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The history and its interpretations of the Black Moon from the SCP Foundation.
NOTE: Due to the universe of the SCP Foundation having no official canon, there are several versions of the Black Moon. They are described below. |
SCP-001 (Tanhony's Proposal II)[]
It is unknown how the entity that would come to be known as the Black Moon came into existence. It existed outside of reality and began using its power to petrify and obliterate random sentient beings within the universe every long period of time. However, in the early history of Earth, a man obtained the Counterbalance to the Black Moon, granting him immortality and immunity to the Black Moon's power. The man tried to fight the Black Moon for thousands of years to no avail and eventually grew too old. Back when humanity was so ancient that they didn't even use names yet, the old man settled in a small village and one day encountered a young boy who witnessed the youngest hunter of the village being killed by the Black Moon. After informing the boy of the Black Moon the old man decided to make the boy his successor in order to keep fighting against the Black Moon and gave him the Counterbalance before he crumbled to dust.
The Black Moon seemingly became an enemy of the Scarlet King and the two began battling out with each other, both of them using their servants as pawns to help them win their fight. The entity once took some knowledge from the Wanderer's Library at some unknown point in the past, causing it to become one the Library's many enemies.
As the boy grew into a man and began trying to find a way to defeat the Black Moon as the entity began slightly speeding up its effects on life, until in the modern age the man together with other brilliant individuals founded the SCP Foundation in order to contain other anomalies, with himself becoming the Administrator. They designated the Black Moon as SCP-001, while the Administrator was given the designation SCP-001-CAGE, and began attempting to find a way to stop the entity for good. Knowing that the Black Moon was possibly unable to act while being observed, Dr. Moto created project SCP-001-KEY which involved the creation of anomalous objects with similar behavior that would be linked to the Black Moon in hopes of using this to keep it from killing anymore people. From this project several new SCPs were created which included SCP-173 and SCP-650, but despite deeming them a success the Black Moon was unaffected by this as its activity continued as usual, filling Dr. Moto with desperation which lead to him committing suicide by letting SCP-173 snap his neck.
After a version of Allison Chao failed to be reunited with her father Dr. Gears as he was killed by SCP-682, the Black Moon sensed her despair and hatred and teleported her alongside the corpse of Gears to its domain which was devoid of anything. At first Allison was antagonistic towards the entity, but the Black Moon told her that despite her father being dead there were other counterparts in the multiverse still alive who were also separated from their daughters. The entity then offered her a way to travel through the multiverse and help these alternate version of Dr. Gears while she became its pawn in its battle against the Scarlet King.
As they faced difficulty in their fight against the revolutionary group Las Víboras, the Sin Nombre drug cartel injected several of their nahual members, humans who could transform into animals, with a potent atavism enhancer which allowed them to channel the power of the Black Moon and become invincible. The enhanced nahuales began going after each member of Las Víboras, forcing their leader, the witch Cristina Cisneros, to confront them on her own. After arriving at a dilapidated church she let the cartel know where she was in order to attract them. The nahuales quickly arrived and attacked her. She attempted to fight back, but seeing that she was outmatched Cristina decided to also channel the Black Moon's power. She was overcome with great power but also with bloodlust and began mercilessly killing her enemies. However, she snapped out of it and decided to instead die as herself rather than win as a monster similar to her enemies. Suddenly she was joined by her companions who urged to keep fighting and channel the Moon's power in order to destroy its connection to the nahuales. As she did so Cristina came into contact with the Black Moon. It attempted to appease Cristina by stating that it perfectly understood her and offered to give her more power so she could not only defeat the cartel but also all other oppressing forces throughout the multiverse. Cristina became almost hypnotized by the Moon's influence and nearly accepted, but thankfully her friend the fire priestess Lorena called out to her, causing Cristina to regain her senses. She laughed at the Moon, stating that it like her enemies were evil oppressors and that she unlike it had friends and had nothing common. This angered the Black Moon who responded back by saying that she would regret this decision before severing ties. Las Víboras were then able to kill the now depowered nahuales as their ties to the Black Moon were also cut.
Around the 31st century, the Foundation eventually developed SCP-001-SEEK, a black biomechanical spaceship designed for space exploration. The Foundation hoped to use it to travel to extraterrestrial civilizations which might possess additional knowledge on the Black Moon which could be useful in their fight against it. In the ensuing centuries SCP-001-SEEK was able to travel to multiple planets that previously possessed conscious lifeforms, but were unable to find much information regarding the Black Moon apart that its effects were also present in those planets. In its 499th travel the vessel was finally able to find a surviving fungi-like alien who had been in cryogenic sleep in hopes of escaping the Black Moon's effects, and was quickly brought back to Earth where it was designated as SCP-001-SAGE. However, despite giving the Foundation some relevant information regarding the Black Moon it wasn't anything new or useful and in May 1st of 5011 SCP-001-SAGE succumbed to the Black Moon's effects, while the Administrator locked himself inside the Singular Conceptual Bunker.
