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Oui, mon ami. Your distraction, though a bit extreme, was tres effective. Amid your trade-marked chaos, no-one will notice the absence of our prize. And in time, we will bring it into the Light.
~ The Brain to Klarion after obtaining a sample of Starro.

The Brain is a major antagonist in the first two seasons of the animated TV show Young Justice. It is as one of the high-ranking members of the Light, under the alias of L-6.

It was voiced by Corey Burton, who also voiced Brainiac in the DC Animated Universe, Megatron and Shockwave in Transformers: Animated, V.V. Argost in The Secret Saturdays, and Zeus in the God of War franchise. As L-6, it was voiced by Nolan North, who also voiced Frederick DeLamb in the same series, Black Mask and Penguin in the Arkhamverse, Dr. Branden Moses in Generator Rex, and David in The Last of Us.


Alpha Male[]

The Brain set its base in northern India where it used special collars on the local wildlife to mind-control them. The animals attack everyone who comes close to the base. He also uses his right-hand man, Gorilla Monsieur Mallah, to dispose of intruders.

When the Young Justice team, accompanied by Captain Marvel, arrive at India to investigate, the animals capture Captain Marvel and bring him to his base. There, he plans to extract Marvel's brain in order to learn his secrets and knowledge.

When he is alerted that the rest of the team is coming for Captain Marvel, he sends Mallah out to capture them as well. He continues to prepare for the brain extraction but is attacked by the tiger Shazam befriended earlier. The team then breaks through the wall into the operation chamber and Robin recognizes The Brain.

While the team fights Mallah, the Brain decides that the battle is lost. To escape, he deactivates the light inside the base and he and Mallah escape in the cover of darkness.


At the end of the episode, the Brain is revealed to be one of the leaders of the secret organization known as The Light. Which his Kobra-Venom was used to help the Injustice League, a proxy group to keep the Light hidden, with mutating plants into becoming plant creatures that attacked five cities at once.


At the end of the episode, the Brain is revealed to be the one who masterminded the global fraction of having the adult and child populations separated into two mirror worlds through Klarion the Witch Boy's machinations. All of which are a distraction to have the Riddler and Sportsmaster obtain a piece of Starro's remains from STAR Labs, thus building the Starro-Tech.



           Young-Justice-logo-png Villains

Amanda Waller | Atrocitus | Amazo | Anarky | Atomic Skull | Bane | Bizarro | Black Adam | Black Mask | The Batman Who Laughs | Brain | Brainiac | Brick | Calculator | Captain Boomerang | Captain Cold | Cheetah | Cheshire | Clayface | Cluemaster | Count Vertigo | Cyborg Superman | Darkseid | Dark Knights | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Despero | Doctor Double X | Doctor Glory | Doomsday | Female Furies | Fisherman | General Wade Eiling | Gorilla Grodd | Granny Goodness | Harm | Jason Todd | Joker | Harley Quinn | Killer Croc | Killer Frost | Kite Man | Klarion the Witch Boy | Lady Shiva | Lady Vic | League of Assassins | Lex Luthor | Lobo | Magpie | Major Force | Mammoth | Match | Mercy Graves | Mirror Master | Monsieur Mallah | Mickey Mxyzptlk | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Merlyn | Ocean Master | Owlman | Parademons | Plasmus | Poison Ivy | Queen Bee | Ra's al Ghul | Robin King | Sinestro | Solomon Grundy | Star Sapphire | Suicide Squad | Superboy-Prime | Talia al Ghul | Terra | The Mighty Endowed | Trickster | Two-Face | Zod

The Light (Vandal Savage, Lex Luthor, Black Manta, Queen Bee, Klarion the Witch Boy, Bad Samaritan, Ocean-Master, Brain) | Injustice League (Count Vertigo, Joker, Atomic Skull, Black Adam) | Black Beetle | Mongul | Lobo | Abra Kadabra | Amazo | Bane | Harm | Future Blue Beetle | Negotiator | Child | Mister Twister | Black Spider | Bedlam Syndicate | Psimon | Mammoth | Mr. Freeze | Blockbuster | Amanda Waller | Emerald Empress | Frederick DeLamb | Helga Jace | Granny Goodness | Ra's al Ghul | Deathstroke | Lady Shiva | General Zod | Lor-Zod | Ma'alefa'ak | Mantis | Darkseid | Desaad | Hugo Strange | Kalibak | Carol Ferris
