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Bluster is the main antagonist in Care Bears: Unlock the Magic. He is the leader of the Bad Crowd.

He was voiced by Jason LaShea, who also voiced Andrealphus in Helluva Boss.




Tall and lanky, Bluster is dark purple with a zig-zag pattern crossing his body. He has one tooth protruding from his upper lip and wears a short black leather jacket.


Bluster made an agreement with the "Elder Care Bears" that he would leave The Silver Lining and the bears would leave him alone, but he quickly broke this deal, hence why he hates caring and the Care Bears. Bluster at first became nice and caring when Malcolm drained all his badness out of him in the episode "The Ultimate Bad Seed", but later on got it back at the end.


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Care-Bears-Logo Villains

Dark Heart | Dim and Dum | Gummy and Rumble | Rat King | Evil Spirit | Vizier | The Wizard of Wonderland

1980's series
Auntie Freeze | Beast of Boredom | Beastly | Professor Coldheart | Cloud Worm | Dr. Fright | Frostbite | Green Creature Slaves | No Heart | Shadows | Shreeky | Sour Sam | Strato Nefarious | The Bull

2000's series
Grizzle | Mr. Beaks | New-B | Sergeant Rocketbottom | Sir Funnybone | Phido, Cleon and Bidel | UR-2 | Windle

2010's series
Beasties | King Beastly | Bluster | Bad Crowd
