“ | This is Boggis, Bunce and Bean, three of the meanest, nastiest, ugliest farmers in the history of this valley. | „ |
~ Badger to Mr. Fox about the farmers. |
“ | Boggis, Bunce and Bean. One fat, one short, one lean. These horrible crooks, so different in looks, were nonetheless equally mean. | „ |
~ A popular children's song that reflects their nature. |
Walter "Walt" Boggis, Nathaniel "Nate" Bunce, and Franklin "Frank" Bean (collectively known as Boggis, Bunce and Bean) are the main antagonists of Roald Dahl's 1970 book Fantastic Mr. Fox and Wes Anderson's 2009 stop-motion animated film adaptation of the same name. After Mr. Fox steals from their farms, Bean calls a meeting between the three and plans to obliterate Mr. Fox and his family.
Boggis was voiced by Robin Hurlstone, Bunce was voiced by Hugo Guinness and Bean was voiced by the late Sir Michael Gambon, the latter of whom also played Jan Jarmokowski in The Beast Must Die, Albert Spica in The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, Lt. General Leland Zevo in Toys and Eddie Temple in Layer Cake.

“ | Walt Boggis is a chicken farmer, probably the most successful in the world. He weighs the same as a young rhinoceros. He eats three chickens every day for breakfast, lunch, supper, and dessert. That's twelve in total per diem. | „ |
~ Badger about Boggis. |
Walter Boggis tends to extremely hate Mr. Fox due to his constant theft of his chickens, which the foxes seem to like. His farm is the first in a three-stage plan by Mr. Fox to steal food for his family. The farm plan initially consists of a few aged beagles, whom Mr. Fox tranquilizes with blueberries laced with sleeping powder. He and his accomplice Kylie are then confronted by an electric fence, a security measure missed in the heist plan. Fortunately for them, an opening to a closer chicken farm is available, allowing the two thieves to succeed in their plan, despite triggering an alarm. No sooner do they leave (via climbing up the still-active electric fence) does Boggis arrive, armed with a shotgun and two employees. He only finds his unconscious beagles and a single blueberry, which knocks him unconscious after eating it.

“ | Nate Bunce is a duck and goose farmer. He's approximately the size of a pot-bellied dwarf, and his chin would be underwater in the shallow end of any swimming pool on the planet. His food is homemade donuts with smashed-up goose livers injected into them. | „ |
~ Badger about Bunce. |
Nathaniel Bunce has heartburn, possibly because of the goose livers, which gives him a horrible temper, meaning he is constantly angry. After stealing chicken livestock from Boggis' farm, Mr. Fox and Kylie journey to Bunce's farm, where despite a series of security cameras tracking their every movement, they easily evade capture. This is due to Bunce completely ignoring the camera monitors and reading a magazine on the Alpine mountains. A considerable supply of frozen ducks and geese are stolen as a result.

“ | Frank Bean is a turkey and apple farmer. He invented his own species of each. He lives on a liquid diet of strong alcoholic cider which he makes from his apples. He's as skinny as a pencil, as smart as a whip, and possibly the scariest man currently living. | „ |
~ Badger about Bean. |
Franklin Bean never bathes or washes at all; with the result that he smells and his ears are all clogged up with wax and dirt and such things. Bean is the smartest of the three farmers, very cold and calculating. He always remains flat in his tone, but can lose his temper, when in such he would rage out of control and proceed to wreck anything within reach. He also possesses a certain degree of condescension for Boggis and Bunce upon meeting them, where he inquires as to their well-being, then continues without giving them a chance to reply. Bean is shown to be leader (make him the main antagonist in both book and movie) of the group as well as the most intimidating and dangerous of the trio.
Boggis, Bunce and Bean are incredibly wealthy and Mr. Fox has been stealing their livestock to provide food for his family. However, the farmers are tired of being outsmarted by Mr. Fox and attempt to ambush him at his home on a hill, only to shoot off his tail. The farmers try to dig them out first with shovels then shoveling machines, but Mr. Fox and his family dig further underground to escape them. Worse still, when their neighbors come to see what they're doing, they are immediately made a laughingstock of, but they refuse to give up and vow not to return to their farms until they have caught Mr. Fox. The farmers then decide to camp on the hill and starve Mr. Fox out. They also ask all the men on their farm to surround the very bottom of the hill, in case Mr. Fox finds a way out, so they can definitely capture and kill him (and possibly every last animal in the wood, according to Badger). Three days later, the fox family and the local animals are doomed to starve. However, Mr. Fox comes up with a plan to raid the farms with the help of the other animals, while the three farmers are still waiting at the hole. It's unknown what happened to them afterwards, but the narrator concludes: "And so as far as I know, they're still waiting."
