Bryce Adams is an antagonist in the 2005 Tekken spin-off game Tekken's Nina Williams in Death by Degrees. He is Lana Lei's bodyguard and boyfriend.
He was voiced by Lex Lang.
Even though he is seen watching Nina's cage match, his first major appearance was during Nina's fight with Lana's security guards, himself taking out the last one and aiming his guns at Nina. Bryce stands by as Lana and the swordsman Enrique Ortega discuss what to do with Nina and Bryce orders the guards to take her to her room.
Bryce later encounters Nina in the freezer room, having recovered the GPS device from John's body. He taunts and faces Nina but is ultimately bested by her and was forced to retreat.
Bryce appears again in a stage with spike walls and fights Nina again. Bryce tries to shoot her, but Nina manages to kick Bryce onto the spikes, impaling him. Bryce falls down and has a moment regarding the brightness of the sun before he dies.