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Villains Wiki
Char jafar
Jafar says: Read my lips and come to grips with the reality!

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Oh, no problems! I promise. Tell the big boss that, will ya'?
~ Bram

Bram is a supporting antagonist of the video game Professor Layton and the Last Specter. He is the leader of Jean Descole's henchmen-trio, consisting of him, Ghent & Nordic.


Professor Layton, Luke and Emmy encountered Bram and his companions in Misthallery after they were ordered to beat them up by Levin Jakes. However, due to Emmys fighting skills, they were easily defeated.

Later, they met him alone again in the abandoned factory, when they were searching for the specter. After a battle of wits, he let them pass, disappeared and wasn't seen again.


Bram practices his muscles everyday and seems to be a narcissist for admiring them in the mirror every morning. However, intellectually he seems to be rather underexposed.

Powers and Abilities[]

Due to him being a professional bodybuilder, he is physically very strong. He also has advanced fighting skills.


           Professor Layton LogoVillains

The Family
Clive Dove | Dimitri Allen | Bostro | Lockjaw | Fisheye | Schmelmey & Shmarton | Splinters | Silky | Layman | Ward | Shmelmey | Shmarton | Goons

Leon Bronev | Swift | Emmeline "Emmy" Altava | Leonard Bloom | Gannet | Grouse | Plover

Jean Descole and his allies
Jean Descole | Raymond | Levin Jakes | Oswald Whistler | Masked Gentleman | Bram | Ghent & Nordic

Don Paolo | Anthony "Anton" Herzen | Bill Hawks | Voice of the Azran | Olivia Aldente | Story Teller | High Inquisitor Darklaw | Kira | Justin Lawson | Diane Makepeace | Keelan Makepeace | Zach Carrière | Goldie Potsby-Mahn | Roscoe Strapping | Gloria Blaise | Chico Careta | Mike de Bonair | Ernest Greeves | Rufus Alderbaran