While Mr. Fox wanted to buy a tree house that he found in his newspaper ad, he reports to his lawyer, Badger, who tries to convince him not to buy the tree, because Fox will be living in the most dangerous country, where the three wicked farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean live. As Badger explains about the three farmers and their traits (as well as playing the rhyme about them sung by the local human children), he states not to buy the tree, but Mr. Fox ignores his advice, and buys the tree anyway.
After Mr. fox and his family move to the tree, Mr. Fox and Kylie head over to Boggis' farm and raid his chicken house, while knocking out the guard dogs with drugged blueberries. Boggis heads over to kill the culprit, but gets knocked out himself when he finds a blueberry. The following night, Mr. Fox and Kylie head over to Bunce's refrigerated smokehouse and raid the frozen ducks and geese as they manage to elude capture, due to Bunce completely ignoring the security cameras. Mr. Fox and Kylie then head off to Bean's cider cellar with the help of Mr. Fox's nephew, Kristofferson. Upon entering, they are confronted by Bean's enforcer Rat and are almost caught by Bean's wife. However, they manage to steal the bottles of cider and escape.
Meanwhile, Bean calls in a meeting between Boggis and Bunce and they hatch a plan to ambush Mr. Fox at his home. Mr. Fox and Kylie exit the tree and the farmers open fire on them, but they only succeed in shooting off Foxy's tail. The three farmers then use shovels obtained by Petey on Bean's orders to dig out Mr. Fox and his family, but they manage to escape the trio by digging underground.
The next morning, the three farmers use backhoes, also obtained by Petey, to continue digging and the fox family dig further into the earth as the farmers destroy their tree. Bean then starts to wear Foxy's tail as a necktie and they explode the fox residence. After counting the total of farmhands, Bean contact Petey to assemble an army of their employees to starve the fox family out as they level the forest, forcing the local animals to hide.
Three days later, however, Foxy comes up with a plan to raid the farms with the help of the other animals and they rob them clean. This was done during a montage as Petey sings a song about Mr. Fox to the workers and other people assembled. When Bean asks Petey what he is singing, Petey states that he just made up a song, to which Bean responds by harshly criticizing his songwriting before flicking his cigarette onto him and leaving.
An enraged Bean is informed by Petey the next day about the incident and wrecks the trailer until he comes up with a plan to flood the animals with cider with help from the fire chief, while blocking the manhole with his station wagon. Meanwhile, Ash and Kristofferson sneak off to steal Foxy's tail back, but they are caught by Mrs. Bean. Ash escapes, but Kristofferson is captured and locked in an apple crate. Mr. Fox decides to surrender himself to the farmers, while Badger and the other animals search for Kristofferson, where they are confronted by Rat. Rat throws Bean's ransom note to Badger, but Ash reveals himself to be Mr. Fox's son and Rat attempts to kidnap him. Mrs. Fox tries to fight Rat, but is no match for him and Rat kidnaps Ash. However, Mr. Fox arrives in the nick of time and fights him before fatally electrocuting him, to which Rat finally reveals Kristofferson's whereabouts before dying.
Mr. Fox comes up with a plan to rescue Kristofferson and sends a letter of surrender to the farmers. Bean assembles an ambush, but Foxy and his friends launch an attack on the snipers. Mrs. Fox concocts an explosion to distract the farmers, while Foxy, Kylie and Ash steal a motorbike to head to Bean's farm and rescue Kristofferson. Foxy distracts the rabid guard dog, Spitz, while Kylie and Ash head off to save Kristofferson.
After rescuing Kristofferson, Foxy and his friends try to escape the farm, but are confronted by the farmers and their employees. Foxy condemns the farmers for their crimes and demands them to give his tail back, but the farmers open fire upon them. Ash heads out and courageously dodges the farmers' gunfire before he manages to unleash Spitz upon the farmers. The rabid beagle rips Foxy's tail off Bean and viciously tears it, forcing the three farmers to go above ground, while Foxy and his friends manage to escape with his tail. While Spitz is jumping at the farmers, Bean contacts Petey and requests him to bring them a ladder.
Three days later, the trio decide to wait at the manhole for Mr. Fox to come out, as they are convinced that he could not survive in the sewers, while Foxy and his family head over to their international supermarket and feast on their products.
