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Flames on the horizon, sulfur in the air! The wolves are at the door!
~ The Ancestor announcing Brigand Vvulf and his minions' arrival.

Brigand Vvulf is a major antagonist in the dark fantasy video game Darkest Dungeon.

He is the merciless leader of the brigands, a loosely organized army of murderers and thieves. Usually leading his men from the shadows, Vvulf had planned on an assault on the Hamlet, something he does in the "The Brigand Incursion" event.


Brigand Vvulf is a beast of a man, towering over most others in size alone. He wears ribbons on his arms, thick chainmail armor, spiked boots and a wolf's hide on his back, its head slumped over his shoulder. Vvulf wields a massive spiked shield into battle, protecting his men while throwing deadly bombs at his foes.


Ancestral Times[]

Vvulf was already an active threat to the safety of the Hamlet during the time the Ancestor ruled the estate. Nevertheless, there was a time where they came to a mutually beneficial agreement. Long after the Ancestor began to dabble into supernatural escapades, the excavations beneath his manor started to inspire tales of heresy among the local peasantry, leading to violent unrest that could not be quenched by the usual monetary bribery. Fearing a rebellion, the Ancestor hired some of Vvulf's men to restore order to the Hamlet, who complied in a fittingly forceful manner and even brought a massive cannon to terrify the people.

In the Ancestor's own words, the "noisome population of the Hamlet was culled to more manageable numbers" that day and he returned to his own pet project. His death only strengthened the Brigands' grip on the roads of the estate, and his Heir now has to deal with Vvulf's criminal empire while they attempt to reclaim the land.

Wolves at the Door[]

Brigand Incursion

The Brigand Incursion's town event image.

Brigand Vvulf himself is only encountered in the "Wolves at the Door" mission. The mission only appears randomly in the later stages of the game, requiring the Heir to have at least four LV5 heroes in their employ (LV6 being the highest level) and having been in the estate for over 40 weeks. It then has a 12% chance to occur, increasing by 3% every day that it doesn't. In the mission, Vvulf personally leads an army of brigands to attack the Hamlet in a violent display of power.

Once the Brigand Incursion happens, the Heir is forced to deal with the situation as ignoring the mission will result in Vvulf ravaging the Hamlet and destroying three random town upgrades, a costly price in the late-game. Embarking on the quest is the only way to prevent this from happening, regardless of whether the Heir is successful or not in defeating Vvulf. Similar to the Darkest Dungeon, fleeing the mission requires a random hero to sacrifice themselves to hold off the brigand hordes.

In the mission itself, by the time the Heir's heroes are ready to deal with the threat the attack was already in full swing. Buildings are burning and mid-collapse, screams fill the sky, and brigands of all kinds man every street and corner. Vvulf himself is located at the heart of the Hamlet, shield in hand and accompanied by barrels of explosives. Once the battle begins Vvulf will throw one bomb at one of the heroes, which will detonate and deal massive damage at the end of the turn unless the barrel of bombs is destroyed. Doing so diffuses the bomb, but Vvulf will immediately summon another barrel as soon as he is able to alongside brigand reinforcements he constantly brings into the battle.

Vvulf's death ends the invasion and causes the other brigands to flee for their lives, ending their threat to the Hamlet for the time being. Brigands are still encountered on the road, but they are not able to organize another invasion without a definitive leader to unite them.


  • "Wolves at the Door" is one of only three missions outside of the Darkest Dungeon itself to possess a threat rating of Darkest (LV6). The other two involve the final bosses of the Crimson Court and The Color of Madness DLCs, The Countess and The Sleeper, respectively.
  • As the "Wolves at the Door" mission is considered one of the most difficult in the game and the penalty for ignoring the mission can be dealt with by starting the mission and then forfeiting, it is a common practice to hire a new mercenary and then sacrifice them by sending them against Vvulf's brigands alone. This effectively stalls him until the Heir has a team strong enough to fight him.
  • Vvulf is the only boss in Darkest Dungeon to have a proper name, with all other bosses being referred to by their titles and basic descriptors.


DarkestDungeon Logo  Villains

The Antiquarian | The Grave Robber | The Highwayman | The Jester | The Plague Doctor

Darkest Dungeon
The Ancestor | Heart of Darkness | Brigands (Brigand Vvulf) | Undead (Necromancers, Drowned Crew) | Cultists (The Prophet) | The Hag's Coven (The Hag) | Swine (Swine King, The Flesh, Wilbur) | Pelagics (The Siren) | Crimson Court (The Countess, The Baron, The Viscount, Garden Guardian) | Husks (The Sleeper, The Miller, The Thing from the Stars) | The Shambler | The Collector | The Shrieker | The Fanatic

Darkest Dungeon II
The Scholar | Iron Crown | Cultists | Gaunts | Pillagers | Plague Eaters (Harvest Child) | Swinefolk (Wilbur) | The Fanatics (The Librarian) | Lost Battalion (Dreaming General) | Fisherfolk | The Leviathan | The Shambler | Death | The Grave Robber's Husband | Royal Advisors | The Prioress | The Torturer | Great Denier | Seething Sigh | Focused Fault | Ravenous Reach | Body of Work
