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Bro Strider is a minor antagonist in the webcomic Homestuck. He serves as Dave Strider's adopted brother and genetic father.


Early Life and Introduction[]

Not much is known about Bro's early life other than being born through ectobiology and also provided half of the DNA of both Dave and Rose, making them his genetic children. He was also shown to waited for Dave's meteor arrival at Dave's record ship holding a small pair of "outrageously awesome shades".

At the begining of Homestuck, Bro is shown to earn his income by running many "ironic" websites, including a paysite for implied pornographic material involving puppets which he earns thousands of dollars a month from.

Later when Dave looks for his Sburb copy to play, Bro wrote him a note telling him to meet him at the apartment rooftop for Dave to fight for the Sburb copy.

In his Strife, he blatantly outmatches Dave in both rounds 1 and 2  and  manages to not only dodge but counter most, if not all, of Dave's attacks, appearing to never get hit once while landing almost all of his attacks. Bro also shows a higher degree of speed, as he is able to not only predict but counter all of Dave's attacks ahead of time at one point, making it appear that he is fighting when it's really just an after-image that Dave battles while Bro waits on the sidelines.

Post-fight and entrance into medium[]

Bro helps Dave into the Medium by cutting open the meteor that was to hit Dave's apartment in half, allowing Dave's Cruxite egg to hatch, making he and Bro enter the Medium.

After Bro enters, he is seen taking on and presumably wrecking the shit of a massive tentacled underling. He later battles with Jack Noir after Jack slaughters The Armies of Light and Darkness and destroys the chain that attaches Prospit to its moon. They battle upon the giant Beat Mesa, and they seem almost matched in power. Dirk plunges his sword into the platform, causing it to crack. It is later revealed that he most likely attempted to initiate the scratch.

Why he's a bad person[]

It's obvious hes a physical abuser seeing as not only he tried to murder dave when he was a baby, he beats dave up on a day to day basis, and starves dave as hinted at by dave saying he has to hide food in his closet.


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The Felt
Lord English | Doc Scratch | Snowman | Caliborn

Black King | Black Queen | Jack Noir (B1) | Jack Noir (B2) | Jack Noir (Dead Session) | Draconian Dignitary | Courtyard Droll | Hegemonic Brute | Underlings
Midnight Crew
Spades Slick

The Condesce | The Handmaid | Grand Highblood | Imperial Drones | Vriska Serket | Gamzee Makara | Eridan Ampora | Kurloz Makara | Aranea Serket | Trizza Tethis | Soleil Twins | Nihkee Moolah | Chahut Maenad | Amisia Erdehn | Tirona Kasund | Lynera Skalbi | Elwurd | Ardata Carmia | Marvus Xoloto | Wanshi Adyata | Zebruh Codakk | Azdaja Knelax | Konyyl Okimaw | Lanque Bombyx | Remele Namaaq

Other Villains
Bro Strider | Insane Clown Posse | Guy Fieri | Calliope and Caliborn's father | Ultimate Dirk | Jane Crocker (Meat Timeline) | Jane Crocker (Candy Timeline)