“ | Give me that! | „ |
~ Boggis grabbing his rifle from one of his employees to kill Mr. Fox before eating a drugged blueberry and falling unconscious. |
“ | Mrs. Bean: How many jars should I bring up, Franklin? Bean: I don't know. Two, I guess. Mrs. Bean: You drank three yesterday, though. Bean: Alright, take three. [Mrs. Bean grabs a bottle of cider, stalls, then puts it back.] Mrs. Bean: Nope, two's plenty. |
„ |
~ Bean demanding his wife to bring him bottles of cider. |
“ | Bean: It's so good of you to come. Lovely to see you. You're both looking splendid. How've you been, Walter? In good health, I trust. Boggis: [stammers.] Bean: Nathan, all's well? Bunce: Uh... Bean: Wonderful. Any fox problems? Boggis: Are you joking? Bunce: It's horrible. Boggis: It's miserable. Bunce: He's laughing at us. Boggis: It's humiliating. Bunce: We're furious. Boggis: I don't even want to talk about it. Bean: Perhaps we ought to kill him. Boggis: Well, that seems rather obvious. Bunce: He's too sneaky. Bean: Ah, right. Of course. He's very clever, isn't he? Might be a bit difficult, I suppose. [Bean rises from his chair, shoots out five lights and turns on his flashlight.] But I've already figured out where this fox lives and tomorrow night, we're gonna camp in the bushes, wait for him to come out of the hole in his tree, and shoot the cuss to smithereens. How's that grab you, fellas? Boggis and Bunce: Yeah. Well, let's see. Why not? |
„ |
~ Bean arranging a meeting with Boggis and Bunce to kill Mr. Fox. |
“ | Mr. Fox: Nice job covering for me. Next time, you... [Mr. Fox hears a twig snap and listens to his surroundings. Mr. Fox sniffs the sent of all three farmers.] Mr. Fox: All three! Bean: Kill him! [The three farmers open fire on Mr. Fox and Kylie and they retreat back into the treehouse. The farmers stop firing and Bean picks up Mr. Fox's severed tail.] Bean: We got the tail, but we missed the fox. [Bean picks up his transceiver and contacts Petey.] Petey, sorry to wake you. I can trouble you to dash out here with, shall we say, three shovels, two-pick axes, 500 rounds of ammunition and, uh... a bottle of apple cider. |
„ |
~ The three farmers ambushing Mr. Fox and planning to dig him out with shovels. |
“ | Petey, listen. Run down to the rentals department over at Malloy Consolidated and place and order for, shall we say, one Mighty Max, one Junior Spitfire, and a long-range Tornado 375 Turbo. For immediate delivery. | „ |
~ Bean contacting Petey to deliver them backhoes to dig further underground to kill Mr. Fox. |
“ | Dan Peabody: Farmer, thank you. Correct me if I am misreading the data. You've successfully destroyed the scenery, but the alleged fox... Bean's son: [chuckles.] Look at Dad's tie. Dan Peabody: What will you three prominent farmers do now? Bean: Well, Dan, I can tell you what we're not going to do: We're not gonna let him go. |
„ |
~ Bean being interviewed by Dan Peabody on the news. |
“ | [Doug arranges explosives around the demolished treehouse residence and runs back.] Doug: Stand clear, please. Stand clear, everyone. Contact! [Doug explodes the crater and the farmers head over to the scene, only to find out that Mr. Fox has thwarted them again by digging further underground.] Bean: Boggis, how many men did you got working at your farm? Boggis: 35. Bean: Bunce? Bunce: 36. Bean: And I've got 37. That's... [Bean mumbles.] I'd say 108 all together. [Bean flicks his cup away and contacts Petey.] Petey! Drop everything and assemble all 108 members of our entire three combined work-forces. We're gonna starve them out and then kill them. Starting in, er... shall we say, fifteen minutes. |
„ |
~ The three farmers exploding the fox residence and arranging a plan to starve the fox family out. |
“ | Bunce: How long can a fox go without food or water? Kylie: Well, I can only answer as an opossum, but I don't think I can last another couple of hours before I get completely dehydrated and starved to death. |
„ |
~ Bunce asking the audience how long Mr. Fox can survive without food or water. |
“ | Bean: What are you singing, Petey?! Petey: Just... just making up one as I went along, really. Bean: That's just weak song-writing! You wrote a bad song, Petey! |
„ |
~ Bean criticizing Petey for his song-writing. |
“ | Bean: They took everything?! Let me call you back, Petey. [Bean hangs up the phone.] Boggis: Well, they could be anywhere by now. Bunce: They're digging right under our feet. Boggis: Well, in a sense, we've only made matters worse. Bunce: We should have stayed out of it. [Bean wrecks the trailer and stops as he notices his cider machine.] Bean: I've got an idea. |
„ |
~ Bean flying into a rage after finding out that Mr. Fox robbed them clean and coming up with a plan to drown them in a flood of cider. |
“ | Bean: Okay, chief. Fire chief: Here we go. |
„ |
~ Bean ordering a group of firefighters to flood the flint mine with cider. |
“ | Wrap this wet little mutt in a newspaper and put him in a box with some holes punched in the top. | „ |
~ Bean telling his wife to lock up Kristofferson after capturing him. |
