Space Empire Zangyack to ensure they would not get in the way. At the end of the movie, the Black Cross King unveiled his ultimate form, a gigantic dragon-like monster known as the Black Cross Colossus.
Himitsu Sentai Gorenger[]

The Black Cross Führer's initial appearance.
The Black Cross Führer leads the Black Cross Army in subversive campaigns all across the world in order to subvert the existing powers so the Black Cross Army can take control. When the EAGLE defense group opposes his plans, the Führer sends five of his Masked Monsters to each destroy a different EAGLE base and massacre everyone inside. The Führer initially allows the Masked Monsters operate independently, but the failures of several independent members to defeat the Gorengers lead him to bring in one of his top generals, Sun Halo Mask, to command his Masked Monsters until more independent Masked Monsters are sent in. When Sun Halo Mask is unable to defeat the Gorengers, the Führer arranges for Iron Man Mask General Temujin to replace him and goes through several more generals afterwards.
In spite of the Gorengers' continued interference, the Black Cross Army's campaign of terror continues on. However, things change when the stars align with the Cassiopeia constellation, causing the Führer to weaken from cosmic rays from Cassiopeia. Unperturbed by this, the Führer ignores the advice of his right hand man Commander-in-Chief Golden Mask and faces the Gorangers himself to prove that he can overturn destiny, ordering that a challenge be issued to them for them to come and battle him. The Gorengers arrived at the scheduled spot for the confrontation, and the Führer orders that his men not interfere in the battle, choosing to take on all five Gorengers himself. In the fight, the Führer is able to overpower all five Gorengers and deliver a decisive defeat to the team. After incapacitating the team with his "Black Cross Spark" attack to the Gorengers, the Black Cross Führer has Golden Mask bring him the Black Cross Sword so he can use it to deliver the killing blow. As the Führer attempts to stab Akaranger however, he is suddenly weakened by the Cassiopeia constellation as the Gorengers were prophecised to defeat him, with each of their names possessing part of the word "Cassiopeia". While the Führer's minions bring him back to the base, Golden Mask faces the five Gorengers, but is overwhelmed by them and defeated. Before dying however, Golden Mask sacrifices himself to transform into a golden rainbow that stretchs to and reveals the location of the Gorenger's base. Not concerned with the loss of his second-in-command, the Führer has the Black Cross Castle go on a bombing run to where the Gorenger's base is marked, destroying it and levelling the entire city in the process.
Not willing to give up, Tsuyoshi Kaijo approachs the Black Cross Army claiming to want to surrender and deliver a gift to the Führer, but, when he is brought inside the base, he opens the briefcase carrying the "gift" to reveal a set of lights arranged in the pattern of Cassiopeia, exposing the Führer's weakness to the constellation. For his defiance, the Führer has Kaijo tied up outside and set to be executed, but his teammates show up and rescue him. After defeating his Zolders, the five Gorengers battle the Führer once more and drive him away with their "Cassiopeia" Five Star. The Führer retreats inside his base, but the Gorengers pursue him and prepare to finish him off. However, the Führer then reveals himself as an alien machine and assumes his true form as the Black Cross Castle to go on another bombing run. In a final push the Gorengers sacrifice Varidreen to board the Black Cross Castle and ram their Gorenger Machines into different critical areas of the flying fortress before flying off using their Birdies, causing the Black Cross Castle to explode and putting an end to the Führer's reign of terror.
Gaoranger vs Super Sentai[]
“ | Did you know that this beautiful blue planet you all live on has been under attack multiple times, almost losing its glimmer? But please, do not worry. There have been warriors of justice who have bravely stood up against evil. Their burning spirits have defended the planet to this day. | „ |
~ The narrator. |
The Black Cross Führer is among the villains recalled by the narrator as a being that threatened the Earth only to be defeated by the various Sentai.
Gokaiger Goseiger Hero 199 Great Battle[]
The Black Cross Führer eventually returns thirty nine years later by using the hatred of past defeated Super Sentai villains to revive himself as the Black Cross King. He appears before Warz Gill and the crew of the Gigant Horse to form an alliance with the Zangyack Empire, telling them that, once he destroys the Super Sentai, Earth will theirs.
The Black Cross King later appears before the Goseigers and Gokaigers where he steals their Ranger Keys and revives three of the Super Sentai's past enemies; Brajira of the Messiah, Yogoshimacritein and Hades Wise God Dagon to defeat the two Sentai teams. After the three are defeated, the King uses the Ranger Keys to create an army of past Super Sentai teams to defeat the Gokaigers and Goseigers. When the Keys are also defeated, the King grows giant, but is destroyed when the spirits of past Sentai create the Super Sentai Bazooka and fire it at him.

The Black Cross King's true dragon-like form, the Black Cross Colossus, standing behind his army of revived Super Sentai villains.
