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Brenda Palacios is the secondary antagonist in the first season and a minor antagonist in the second season of the Netflix series Welcome To Eden.
She is a member of Eden tasked with carrying out the executions and is the right-hand woman to its leader, Astrid Bartos. However, Astrid killed her for failing to catch the person responsible for Ulises' murder.
She is portrayed by Claudia Trujillo.
Season 1[]
Brenda first appears during the Eden festival when she is tipped off by Alma that Judith, Zoa's best friend, accidentally witnessed Ulises torturing Fran for disobedience, telling her to take care of it. As Orson "comforts" Judith and starts kissing her, Brenda shows up and joins in for a threesome. The next morning, however, Judith wakes up and is suddenly kidnapped by Orson and he, alongside Brenda, corner her on a cliff. Judith pleads for her life, promising them that she didn't see anything, to no avail. Orson sprays her arm with blue paint, with Brenda proceeding to kill her by shooting her in the forehead, falling to her death in the process.
While Fran attempted to flee the island, she was caught by Eva, whom he tried to talk some sense into, only for Eva to tell on him instead. Although his death isn't shown onscreen, Brenda informs Astrid and Erick that the job was done. Eva was later rewarded for her loyalty afterwards. Meanwhile, Aldo, the only newcomer who was highly suspicious of the island, stole a buggy and wandered off attempting to escape, but Brenda stops him from doing so. Aldo blatantly tells her that he just wanted to explore the island, with Brenda sarcastically replying that he could've asked someone to show him around without stealing something that's not his.
During the farewell party, Aldo, still adamant on escaping the island, manages to sneak into a boat unnoticed and spends the night sleeping inside a storage room. Aldo wakes up the next morning and just as he reaches the deck, he is met by Brenda, who has him kneel to the ground and shoots him dead with her device.
After Nico takes Zoa to a cave, she is horrified to find Judith's dead body hidden there. It is later revealed that Astrid ordered this to Nico in an attempt to scare Zoa into submission, but this backfires as it only results in Zoa asking more questions concerning Eden's true nature. One night when everyone had to sleep in Module 1 due to a heavy storm, Astrid ordered Ulises to bring Zoa to her place for them to have a chat, with Brenda seen from a distance with her gun. Astrid and Erick reprimanded Zoa for not taking the chances she was offered and blamed her for indirectly causing Judith's death, as she was the one who encouraged her to go to the festival in the first place, even when she knew that the contract made it clear that she wasn't allowed to invite friends while showing the footage of her objecting to Judith being refused to attend. Brenda then approached Zoa and put the gun on her head, preparing to kill her. Nevertheless, Brenda at the last minute decides to spare her after Zoa promises that she will improve her behavior and that she had heard a term, "link" (a person who is supposed to keep the newcomers in Eden), from Aldo.
At África's suggestion, Astrid and Erick hosted a party to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Eden, with Erick giving a speech about Eden and his marriage to Astrid. The celebration abruptly ends when the screen changes to "Death to Astrid" after someone hacked into Mayka's computer. Enraged, Astrid summoned the entire council for a meeting, telling them that someone must pay for their actions regardless of their innoncence or culpability since Mayka couldn't trace the hacker. Ulises suggests Eloy as a scapegoat because of the fight they had previously, only for Orson to outright shoot him down after Astrid wants to know his opinion. Brenda then suggests Zoa (due to their previous encounter) as another scapegoat, but she is hopefully spared due to a majority of votes from Mayka, Erick, Astrid and Saúl against executing her while only Ulises, Orson and Brenda were the ones who agreed that Zoa should be punished. They eventually decide to make Claudia the scapegoat, as earlier Alma reported her to Astrid after refusing to give up pivotal information about Zoa's behavior. The next morning, Claudia is taken away by Orson and Brenda to the very same spot where Judith was murdered. Brenda asked Claudia who hacked the video; Claudia claims that she is the true culprit. Despite calling her bluff, Orson sprayed her arm in blue paint and Brenda killed her.
Season 2[]
Brenda plays a smaller role in the second season. After Astrid finds out that Ulises was murdered and his dead body is found, she and Orson put him in a floating boat along with his Level 3 access card, with Astrid mourning him and declaring that they'll find whoever killed him. Later on, Astrid, having grown disenchanted with Brenda's futile attempts to look into his death, decides to dispose of her. While she's testing some guns with Joel, the leader of a military team she hired to reinforce the island's security, she summons Brenda as she castigates her for not doing her job properly. Astrid tells her she'll give her one final chance to prove herself. However, as Brenda turns to leave, Astrid aims the gun at Brenda and shoots her. Realizing this, Brenda attempts to flee, but she is wounded by the gunshots and falls to the ground. Brenda sobbingly pleads for her life before Astrid delivers a final gunshot, killing Brenda in the process and ironically avenging Fran, Judith, Aldo, Claudia and others she killed before. Alma later takes over her old job, becoming as heartless and unempathetic as she was.
- Eden - Allies
- Astrid Bartos - Former Superior turned Enemy and Killer
- Erick
- Ulises Gracia †
- Orson Schnede
- Alma - Close Friend
- Nico †
- Eva
- Mayka
- Ibón Arregui †
- Zoa Rey - Attempted Victim
- Charly Escudero
- África López
- Aldo Roig † - Victim
- Judith † - Victim
- Claudia † - Victim
- Fran † - Enemy and Victim
- Because of her murders of Fran, Judith, Aldo, Claudia (and probably several others who tried to rebel), Brenda became one of the most hated characters on the show along with Ulises and Alma.
- Despite being hated, some fans felt that Brenda's death at the beginning of Season 2 was a bit rushed and much of an unfair punishment simply for failing to investigate who killed Ulises, especially as she's been nothing but loyal to Astrid for most of the time.
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