In the year 7329, the Black Moon began killing countless intelligent lifeforms in an instant, which led to the Foundation creating SCP-001-TOME, a technological memorial for everyone who had been destroyed by the Black Moon. SCP-001-TOME also served to conceal the Singular Conceptual Bunker that was inhabited by the Administrator, and kept working even after all life and stars became extinguished, leaving the entire universe a complete void. After destroying everything that was left, the Black Moon entered the bunker in order to finally finish its counterbalance for good, but upon entering it the Black Moon took a physical form much to its surprise. The Administrator who had been waiting for it explained that everything inside the bunker was just information which allowed him to be on a same level as the Black Moon. The entity became furious and tried to kill him with its hands, but the Administrator acted quickly and shot it with his shotgun. Despite this, the Black Moon was able to retaliate and slammed into the Administrator, causing both of them to fall on the floor where it began strangulating him. Thankfully, the Administrator was able to slam the entity's head to the bar present within the bunker and freeing himself from the Black Moon's grasps. As the two kept fighting each other, the Black Moon knocked the Administrator out and attempted to kill him, but at that moment the Administrator grabbed an ashtray and slammed it into the Black Moon's head and then proceeded to break countless crystalline saucers on its head, eventually killing the Black Moon. With the Black Moon finally dead, the wounded Administrator gathered up his remaining strength to restart the universe and revive everyone.
When the Sumerian king Etana begged the gods to be given a way to conceive a son in order to keep his kingdom from erupting into chaos the gods refused. However, the king was determined to keep his kingdom together and so he went to the Black Moon in order to be granted the "Seed of Life". The Black Moon made an agreement with Etana that it would give him the seed in exchange for the anomalous powers which humanity possessed at the time to be taken away from them until the agreement would eventually dissolve when the Black Moon howled. Etana accepted the deal, getting the Seed of Life, while the Black Moon robbed humanity of their powers. The agreement would later be designated as SCP-4002, while the Seed was used for SCP-2000.
The Black Moon was an ancient entity haunting the Solar System and hiding behind the Earth's moon. In prehistoric times, it attacked a pack of wolves which led to the ancient humans uniting with the wolves and using their words to banish the entity back behind the moon.
Around February 28th of 2015, after the Foundation discovered the entity they designated it SCP-5284 and had the Satish Dhawan Space Center send a probe to examine it, but the entity devoured it and soon began making its way towards Earth. Seeing that the danger posed by the Black Moon, the Foundation summoned Salu-ki, one of the original wolves who fought the entity, to help them defeat it. On March 6th, as the Black Moon began attacking Site-76 which contained Salu-ki, the wolf with the help of Maria Tilde, who just like Salu-ki was also previously a wolf who had taken a human form, had most canines and some humans around the world howl at the entity, forcing it to retreat back to space away from the Solar System.

The Black Moon releasing the "Black Blight".
The Black Moon was originally Earth's Moon which appeared to be sentient and began interfering with the Foundation's database known as SCiPnet, creating several files to include the words "Black Moon" as a warning of what would happen. The Foundation discovered these documents, designating them SCP-7070-1, as they described completely fictitious things and were corrupting surrounding files. From 2030 and on the Foundation personnel attempted to purge these files as they were intermingling with their work while being completely ignorant of what would happen.
Around 2048, the Moon began acting, affecting several people around the world and affecting the Foundation sites' systems. As the Moon was shaking to an increasing degree, an expedition crew was sent to maintain a monitoring relay, but soon a massive fissure opened on the surface. This was soon followed by containment breaches in almost all Foundation sites, while the Moon began directly communicating with the personnel via the database and urging them to commit suicide. This all eventually culminated in the Moon releasing a toxic substance known as the "Black Blight" which soon covered most of the surface of the earth and killed around 5,500,000,000 people. Those few who survived began living inside bio-domes containing cities run by the Foundation. This event became known as the Black Moon Incident, but despite all odds, the Foundation was still determined to keep their going and eventually created the AIC designated SCP-7070-Ω which finished purging the Moon's influence from SCiPnet. With the assistance of SCP-7070-Ω, the Foundation sought to rebuild the world but was ultimately abandoned and decided to just manage what was left of the world before dissolving completely.
“ | A war in heaven. Three gods cast to earth, and a fourth. A black moon rising out of the sea, endless entropy given physical form. Matter and light warping around it with sheer hatred for the continued existence of the universe. A father, a son, a man of no note or consequence, imparted with the instructions in his mind, an army, and all the power of a fell god. | „ |
~ The Black Moon's description in SCP-001 (ROUNDERHOUSE's Bone Proposal). |
The Black Moon was one of the four old gods who balanced the newly formed world alongside Mekhane, Yaldabaoth and the Scarlet King. At some point, the Black Moon committed a grave sin that caused all of the gods to fight each other. Early on in the battle, the Black Moon was the first to be defeated and cast out, falling into the ocean west on Earth. The Black Moon, hellbent to get its revenge slowly rose out of the water, while the other gods also fell onto different parts of the Earth and helped found their empires.