“ | Mr. Fox, we have your son. If you ever want to see him alive again, get the cuss over her on the ASAP. Nobody's going to get hurt. | „ |
~ The three farmers sending Mr. Fox a ransom letter, whilst mistaking Kristofferson for his son. |
“ | Mr. Fox: Dear farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean, I have no alternative but to agree to your terms. Move the station wagon and open the manhole cover below the foot of the drainpipe next to the cobbler's shop and meet me there today at 10 a.m. sharp. I will hand myself over to you in exchange for the boy's safe return. Cordially, Mr. Fox Bean: Why'd he write this in letters cut out of magazines? Boggis: I don't know, but you did the same thing. Bean: I don't trust this guy. Anyway, set up the ambush. |
„ |
~ Bean ordering Petey to arrange an ambush for Mr. Fox after receiving a letter from him demanding them to release Kristofferson in exchange for his supposed surrender. |
“ | Mr. Fox: Did you bring the boy? Bean: Of course, we did. Say something, kid. [Bunce plays a recording saying "Excuse me! Excuse me?".] Mr. Fox: Come on. That doesn't sound anything like him. It's amateur night in Dixie. [Badger lights a pinecone and Bean notices smoke coming from the sewer.] Bean: What the cuss is he burning? [The pinecone is launched into a nearby dustbin and the farmers laugh as a man extinguishes the flames.] Bean: Is that all you got, Mr. Fox? [A hoard of pinecones is launched onto the snipers and the farmers run about screaming as they are lit on fire.] Mole: 28 pinecones fired. 22 targets hit. [Mrs. Fox maps the targets on her painting.] Mole: Decoy phase, go! Rabbit: Yes, sir! [mumbles.] [Rabbit heads out of the sewers followed by several other woodland creatures as they distract the farmhands, while throwing pinecones at them and dodging their gunfire.] Bean's son: D-Dad's on fire! [A livestream shows Bean still frantically trying to extinguish the flames on his shoulders.] |
„ |
~ The three farmers getting attacked by Mr. Fox and his friends as a distraction for him and Kylie to head to Bean's farm and rescue Kristofferson. |
“ | Red: I've got a fox on a motorcycle with a littler fox and uh... what looks like to be an opossum on the sidecar riding north on farm lane 7. Does that sound like anything to anybody? Bean: Red, it's Franklin Bean! Turn around, get the cuss back here and pick us up on the ASAP! |
„ |
~ Bean ordering Red to pick them up after receiving news of Mr. Fox, Kylie and Ash heading to his farm. |
“ | Mr. Fox: He's wearing it. [sure enough, Bean is wearing Mr. Fox's tail as a necktie.] Mr. Fox: Your tractors uprooted my tree, your posse hunted my family, your gunmen kidnapped my nephew, your rat insulted my wife, and you shot off my tail! I'm not leaving here without that necktie! Bean: KILL HIM! [The farmers and their employees open fire at Mr. Fox and his friends and they duck down behind a stack of crates.] |
„ |
~ Bean ordering his men to shoot at Mr. Fox after hearing his speech condemning them for their actions. |
“ | Petey, bring us a ladder, please. | „ |
~ Bean contacting Petey to bring them a ladder after being defeated by Mr. Fox, whilst being cornered by Spitz. |
“ | Dan Peabody: These three, in this reporter's opinion, obsessed farmers remain convinced the fox in question will eventually reappear. Why? Boggis: Because foxes aren't meant to live in a sewer. Bunce: They're refugees. Boggis: All they have to eat down there is... Bunce: Trash! Bean: And not much else. Dan Peabody: Uh-huh. Thank you, farmers. For Action Twelve, this is Dan Peabody. |
„ |
~ The three farmers waiting at the manhole for Mr. Fox to emerge from the sewers. |
- In the book, Bean's servant was named Mabel. However, she was replaced by Petey in the film.
- Boggis never had a mustache in the book.
- In the film, Bean actually had Rat as his enforcer. However, Rat was simply a scavenger living in his cellar in the book.
- His wife's name is revealed to be "Evelyn" in the book.
- Bean never had a son in the book.
- Originally, Bean was supposed to hold Kristofferson hostage and hold him out to his henchmen as Kristofferson struggles to free himself.
- The film's trailer depicts the three farmers trying to dig Mr. Fox and the other animals out from underground. This never happens in the film, where the farmers try to dig Mr. Fox and his family out of their tree with shovels and then with backhoes. It is unknown if this was a deleted scene or if this was animated differently to make a point about how dangerous and threatening the farmers were.
- In a McDonald's commercial, Boggis is seen guarding his chicken houses with a pitchfork and constantly being thwarted by Mr. Fox, Ash, Kristofferson and Agnes as they throw acorns to distract him, while raiding his farm, which ends with him being knocked out with a slapstick and the four foxes escaping with his chickens.
- In the iPhone app game, the main plot involves the three farmers capturing Kristofferson, prompting Mr. Fox to embark on a quest to rescue his nephew, whilst avoiding the farmers' deadly traps and medicated blueberries.