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“ | My first experiment was a complete success! And for my next trick, I'll make the entire country of Japan disappear. | „ |
~ Boomerang Kuwanger explaining his goals with the tower he used to destroy a town, having found his old days in the Maverick Hunters boring. |
Boomerang Kuwanger is a minor supporting antagonist in Yoshihiro Iwamoto's Mega Man X manga.
Mega Man X, chapter 11[]
As X was riding on his bike, he witnesses a tower blast out of the ground, tearing through the ground with buildings sent flying out and civilians getting vaporized. X decides to rush towards the tower to try and prevent further casualties. As X reaches the control room, Boomerang Kuwanger strikes him with a boomerang cutter. It is here that Boomerang Kuwanger was taking the charge of the tower that destroyed the town and is intending to subject all of Japan to this as well, having taken this up out of boredom of his days as a Maverick Hunter.
X is outraged by what his former comrade has done and planned to do as he gets pulverized by the traitor. X attempts to dash far enough to counter the former ally's attacks, but Kuwanger makes an attempt to decapitate him, like the reploids he decapitated before. X decides to repeatedly fire at him but misses thanks to the fast speed of his opponent who taunts him as he will never be able to save Japan in time. As the fight continues, the lights of the weapon get lit up in order to for it to destroy Japan. Just then, X blasts through a portion of Boomerang Kuwanger's body and hits the core in the ceiling, leading to a chain reaction that starts destroying the control room.
With his buster split, X uses a full charge to blast at the core again. It is here that X learns that Boomerang Kuwanger placed a force field that kept X from stopping the charge cycle. X jabs Boomerang Kuwanger with a high voltage wire to stop Japan's destruction. The traitorous former hunter arrogantly explains that it was enough energy to destroy the whole country. X proceeds to use the energy to power his buster enough to destroy the tower before it can launch its next attack despite Boomerang Kuwanger's protests as he dies with his weapon.
Mega Man X3, chapter 10[]
Having been restored to life by his brother Gravity Beetle, Boomerang Kuwanger seeks revenge on X for killing him and stopping his plans to destroy Japan. Gravity Beetle warns X that killing him will take the captive Zero's life thanks to the sensor inside Gravity Beetle's horn. The contraption Zero was attached to Boomerang Kuwanger was programmed to transfer the latter's personality program into the former's body. Gravity Beetle tells X that it is either the town or Zero that will die. X tries to offer up his life, but Gravity Beetle refuses and breaks X's right arm joint as he intends to make X watch the town's destruction.
X makes an attempt to disconnect Zero from Boomerang Kuwanger, but the latter cuts around X's right eye as he can still fight, even when disabled. Gravity Beetle proceeds to pummel X as he shows him the town getting destroyed. When X's buster gets hit with the Gravity Bomb, he proceeds to destroy Boomerang Kuwanger once again. Once Zero turns out to be safe, they leave a grieving Gravity Beetle behind as they depart.