The Black Moon took notice of a very young fisherman spending the night inside a cave overlooking the beach as he had been lost and was unable to find his way back to his village. As the man slept, the Black Moon made contact with him through his dreams. After showing him the future he was destined to bring, the Black Moon brought the man in scene that looked exactly like the beach he had before, with the difference being that the Black Moon had replaced the actual moon. It invited him to its reflection on the sea. The accepted and went into the sea where the reflection got hold of him. It whispered in his ear that he was destined for greatness, that the world needed a powerful warrior to protect it, and the Black Moon could offer him great power. The man gave an answer that pleased the Black Moon and soon something began pulling him into the water.
The man desperately fought to survive, and the Black Moon spoke to him that struggle was the natural form of creation and it was a inescapable cycle and the natural laws or morals weren't important. The man was able to free himself from the thing's grasp by dislocating his leg, allowing to go back to the surface. The thing that had grabbed also surfaced, which was revealed to have been a mass of flesh with vestigial limbs and eyes. The Black Moon gave the man a black saber and ordered him to kill the creature in order to take his place in the cycle of survival. The man did so, striking the deal between him and the Black Moon. The man then immediately woke up back inside the cave as morning came. He found beside him the dagger that the Black Moon had given to him, and through it the being gave the man the title of BLACKSTAR.
As BLACKSTAR, he formed a vast powerful army of normal armored men and a few nonhuman ones, wielding magical weapons and hellbent in destroying anything anomalous in the world, while the Black Moon stood above them. They became known as the Three-Prong Army, or the elusive Sea People, and waited as the three empires of the Mekhanites, the Daevites and the Sarkites destroyed each other. Once all of three empires were weakened, BLACKSTAR took the opportunity to strike them down. They easily breached the walls that protected the Mekhanite city of Amoni-Ram but it teleported away to a unknown location. Seeing the Mekhanites as out of the picture, the Three-Prong Army made its way to the Daevite capital of Mamjul. The Daevite sorcerers and warriors sacrificed themselves to buy time and create a powerful and impenetrable wall. The army attempted to destroy it, but to no avail and so BLACKSTAR enraged decided to use his powers to completely eradicate the Daevites. With his reality-bending powers granted to him by the Black Moon, BLACKSTAR sunk the entirety of Mamjul into the Indian Ocean while erasing the memory of their existence from reality, not making them only gone but also forgotten. The Three-Prong Army then went to the Sarkites' city of Black Aditum and most likely destroyed it as well.
With all of most powerful empires destroyed, BLACKSTAR became disillusioned with his god and decided to betray the Black Moon. He confronted the Black Moon in their kingdom on an island in the Aegean Sea that would be known as Eastern Samothrace. After a lengthy battle, BLACKSTAR managed to defeat it, but failed to properly kill it, and left with no other choice he bound the Black Moon to the island before erasing the place's existence from everyone's memory. Around 3,000 years later, what remained of the Army transformed into the SCP Foundation, with the BLACKSTAR becoming the Administrator Franz Williams, determined to keep fighting the anomalous world. Despite being imprisoned, the Black Moon was still able to influence people. One of the people was Mobile Task Force Delta-1 member, Everett Mann, who had undergone a memetic surgery that took away his identity and memories of his past which caused him to be susceptible to the Black Moon. Through hallucinations of a talking fish and tormenting nightmares the Black Moon instilled doubt in Mann about the true purpose of the Foundation and his job. Mann tried to ignore these interactions, and for a time he was freed of its influence when the fish the Black Moon was speaking through died, only for it to later speak to him directly in his mind. It tried to convince him that the Foundation could never achieve world order, and instead the only way true order could be set was through worldwide chaos. Ultimately, Mann stabbed his own brain with a screwdriver while working on a machine in an infiltration mission, which stopped the Black Moon from talking to him, but its influence still remained in him.
The Black Moon soon began rising again, causing Foundation Doctor Robert Aram who had been working on Amoni-Ram to betray the Foundation and with his team to form the Church of the Broken God in order to help humanity fight the incoming threat. While the Foundation searched for Mamjul and Adutym, the Black Moon reasserted its influence on Mann, this time successfully converting him to its ideology. Mann took control of the reformed Delta Wave and rechristened it as the Chaos Insurgency, with him becoming known as the Engineer. The Insurgency was determined to help the Black Moon in spreading chaos throughout the world and unknowingly bring its destruction. Seeing that the Black Moon was reemerging, the Administrator assembled a small team comprised of Dr. Pandora Galanis, Hedvig Nussbaum carrying the consciousness of the first Mekhanite Empress, the robot Xenophon and the depowered Iūn to stop the rising threat.