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Villains Wiki

Before Oz[]

Bob Rebadow is a character in the HBO Series Oz. He is an architect imprisoned for murder after a a client ripped up his designs and threw them in his face. He was sentenced to death but was saved by the blackout of 65 and his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. He is the oldest inmate and despite his crime  is generally a kind man. Reabdow also claims he can talk to God, The accuracy of this claim remains ambigious.

In Oz[]

Rebadow is the only inmate to treat Tobias Beecher decently on his first day in Oz and the two become friendly. Rebadow tries to help Beecher expose the truth about the set up on Jefferson Keane and for his troubles he is sent to the hole by crooked guards. He is also robbed by Kenny Wangler for no apparent reason.

When Agamemnon Busmalis comes to Oz he and Rebadow develop a friendship and begin planning to dig their way out of Oz. Rebadow offers to let Augustus Hill join in but Hill declines. Rebadow learns his grandson Alex Jr is Dying. His dying wish is to go to Disneyworld but Rebadow's family Don 't have the money so the inmates and staff team up to help raise it. Rebadow is grateful for the gesture but doesn't want Alex knowing where it came from as he is ashamed.

Mark Mack and another Aryan force Rebadow and Busmalis to change pods so they can use their tunnel to escape. However Rebadow neglects to tell Mack he and Busmalis loosen the support beems and he and his friend die when the tunnel collapses.

Despite CO Karl Metzger who is an Aryan sympathizer wanting to punish them Emerald City's Unit Manager Tim McManus lets then off When Rebadow claims Busmalis was coerced into digging the tunnel by Mack.

When Rebadow learns he had diabetes he realizes his own mortality and requests a visit from his son and Grandson  both of who he never knew and were unaware of his existence.

Rebadow is also questioned by Clayton Hughes about the circumstances surrounding his father's death. Rebadow honestly doesn't know and shows genuine sympathy but Clayton doesn't believe him and tried to assault him, forcing Father Mukada to intervene.

Rebadow is coerced by by Enrique Morales to Murder Raoul Hernandez so he can take over the latinos. Instead of feeling remorse as he expected Rebadow is thrilled with the experience and tells Morales  he wants his protection so he can kill someone else which Morales agrees to. Rebadow then tries to Kill Busmalis in revenge for him not being involved in his escape attempt. Busmalis survives  and an exam of Rebadow reveals his recent behavior was caused by a brain tumor . Once the tumor is removed Rebadow returns to his old self and make a peace with Busmalis. He later convinces Warden Glynn to let Busmalis be married in prison.

When Alex's condition worsen Rebadow asks CO Dave Brass to buy a lottery ticket for him. Brass does but takes the money for himself and Alex dies, devastating Rebadow.

When McManus get a him a job in the library Rebadow falls in love with librarian Stella  Coffo and convinces  Busmalis to forgive Norma Clark for leaving him at the altar. His optimistic attitude doesn't last long when he discovers Stella has breast cancer and begins ignoring her. He tries to apologize and says he loves her. She explains she loves him too but not in a romantic way.


           Oz titlecard Villains

Main Characters
Tobias Beecher | Vernon Schillinger | Ryan O'Reily | Bob Rebadow | Kareem Said | Miguel Alvarez | Cyril O'Reily | Chris Keller | Simon Adebisi | Arnold "Poet" Jackson | Kenny Wangler | James Robson | Shirley Bellinger

Other Inmates
Mark Mack | Mark Miles | Scott Ross | Jaz Hoyt | Jim Burns | Robert Sippel | Jefferson Keane | Jackson Vahue | Junior Pierce | Malcolm Coyle | Supreme Allah | Mondo Browne | Leroy Tidd | Moses Deyell | Reggie Rawls | Timmy Kirk | Padraig Connolly | Seamus O'Reily | Nino Schibetta | Dino Ortolani | Peter Schibetta | Antonio Nappa | Carmen "Chico" Guerra | Raoul "El Cid" Hernandez | Carlo Ricardo | Enrique Morales | Carlos Martinez | Donald Groves | Richard L'Italien | Jiggy Walker | Guillaume Tarrant

Prison Staff
Leo Glynn | Lenny Burrano | Karl Metzger | Clayton Hughes | Claire Howell | Martin Querns

James Devlin | Heinrick Schillinger | Hank Schillinger
