The Black Lizard are supporting antagonists from the Bungo Stray Dogs manga and anime series They are a powerful offensive subunit squad of the Port Mafia, led by Ryūrō Hirotsu and his battalion leaders Michizō Tachihara and Gin Akutagawa. Despite their strength, they were defeated by the Armed Detective Agency during a raid. The squad is composed of various armed mafiosi and is considered as strong as special ops units.
Upon Ōgai Mori's leadership, the Black Lizard was incorporated into Ryūnosuke Akutagawa's command unit, with Ichiyō Higuchi as his adjutant. At first, the three commanders believed that only Akutagawa's power mattered, not his and Higuchi's titles. However, they later changed their minds and worked together to rescue an injured Akutagawa from a foreign mercenary group.
The Black Lizard's operations include attacking storehouses that had been secretly making money from cargos without the mafias knowing, assassinating targets, and taking on the Armed Detective Agency during the Cannibalism events. They also aided the Agency when they were framed and on the run from the Hunting Dogs, resulting in casualties and injuries within the group, including Hirotsu and Gin. During emergencies, the Black Lizard are being sent off to defend operation sites alongside other allies.
- Ryūrō Hirotsu: The leader
- Michizō Tachihara: Second-in-command
- Gin Akutagawa: Second-in-command
- Other unnamed members