However, this is not the end of the Black Cross King as he instead shifts to his true form, the Black Cross Colossus, and once again revives Brajira, Yogoshimacritein and Dagon, as well as Brajira's other forms, Kireizky, Chirakasonne, Hades God Ifrit and Hades God Cyclops. In his fortress monster form, the Black Cross King easily overpowers Gosei Great, Gosei Ground and GokaiOh but the spirits of the past 33 Super Sentai mecha appear to fight alongside the Gokaigers and Goseigers. After his army of revived villains is destroyed, the Black Cross King is finally destroyed himself when GokaiOh combines with Variblune to create Goren GokaiOh and destroy the Black Cross King with the Gokai Hurricane Cassiopeia.
Kamen Rider x Super Sentai x Super Hero Taisen[]
The Black Cross King eventually returns as a member of Dai-Zangyack and then as a member of the Shocker-Zangyack Alliance and. In the final battle, he can be seen fighting VulEagle and GingaRed where he is presumably destroyed off-screen.
Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen[]
After the "Chou Shocker Taisen" stage is triggered in the Game World, the Black Cross King is one of the past villains spawned from the Game World to cause havoc in the real world.
Other Media[]
Shin Himitsu Sentai Gorenger Gokko[]
The Black Cross Führer appears as the main antagonist of the manga adaptation of Himitsu Sentai Gorenger.
The Black Cross Führer initially wears a white robe with a KKK-esque hood, but in episode 21, he has glowing eyes and his hood has a slit going from the bottom to the center. From episode 42 onward, he replaces his hood with a black cross-shaped headdress adorned with small gold.
Powers and Abilities[]
Black Cross Führer[]
- Durability: Tsuyoshi's New Red Brute and Akira's Ultra Blue Cherry missile bounced right off of the Black Cross Führer without harming him.
- Transformation: By removing his head, the Black Cross Führer could attach his head to the Black Cross Castle. In the Gorenger movie, he also assumed the form of a young girl.
- Head Detachment: The Black Cross Führer could detatch his head from his body at will after being mortally wounded.
- Black Cross Sword: The Black Cross Führer wielded a big sword to nearly kill Akarenger during the final battle.
- Cassieopia Effect: Although very hard to kill, being exposed to the effects of Cassieopia severely weakened the Black Cross Führer and made him easy to slay.
Black Cross King[]
- Revival: The Black Cross King was able to resurrect Brajira, Yogoshimacritein and Dagon by flashing his eyes and unleashing shadowy energy from himself. He could also resurrect himself after being killed.
- Brainwashing: The Black Cross King brainwashed his generals in the process of resurrecting them.
- Self Growth: The Black Cross King was able to enlarge himself at will without the aid of the Gigant Horse's cannons by empowering himself with hatred.
- Fireballs: The Black Cross King could fire massive purple fireballs strong enough to take down and demorph all eleven Gokaigers and Goseigers.
- Laser Vision: The Black Cross King could fire massive red lasers from his eyes that created massive explosions.
- Arm Blades: The Black Cross King had long black arm blades on either arm for combat.
- Lightning Blasts: The Black Cross King could fire streams of blue lightning from his arm blades.
- Cannon: As the Black Cross King, he had a massive weapon that he used to summon his Ranger Key Clones in a similar way to the later Basco ta Jolokia's Rapparatta trumpet.
Black Cross Colossus[]
- Strength: The Black Cross Colossus was able to send GokaiOh, Gosei Ground and Gosei Great flying with a single swing of his legs.
- Energy Streams: The Black Cross Colossus was able to fire a massive purple energy beam from his multiple mouths capable of causing massive explosions.
- Sharp Legs: The Black Cross Colossus could stamp his legs which were sharp enough to damage the enemy mecha.
- In Himitsu Sentai Gorenger, he was played by Mitsuo Andō from the first episode to episode 55, who also played Professor Gill in Android Kikaider and Führer Geisel in Inazuman Flash. After Andō had to leave the show due to health issues, he was replaced by Nobuo Yana from episode 56 to the finale.
- In Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Bomb Hurricane, his female human form was portrayed by Chiyoko Kazama. In Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle, he was voiced by Akira Kamiya.
- In Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen, he was voiced by Hideyuki Hori, who also voiced Baseball Mask in the same film.
- The Black Cross Führer was based on the Great Leader of Shocker from Kamen Rider, in that he is the mysterious leader of a terrorist organisation bent on taking over the world. His initial appearance in Gorenger also bears a resemblance to the Great Leader.
- The Black Cross Führer is so far the only main antagonist from a Showa Sentai series who returns in instalments of Heisei Sentai series, albeit only in movies.
External Links[]
- Black Cross Castle on the Evil Wiki.
- Black Cross Führer on the Power Rangers Wiki.