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Villains Wiki

The Blacksmith Org is an Org spirit that acquired some blacksmith materials. He's also the main antagonist in episode 35 of 2001 TV series called Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger.

He is voiced by Kazuhiko Kishino who previously voiced a Bee Mozoo, Marzo, Haust, Ballas, Seala, Gilom, Zolbas, Kaage, Zados, Jigura, Daryl, an Anger Brain, a Sword Brain, an Invisible Brain, a Bomber Brain, a Mansion Bōma, a Lump Bōma, a Fossil Bōma, an Immortality Bōma, a Gunman Bōma, Gagaagin, Liogin, Wanikaerugin, Hyoukobragin, a Sniper Cat, Dora Minotaur, Dora Cockatrice, Dora Endos, Dora Silkis, Tengu, a Mantis Nezilar and Halleluyan.


The Blacksmith Org made his first appearance in Tsubakuro City where he began to raid every metal insight for him to use to make a tableware for Rasetsu. However as he continued his search he was then spotted by Sae as she'd transformed into GaoWhite and battle him. However he managed to knock her out with his hammer-like hand and after that he left the area with the blade in tow.

A while later he appeared at a local village calling out to the Gaorangers to fight him if they want one of the Royal Beast Blade back that he stole. However only GaoBlue, GaoYellow and GaoBlack showed up instead to battle the Blacksmith Org and get back the Royal Beast Blade that he stole. After that with some help from one of the Dukes he managed to steal three Royal Beast Blades from the Gaorangers and after they left the area.

A while later he was at his hideout working on the materials, but as soon as Sae showed up it was too late as he managed to transformed Gaoranger's swords into tableware (a knife, a spoon, a fork and a butter knife), so when Sae asked him to change them the Blacksmith Org said no and smacked her away from the counter. This kind of a response makes her so mad that she transformed into GaoWhite and fought the Blacksmith Org one on one. As he managed to pound her with his hammer-like arm he was about to finish her off until he was sneaked attack by GaoRed.

As this goes on the Blacksmith Org used his bellow and open fired on the duo and he was about to charge at them, but GaoYellow swoops in and sends the Blacksmith Org to a railing and then both GaoBlack and Blue shoved the Blacksmith Org across the ground as he even received more pain.

A while later Rasetsu and the other Duke Orgs were about to make their leave with the Royal tableware until GaoSilver opened fired on them as they're sent back to the Gaorangers. So the Rasetsu asked the Blacksmith Org to get the tableware back them. As soon as the Blacksmith Org was about to get the blade back the Gaorangers then combined they're weapons to form a beast sword and finished him off with this finisher called "Evil, disperse".

However thanks to Tsuetsue she used her magic to revive and enlarged the Blacksmith Org, but here's a problem because due to his meddling with Gaoranger's swords they won't be able to summon their Megazord anytime soon leaving GaoSilver to bring out GaoHunter to battle the Blacksmith Org alone. As the things were looking bleak for the team however thanks to GaoFalcon response they began to summon GaoIcarus to battle the Blacksmith Org. After that he was then destroyed by this finisher called Ultimate Heavenly Technique: Icarus Dynamite thus reverting the tableware back to their original forms.


           Logo-gaoranger Villains

Ogre Tribe Org
Org Master | Orgettes
Ultimate Org: Hyakkimaru | Senki
Highness Org: Rakushaasa | Shuten | Ura | Rasetsu
Duke Orgs: TsueTsue | Yabaiba | Rouki | Kyurara & Propla | DoroDoro | Three Org Brothers
Baron Orgs: Turbine Org | Plugma Org | Wire Org | Camera Org | Temple Bell Org | Tire Org | Wedding Dress Org | Boat Org | Signal Org | Cell Phone Org | Bulldozer Org | SamuraiDoll Org | Copy Org | Freezer Org | Vacuum Cleaner Org | Bus Org | Clock Org | Glasses Org | Bike Org | Human Body Specimen Org | Lawnmower Org | Chimera Org | Karaoke Org | Vase Org | Bowling Org | Tombstone Org | Charcoal Grill Org | Blacksmith Org | Magic-Flute Org | Juggling Org | Animal Tamer Org | Monitor Org | Tinplate Org | Kurushimemasu Org | New Year's Org | Steam Engine Org

Cooyranger | Shaderanger
